Event Planning 1 Day Training in Guildford
Event Planning 1 Day Training in Exeter
crystal singing bowls, crystal singing bells, drums, gongs and frequency tubes. Adding in percussion instruments such as Koshi chimes, chime bars, rain-sticks, brass singing bowls, wahwah, shamanic rattles, waterfall shakers, omni drum, thunder tubes, rain column, aura chimes, tuning forks, wave drum and exploring the use of pyramids with sound.
Are you thinking about setting up a new business? Her Biz, the Women's Start-Up programme is returning to support aspiring female entrepreneurs in Kent.
Diode Laser 3-Wave Painless SHR Hair Removal Course
IPL - Intense Pulsed Light SHR Super-Fast Hair Removal & Photo-Rejuvenation (Level 4 Course)
Event Planning 1 Day Training in Northampton
Combined Radio Frequency and Lipo-Cavitation Course