tracy quaife theatre dance school
The principal Tracy Quaife opened the school in 1990 after a very successful
career as a professional dancer & singer, supporting many famous artists around
the world, in TV and in the Theatre. Exams are taken regularly, festivals and
competitions entered of which the pupils enthusiasm and dedication are rewarded
with many awards for both solo performances and groups, including qualifying for
the "All England Championships". The school also plays an active role in
supporting local charities and fund raising events for the community. Alongside
exams and festivals the school produces its Bi -annual show at the prestigious
Nottingham Playhouse to a full house. With a wealth of experience in TV, Cabaret
and Musical Theatre, Tracy encourages and guides pupils to enter the world of
professional entertainment, of which a high success rate has already been
achieved. However Miss Tracy's main aim is that all children who attend her
classes enjoy their dance in a happy environment gaining confidence and social