This Strategy Challenge workshop is designed to provide an opportunity for senior management teams to practice and develop their strategic thinking skills - individually and collectively. It gives a 'safe space' and uses examples designed to 'stretch the strategic thinking muscles'
Ensuring that you provide the level of service that your customers want to be delivered through your people. This programme develops the skills and behaviours that enhance the experience that your customers receive.
Being a leader can take you into vulnerable places - the unfamiliar, high expectations and high visibility, with everyone looking to you for guidance in the big moments. It is natural for doubts to creep in, including the echoes of past knock-backs, put-downs, pressures, stereotyping and internalised oppression.
Your Curriculum - Getting it Right! A whole day, whole school practical workshop to tackle Ofsted's "Quality of Education", "Curriculum Intent, Implementation & Impact". Exclusively for independent schools that are inspected by Ofsted.
This dynamic programme empowers attendees to enhance their emotional intelligence, forge meaningful connections in every interaction, engage in impactful coaching conversations, and cultivate resilience and psychological safety. Through interactive workshops, compelling discussions, and practical exercises, participants will acquire skills and insights necessary to foster a space for collaboration helping shape an environment of trust and openness in their professional and personal spaces
The half-day First Aid for Mental Health Awareness course provides a concise yet impactful overview of essential mental health concepts. Participants gain a foundational understanding of common mental health conditions, learn to recognize signs and symptoms, and explore effective communication strategies.