10 Soft Skills You Need 1 Day Training in Newport
Communication Skills 1 Day Training in Newport
Customer Service Essentials 1 Day Training in Newport
Learn simple breathing and vocal techniques to reduce stress and anxiety in the body, boost the immune system, and build connections for general wellbeing. We play with sound, rhythm and improvisation, learn close vocal harmony arrangements of different genres, and have loads of fun! Come and enjoy the incredible benefits singing in a group has on mental and physical health, and be part of this wonderful growing community. Everyone is welcome!
LOOKING FOR: ADULT FICTION / NON-FICTION Ciara McEllin is building her list as a Junior Agent at Watson Little. She reads widely across book club, upmarket and literary fiction. Within these areas, she is drawn to novels that examine family and relationship dynamics, sexuality, identity, and vulnerability. Ciara is keen to hear from writers who take a fresh approach to these themes, whether that be a new perspective on a traditional narrative or a focus on characters and voices that remain underrepresented: think Kairos by Jenny Erpenbeck, Asymmetry by Lisa Halliday or Monkey Grip by Helen Garner. She will always want to read beautifully written novels with a strong sense of place, tangible characters and an essence that stays with you – living deep in your bones – long after you’ve finished reading. Recent reads Ciara has enjoyed include: Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry, Enter Ghost by Isabella Hammad, Close to Home by Michael Magee, Siblings by Brigitte Reimann, Trespasses by Louise Kennedy, The Idiot by Elif Batuman, Highway Blue by Ailsa McFarlane and My Phantoms by Gwendoline Riley. At the moment Ciara is particularly eager to see: - Sexy, sensual and seductive stories that explore desire and sexual boundaries not often represented in literature such as Little Rabbit by Alyssa Songsiridej, Cleanness by Garth Greenwell and Mrs. S by K Patrick - An atmospheric and existential thriller in the vein of Intimacies by Katie Kitamura, In The Cut by Susanna Moore and Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead by Olga Tokarczuk - An intoxicating coming of-age-tale that captures the aliveness, intelligence and wildness of girlhood like Brutes by Dizz Tate, The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides and The Girls by Emma Cline - Books that are joyful or brutal, particularly those that are both, similar to Headshot by Rita Bullwinkel, Kick the Latch by Kathryn Scanlan and Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan - Stories exploring an Australia or Ireland that is rarely seen in literature for example A Loving, Faithful Animal by Josephine Rowe and Wild Houses by Colin Barrett In non-fiction, Ciara enjoys narrative, memoir and essay collections. She is interested in hearing from experts, academics, critics and journalists writing about society, culture and food, and excited by writers seeking to revise, reshape or revolutionise the conversation in their area of expertise. Some of her favourite non-fiction titles include How To Survive A Plague by David France, The Transgender Issue by Shon Faye, the Living Autobiography Series by Deborah Levy, Last Witnesses: Unchildlike Stories by Svetlana Alexievich, King Kong Theory by Virginie Despentes; and she particularly enjoys the work of M.F.K Fisher, Annie Ernaux, Natalia Ginsburg and Helen Garner. Ciara is not looking for Children’s, YA or Fantasy. Ciara would like you to submit a covering letter, 1 -2 page synopsis and the first 5,000 words of your completed manuscript in a single word document. (In addition to the paid sessions, Ciara is kindly offering one free session for low income/under-represented writers. Please email agent121@iaminprint.co.uk to apply, outlining your case for this option which is offered at the discretion of I Am In Print). By booking you understand you need to conduct an internet connection test with I Am In Print prior to the event. You also agree to email your material in one document to reach I Am In Print by the stated submission deadline and note that I Am In Print take no responsibility for the advice received during your agent meeting. The submission deadline is: Friday 14th March 2025
NATIONALLY RECOGNISED AND ACCREDITED FORENSIC SCIENCE COURSE Level Three (advanced), awarding 3 credits. DUAL ACCREDITATION: Awarding Body: Open College Network (OCN Credit4Learning) Awarding Body: CPD (21 CPD Points) A modular "hybrid" forensic science course - eLearning (online) theory and one full day classroom based practical training (Crime Scene Investigations). The practical day covers a wide range of CSI techniques with "hands-on" practical training. On completion awards an OCN Nationally Recognised and Accredited Certificate in Forensic Science. This course is additionally CPD Accredited and also awards 21 CPD points on completion. PART 1 - THEORY Complete this part of your course online (eLearning Course) in the comfort of your own home or workplace. Please allow approx. 6-8 hours to complete the elearning modules. You do not need to complete Part 1 in one single "sitting” and can log on/off as many times as you wish and when convenient to you. You must complete both parts 1 and 2 to successfully pass this course. PART 2 - CLASSROOM Attend your forensic science practical day in the classroom, covering a number of key CSI investigative processes and procedures. You will develop your crime scene investigator skills with "hands-on" training in a classroom environment at the training location you have selected. Please note that we will provide protective clothing (disposable aprons), goggles and gloves. As you will be participating in a range of forensic activities we would suggest you wear easy clothing, short-sleeved top and closed-toe shoes. You can complete Part 1 before or after comleting Part 2. DOWNLOAD A COURSE ITINERARY HERE Course Itinerary M01 - Overview and Historical Background: A look at definitions, historical perspective highlighting major forensic advancements covering since early times, the beginning of modern forensics including the advent of fingerprinting, toxicology and DNA, and how DNA solved the first case (a double murder). Understanding the services of Forensic Labs and the major disciplines. M02 - Observational Skills Crime Scene Investigation & Recording Examination of the crime scene, photography, videography, sketch recording principles, using a CAD package. M03 - Forensic Pathology Understanding the job role, working within hospitals, mortuaries, the pathological processes and manner of death. M04 - Forensic Anthropology How does forensic anthropology help forensic scientists? Using physical markers present on a skeleton to determine age, sex, stature, and race. Bone anatomy and stages of development from foetal to elderly individual. Differentiating male and female: skull, pelvis, femur and humerus. M05 - Forensic Entomology How entomologists determine time of death as well as advanced investigations involving abuse and neglect. The life cycle of the blowfly and environmental influences. Using insect gut DNA to help solve crimes. CS01 - Case Study - Forensic Entomology - The Jigsaw Murders M06 - Forensic Serology Understanding presumptive tests and confirmatory tests. Tests in detail - processes and methods with options for: Blood, Saliva, Semen, Urine. M07 - Using the Microscope Correct procedures for using the light microscope. A look at the electron microscope and scanning probe microscope and their applications in forensic science. Detailed process guide including mounting slides.
Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) treatments Nationally Recognised Qualification No previous experience or qualifications needed Open College Network Accreditation Level 4 (as required for minimally invasive procedures) Covers standards set by HEE Employed (salon) or Self-Employed opportunities Basic understanding of English language required OPEN TO ALL APPLICANTS
Learn the skills of a Crime Scene Investigator ... Explore the exciting world of the Forensic Investigator in this unforgettable interactive experience day. You will spend the day using real forensic methods and techniques to perform a range of established crime scene investigations. All investigations that you perform are "hands-on", giving you the opportunity to learn how these procedures work in real life. Your day will include: DRUG TESTING: Perform a drugs test! The suspect was carrying a small plastic bag of a white substance when arrested. He was known to police as a cocaine dealer. Was he carrying cocaine? Carry out chemical tests to establish if the white powder was cocaine? FINGERPRINTING: Learn how to lift and record fingerprints using the conventional dusting process to detect and preserve fingerprints. MICROSCOPY: Use a light microscope to forensically examine crime scene samples. Discover how to use different magnifying powers to optimise the results. FABRIC SAMPLE ANALYSIS: Compare samples collected at the crime scene and on the suspect to identify human hairs. SOIL ANALYSIS: Analyse soil samples collected from the crime scene and compare against soil recovered from the suspect's shoes. Identify which soil sample is common between both crime scene and suspect. Use chemical tests to confirm your results. TOOL MARK IDENTIFICATION: You have a known tool impression from the crime scene. Use forensic casting techniques to create clay impressions and compare with a range of tools recovered from the suspect's tool shed. Which tool did he use? BLOOD DETECTION: Blood-like stains were found at the crime scene. Before sending samples to the forensic lab we need to establish if they are blood samples. Use established forensic tests and procedures to identify blood spots and stains that may not be visible to the naked eye. DNA EXTRACTION: Perform an extraction procedure to extract DNA from samples provided. You will be able to see (and feel) actual DNA once you have completed the process! Awards a Certificate of Completion OPEN TO ALL APPLICANTS LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT THE U.K. AFTER THE COURSE … Understand the breadth of career opportunities available to you in nearly 100 specific disciplines of forensic science, including: Forensic Art Forensic Photography Wildlife Forensics Forensic Statistics Entomology Cypercrime and Cyper-IT Forensic Meteorology DNA analysis Counterfeiting & Forgery Casts & Impressions incl. tyres & shoes and many more! Appreciate the difference in roles between Forensic Scientist posts and Crime Scene Investigator posts. Understand that there are many forensic posts in niche areas that may benefit from existing transferrable skills (such as IT). Apply qualifications and skills acquired to parallel fields such as teaching. For a more detailed overview please see our "Opportunities in Forensic Science" guide.