Booking options
Delivered In-Person
4 hours
Beginner level
This course comprises two parts:
Part 1 - online (eLearning)
Part 2 - classroom
Part 2 consolidates on Parts 1 and delivers one full day of practical sessions (skill-set development) - PRP Harvesting and Treatment
Open College Network (OCN Credit4Learning) - Collegen Induction Therapy - PRP Treatment
A modular "hybrid" course - eLearning (online) theory and one full day classroom based course.
Complete this part of your course online (eLearning Course) in the comfort of your own home or workplace.
Please allow 1-2 full days (approx. 12-16 hours in total) to complete this part of your course.
You do not need to complete this part of the course in one "sitting". Do as little or as much as you wish. Each time you log again exactly where you can start where you left off!
You must complete Part 1 before attending Part 2 below.
Attend in the classroom at the training location that you have selected.
Your classroom tutor will recap on the essential parts of your online course after which you will begin your practical sessions learning and developing the skills required to harvest and use Platelet-Rich Plasma in your treatment plan.
Please make sure you verify the precise dates and timings of your course when you receive your booking confirmation, as it may vary from the information provided above.
Course Itinerary
A hybrid modular course awarding:
OCN Accredited Level Three Certificate (Advanced Level) 3 credits AND
GEOPACE Certificate (Collagen Induction Therapy - PRP Treatment)
Parts 1 (A & B) - online (eLearning) +
Part 2 - PRP Harvesting, Preparation & Treatment (one day)
Theory Sessions:
M01 – Course Overview
Learning outcomes, Understanding recommended guidelines (CPSA, HEE, NICE & WHO), Core Competencies (Domains 1, 2 & 3). National Occupational Standards
M02 – Qualifications – Levels & Thresholds
Understanding the range and applications of treatments at Levels 1 to 8. Equivalencies. Looking at each level and specific treatment types. Competencies at Level 4.
M03 – Culture & Diversity
Understanding culture and diversity within the context of a salon, including opportunities and challenges for aesthetic therapists. Diversity and inclusion. Principles of diversity.
M04 – History, Definitions and Roles
The origins of microneedling and development of PRP, evolution of treatments, types of equipment and range of applications. Historical perspective and modern day examples of PRP therapies.
M05 – Health & Safety & IPC
H&S legislation, Standard Precautions (for blood borne pathogens), Pathogen types, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Handwashing and Hygiene, Hazardous Waste Disposal (non-specific), Preventing Needlestick Injuries. A detailed look at viruses, bacteria and fungi. Handling clients with infectious conditions and infestations. Transmission modes. Sterilisation processes in the workplace, including autoclaves.
M06 – Regulatory Obligations
Pathways – employed, contracted and self-employed, Management of H&S at work, Local and national government laws and bylaws, DBS types, Record Keeping, Hazardous Waste Disposal (specific), Insurance and insurance types, Accident reporting, The Keogh Review, HEE guidelines, Professional bodies.
M07 – Professionalism & Effective Communication
Presenting a professional image, guidelines and recommendations. How to effectively communicate with your clients and colleagues, communication methods, communicating efficiently in consultation.
M08 – Consent
Understanding consent types and your client’s capacity to consent. The importance of valid consent. Consent frequency. Risk assessment. Storing consent documentation – looking at paper and digital/cloud. Consent and the law. Determining if consent is robust.
M09 – Environmental and Sustainable Work Practices
Sustainability in the workplace. Running an efficient salon (water efficiency, waste reduction, interior fittings). Advancements including digital options (clients and suppliers).
M10 – Anatomy & Physiology
A&P for collagen induction therapy. Veins, arteries and capillaries (phlebotomy overview). The integumentary system – structure and function. Microneedling – depths and penetration. The lymphatic system. The circulatory system. Skin as a defence barrier. Skin – functions and layers. Merkel cells, Langerhans Cells, Keratinocytes and Melanocytes. The epidermal-melanin unit. Fibroblasts and connective tissue. The effects of ageing. Skin changes over time. Skin rejuvenation including optimising cell function and increasing natural collagen. Inducing regenerative healing. The Fitzpatrick Scale. A detailed look at cell function, specifically melanocytes, keratinocytes and fibroblasts. Microneedling the skin, effects and collagen response. Wound healing – stages (haemostasis, inflammatory, proliferative and maturation). Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT). Topical applications to improve keratinocyte function. Topical applications to improve collagen synthesis.
M11 – Patient Management – Consultation & Examination
Pre-treatment and treatment consultations. Client Motives. Educating your client. Developing a consultation plan. Medical Records. Contraindications & Precautions – Relative and Absolute Contraindications in microneedling. Microneedling and anticoagulants. Side effects and treatment failure. Photo-documentation. Looking at and recording a detailed medical history. Client reviews. Health risks. Legalities.
M12 – Record Keeping
Key points and importance. Understanding how to retain records. Claims - Date of Discovery and Date of Knowledge.
M13 – Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) – Understanding the basics
Whole blood – composition. Platelets and growth factors (types and functions). What are platelets? Understanding platelet modes of action. Platelet Rich Plasma – preparation. PPP and PRP. PRP Activation and collagen response in vivo. Fibrin network formation. Dermal needle puncture - repair pathway. Examples of microneedling applications. Needle depths and facial skin thickness. Types of treatments – a case by case examination.
M14 – Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) – Harvesting and Preparation
Phlebotomy. Using correct needle size and anticoagulant. Understanding autologous treatment types with PRP. The treatment agent pathway. Whole blood processing. Harvesting good quality PRP - step by step procedure. Using a centrifuge. Centrifuge operation and management. Steps to minimise platelet trauma. First and second centrifuge processes. Understanding how a centrifuge works? Managing breakage and spillage.
M15 – PRP Treatment – putting it all together!
Client arrival, management, documentation, photography, examination, consultation, consent, treatment plan. Patient ID, where necessary. Referrals and when to refer. Seeking expert advice. Employment types – employed (PAYE), contracted, self-employed (freelance) - detailed look at each. Managing equipment and consumables. Compliancy. Pre-treatment guidance. Medications and drug conflicts. Preparing a treatment area. Preparing your client. Disinfecting the face. Applying numbing cream. Phlebotomy procedures.
Blood handling. Dermapen types and accessories. Treatment modes and actions. Selecting the correct needle depth. Applying PRP and microneedling. Managing pen depth and skin areas. Working within facial zones. Post treatment management. Waste management and correct waste disposal. Post treatment client management. Aftercare. Managing adverse effects. Managing post treatment client expectations. Treatment intervals. Post treatment checklists and patient aftercare guidelines.
Classroom Practical Sessions:
Practical Session 1: Equipment familiarisation - hands-on approach
Practical Session 2: Completing medical forms and consent forms
Practical Session 3: Preparing a treatment area
Practical Session 4: Using a centrifuge
Practical Session 5: Performing a microneedling facial treatment with PRP - model 1
Practical Session 6: Performing a microneedling facial treatment with PRP - model 2
Classroom Support Material:
Support material to complement Modules 1 – 15
Online Support Material:
Downloadable pdf files - support material to complement Modules 1 - 15
Demonstration Video
GEOPACE TRAINING has been delivering high class, award-...