The YMCA qualifications support every learner, whether they are taking their first steps into fitness or simply wish to boost their skills. Course Overview Through completion of this qualification, learners will develop an awareness of mental health and be able to signpost others to mainstream medical or alternative support organisations. The purpose of this qualification is to develop learners' understanding of mental health, mental ill health and the risks associated with mental health conditions. Learners will also learn about sources of support available to individuals with mental health conditions. Endorsed by the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA), this qualification can be used towards members' annual Continuous Professional Development (CPD) requirements. Enables learners to understand: • Mental health, mental ill health and mental health conditions • Attitudes to mental health • The importance of physical activity and exercise for mental health. Provides learners with knowledge of: • Risks associated with mental health conditions • Mainstream and alternative methods of supporting individuals with mental health conditions. Structure and Assessment: To achieve the YMCA Level 2 Award in Mental Health Awareness and Understanding Approaches to Support Individuals (603/7146/8), learners must successfully complete one unit. Entry Requirments Learners should be aged 16 plus No formal prerequisites, however it is recommended that learners hold YMCA Awards Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing or equivalent. Progression Routes This qualification doesn't provide automatic progression onto another YMCA Awards qualification, however it may provide progression opportunities on to qualifications related to careers in mental health, health and social care, counselling or psychology. Learners taking this qualification may also consider further training at the same and higher levels in a range of qualifications. For example: • YMCA Level 2 Award in Nutrition for Healthy Living (600/5269/7). • YMCA Level 2 Certificate in Gym Instructing (603/2767/4). • YMCA Level 2Certificate in Group Exercise Instructing (603/7154/7). • YMCA Level 2 Diploma in Exercise and Fitness Instructing (Coming soon). • YMCA Level 3 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (603/1902/1). • YMCA Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work (603/1903/3). • YMCA Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training (Practitioner) (603/2438/7). • YMCA Level 3 Diploma in Teaching Pilates (Practitioner) (603/3855/6). • YMCA Level 3 Diploma in Teaching Yoga (Practitioner) (603/3617/1). DURATION 29 Hours WHATS INCLUDED Course Material Case Study Experienced Lecturer Refreshments Certificate
Reiki level I Course, 1 day, in person, London SE24, with The Mind Body and Soul Coach Kathy Yvanovich
This one-day Suicide First Aid training course gives learners the knowledge and tools to understand that suicide is one of the most preventable deaths and some basic skills can help someone with thoughts of suicide stay safe from their thoughts and stay alive.
Birth Right Hypnobirthing is a full antenatal birth preparation course for pregnancy. Particularly useful for those who are scared of giving birth. Whether this is your first or tenth baby this information is essential. Whether you're looking for a natural birth or support for your caesarean birth this course will support you and give you the tools for the best birth for you.
Part 1, October 27th -29th, 2023 @ Clophill The Spiral continues – Four modules going around the cardinal directions West Direction – October 27th – 29th, 2023 With Leo Rutherford & Ruth Humming Ford Mother Earth – Life, Death and the Dance! This module is focussed on the Earth and our connection to everything physical – in other words, every-THING! This includes our own body which is our spirit's 'Vehicle of-Experience' for this life on earth. The shamanic path is about developing our personal sovereignty, our right to Real-ise our True Self. Our movement West is towards our fitness to navigate our way through this life and into the beyond. The shamans say that all sickness starts in the spiritand only later becomes physical. Using tools including shamanic journeying and dancing we will seek access to the beyond and to whatever healing is needed to bring us health and fitness both individually and collectively. Overcoming fear of death is a key to daring to live fully with heart. It is by committing to ourself that we will live fully, live to our best, put our whole self into whatever we have chosen to pursue…. that the most stunning results come to be achieved. And it is from that experience of daring to to go full-on that the greatest insight and development happens. Through Shamanic Journeying, ceremony, dance, we disappear into spirit, detaching from life’s ordinary challenges, able to let go and see through and past everyday issues to deeper patterns. We enter parallel realities where hidden patterns can be experienced and solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems can be accessed. 'Thank you very much for these past months & the journey round the wheel. I gained much from this and the group and it has been lovely to reconnect with you.... In deep appreciation of what you bring & gratitude for what these months have brought me. I do hope you will keep in touch.' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ October 27th -29th 10am – 6pm Saturday, 10am – 5pm Sunday At Clophill Centre, Shefford Road, Clophill, Beds MK45 4BT. Residence (not included, book separately) available at Clophill or local B&B/ AirB&B etc. Bring small share for light lunches. £215 standard, £180 supported, £235 gifting. Bkg Dep £50BACS Ruth Ford 59568986 / 60-83-71 or
Online courses in the shadow yoga preludes with recognised shadow yoga teacher
You may be progressing your Reiki journey from Reiki Practitioner Level II (Okuden), or you may find yourself, as a current Reiki Master Practitioner, drawn to the wonderful and pure frequency of Reiki that is possible with Holy Fire III. Start your Reiki Master Practitioner journey with Sensei Alison, Advanced Reiki Master and Teacher. Find out more about Alison, Reiki and the British Reiki Circle at:
Youth Options offers bespoke programmes of learning for children and young people (either 1:1 or in groups). Our aim is to support children and young people to feel inspired and capable to achieve something worthwhile, address issues they are facing, improve mental and physical wellbeing whilst appreciating the importance of the world we live in.
This course highlights the importance of funding from financial institutions to small and medium business enterprises to mitigate climate change and other carbon related issues.