A life without anxiety can be yours with our bespoke blend of clinical hypnotherapy and advanced NLP therapy techniques. Start with a free online Q&A session. Start enjoying a life free from anxiety
Learn how to support employees living with chronic health conditions and get answers to your workplace wellbeing questions from recognised experts in the field.
How to stay focued, organised and motivated in 2023
The Positive Psychology course to explore core values, shape a profound vision and create an actionable plan for your best life.
The sessions include an initial period of settling in, relaxing and focusing on the breath. Once the busy mind has quieted, there will be time to go deeper into the space of the heart, to be still and to listen inwardly to connect with ourselves and those around us. The Zoom details are the same each week. If you would like to be added to the Weekly Peace Meditation reminder list, fill out the form below. The weekly sessions are normally facilitated by Kathryn Bingham, yoga teacher and former Hamblin Team member. Some sessions will be led by astrologer Patricia Godden, Hamblin trustee Victoria Willson, and invited guest facilitators. These Weekly Peace Meditation sessions are free of charge, but donations are welcome to help us keep our events either free or low cost. Thank you so much for your generosity.
Exercise Pilates Yoga FREE Training
60 minute class covering topics of children's health and essential oils, example topics, colic, anxiety and worry and hyper activity.
I'd like to invite you to my workshop where we will be sharing the uses and benefits of using doTERRA essential oils for autism and sensory needs disorders, this workshop is not where we diagnose a treatment or cure for autism, we always recommend you to speak to a medical professional, but it is a workshop where we can learn, share and experience how customers and colleagues in our community have been using essential oils to support their children and themselves. You will learn how safe, and effective essential oils are and you will learn ideas that have been successfully used by both parents and children. We recognise and will discuss something we call 'triggers', example 'triggering' situations, a visit to the supermarket or getting dressed, a change to routine. How essential oils can be used daily as a routine and when to use them when there are signs of a 'trigger'. Also, suggestions that can help when full blow 'triggers' are happening, often referred to as 'meltdown'. Essential oils are not only supportive, but they are also empowering. If you would like to learn more, come along to my FREE workshop. Please note, this class is for my existing customers of our team and for those new to doTERRA essential oils. If you already have an account then please speak to those that introduced you to doTERRA about this topic and available workshops, if you aren't sure, then please reach out and I will try to help you. jackie.purpletrain@outlook.com