Safe Use & Pre-Use Inspection of Ladders & Steps
NPORS Quick Hitch Awareness (N034)
PUWER, LOLER and the Manual Handling Regulations Operations (1992) The anatomy of the spine About this event PUWER, LOLER and the Manual Handling Regulations Operations (1992) The anatomy of the spine How to risk assess using E.L.I.T.E safe principles The important of reducing risk and removing hazards Correct understanding of R.I.D.D.O.R How to choose and use the correct equipment safely Condemned and dangerous moves Practical skills – Chair moves, Slings, Slide sheets, Hoisting
The three-day FAW course is our most thorough First Aid course. It is designed for you if you are a nominated First Aider in a hazardous environment, such as a factory or a construction site, as well as providing you with complete training for any other work situation.
The First Aid at Work qualification is the most comprehensive of all our first aid qualifications, and covers a wide range of skills which can be used within a workplace first aid situation, including: assessing the scene, managing an unresponsive casualty, CPR, heart attacks, choking, head and spinal injuries, fractures, anaphylaxis, plus much more.
Awareness of Legislation including Health and Safety at Work Act, PUWER, LOLER, Manual Handling Regulations Operations (1992) About this event Awareness of Legislation including Health and Safety at Work Act, PUWER, LOLER, Manual Handling Regulations Operations (1992) Duties and Responsibilities of Employer and Employee Anatomy of Spine Risk Assessment using safe principles E.L.I.T.E Reducing risk and removing hazards Understanding R.I.D.D.O.R Safe use of correct equipment Knowledge of dangerous moves Ability Test Chair Moves to stand and chair to chair transfer Slings – inserting whilst in bed/in a wheelchair Hoist – bed to chair transfer
A defibrillator (AED) plays an essential part when attempting to save the life of someone who is in cardiac arrest. This training aims to provide the learner with the knowledge, confidence and skills to effectively use the this equipment in a safe and competent manner.
This course aims to provide managers and supervisors with a thorough understanding of the different aspects of health and safety in the workplace. With a focus on the role of supervision, learners on this course will develop the essential knowledge and understanding to enable them to discharge their health and safety responsibilities and ensure the safety of their workplace colleagues. The programme has a particular focus on: