If you have no intention of removing asbestos but work on buildings built or refurbished before the year 2000, asbestos could be present. You will need awareness training so you know how to avoid the risks. Asbestos awareness training should be given to employees whose work could foreseeably disturb the fabric of a building and expose them to asbestos or who supervise or influence the work. In particular, it should be given to those workers in the refurbishment, maintenance and allied trades where it is foreseeable that ACMs may become exposed during their work.
What the course covers: Roles and responsibilities of a first responder Medical emergencies Patient assessment Airway management Adult, child and infant CPR & AED usage Return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) procedures Emergency oxygen Traumatic and minor injuries External, internal and catastrophic bleeding Shock Poisoning and intoxicating substances Helmet removal Neck, spine and pelvic immobilisation Environmental exposure Burns and scalds
This course is for learners gain an awareness of the causes and effects and identify signs and symptoms of Epilepsy, lifestyle issues associated with Epilepsy and plan effective levels of care for people.
Recovery position Bleeding – causes, control measures and risk limitation Shock CPR Demonstration and practice D.R.S.A.B.C. Unconsciousness/ Recovery position Bleeding – causes, control measures and risk limitation Shock CPR Demonstration and practice D.R.S.A.B.C. Unconsciousness/head injuries Choking – responding effectively and practical demonstration
This course is for learners who support an individual with epilepsy who may require the administration of emergency medication. In addition to epilepsy awareness, this course includes the knowledge and skills along with competency sign-off for use of emergency medications.
BOHS P904 - Management and control in leisure, display, therapy and other non-industrial systems is there to provide background and an overview of the risk of Legionella infection and how it can be controlled in leisure, display, therapy and other non-industrial water systems. It is a requirement of this course that candidates have successfully completed P901- Legionella- Management and Control of Building Hot and Cold Water Services [Syllabus GM.1]. Where both P901 and P904 courses are run on subsequent days or as a combined course then this pre-requirement is waived.
Awareness of Legislation including Health and Safety at Work Act, PUWER, LOLER, Manual Handling Regulations Operations (1992) About this event Awareness of Legislation including Health and Safety at Work Act, PUWER, LOLER, Manual Handling Regulations Operations (1992) Duties and Responsibilities of Employer and Employee Anatomy of Spine Risk Assessment using safe principles E.L.I.T.E Reducing risk and removing hazards Understanding R.I.D.D.O.R Safe use of correct equipment Knowledge of dangerous moves Ability Test Chair Moves to stand and chair to chair transfer Slings – inserting whilst in bed/in a wheelchair Hoist – bed to chair transfer