Your professional image should reflect not only your business's social norms, but also allow you the freedom to express yourself as a person. Understand the five professional image strategies and what makes each one unique. Discover how a professional image also includes good grooming, upright posture, being punctual, word articulation, effective listening, reliability, responsiveness, respect, and courteousness. Learning Objectives Explain the importance of projecting a professional image, Implement five strategies for professional dressing, Demonstrate behaviors and characteristics of professionalism Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Implement areas that could use improvement, based on your service assessment. Courteous behavior determines how customers perceive the quality of your goods and services. Understand how to apply the customer care courtesy model that includes being right, ready, recommending solutions, and resolving problems. Discover how you can go beyond the basics of courtesy behaviors. Learning Objectives Complete a courtesy self-assessment, Explain the impact of courtesy on your bottom line, Implement a powerful Customer Care Courtesy Model Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Understand the four-stage personal leadership questioning process any external coach would use. Self-control is at the core of self-coaching. Understand how to set your goals, get help, implement your plan and celebrate your success at the end. We will show you how to implement self-control and impulse management techniques to stay on track. Learning Objectives Describe the four stages of self-coaching, Resolve balanced dilemmas, Apply 20 techniques for learning self-control Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Credibility can make the difference between winning or losing customers and winning or losing your job. But exactly what is it, and how do you get it? You will understand the two dimensions of credibility, trustworthiness and expertise. We will show you steps for building credibility in any situation and implement the disciplines of credibility. Learning Objectives Explain why credibility is the core of effective leadership, Apply steps for gaining and maintaining credibility, Describe three ways to restore damaged credibility Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Personal accountability is about taking control of your life to achieve the outcomes you want by design, not by default. Understand the difference between the victim and victor and apply the four stages of the victim or victor cycle to keep your team accountable. Understand why collaboration will be vital throughout the four stages when others accountable. Learning Objectives Define personal accountability, Describe the four stages of the Victim Cycle, Implement the four stages of accountability Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Understand why fear, habit, laziness and perfectionism are four personal obstacles to action and how to manage this. Fear is the biggest obstacle and we will show you how to get rid of fear by following 7 steps. You will learn how to convert obstacles into opportunities. Learning Objectives Describe four common internal obstacles to action, Identify the symptoms of fear, Explain two types of external workplace obstacles, Implement 10 tips for turning obstacles into opportunities Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Some situations foster greater confidence than others. Success and failure are not events, but self-fulfilling tendencies. The core of confidence is competence. When you know what you're doing and have the skills necessary to execute a plan of action, confidence naturally builds. Discover five ways to identify your strengths and four ways to develop strengths. Learning Objectives Describe how confidence builds rapport, Identify your strengths, Implement four ways to develop your strengths confidence, Summarize strategies for managing weaknesses Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Poor hiring practices shows up in both the bottom line and in hidden costs. A focused and organized recruitment strategy begins with a checklist of items to guide the hiring process and we will show you how to write effective job descriptions. We will help you to understand why interviews, reference checks and testing are critical in the hiring process. Learning Objectives Describe elements of effective hiring using a checklist,Write an effective job description, Implement guidelines for conducting an interview Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Arguments are used to persuade and contain a claim and conclusion and explanations are used to increase understanding by finding the best reasoned answer through a learning process. Understand the four steps for optimal understanding and how to use questioning to increase your level of understanding. Discover the power of reflection as it will help you to make the correct decisions. Learning Objectives Explain the difference between arguments and explanations, Apply four steps to optimal understanding Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Compliments are verbal or written expressions of admiration, praise, recognition, honor, congratulations, affection, or encouragement. An empowered compliment is an expression of appreciation that can cultivate confidence and creative contributions for both the sender and receiver. Benefit from our steps to deliver an empowered compliment. We will also show you the importance of acknowledging a compliment when one is offered. Learning Objectives Explain the benefits of compliments, Effectively receive a compliment, Write an empowered Thank You note Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams