Move resource Change is an inevitable part of life. Nothing remains static and the way we respond to change varies from individual to individual. Approximately one half of the population resists it, while the other half welcomes it. This course examines the change management process and the ways in which an understanding of the causes of resistance can be turned to positive advantage in meeting organisational objectives.
Transforming leadership is about leaders having a transforming approach to their work and lives. They operate from a set of core beliefs about people that when displayed and operated upon, motivate them to perform effectively and contribute to the development of the organisation. This transforming approach simultaneously impacts the personal development and corporate productivity of all involved. This course explores seven key areas to help you become more effective as a leader.
To achieve optimum performance and long-term success all organisations have to respond and adapt to the external environment. Similarly, all job specifications within an organisation are conditioned by the plans that need to be followed in order to change. This course addresses the ability you require in having the knowledge and understanding of your organisation’s objectives, strategies and plans as well as your knowledge of the external environment in relation to political, social, financial and market competitive forces that affect your organisation.
Personal character is the sum of your moral and ethical qualities. It is these same qualities that provide the foundation for your working relationships. This course helps you to reflect on your work behaviour and how this manifests itself in terms of integrity. Without this it is impossible to lead and manage a team with any degree of lasting success. Nor is it possible to survive in an organisation, which is not dedicated to ethical relationships.
Managers and leaders use power every day, many feel reluctant to use it or even to admit that it is part of their job. However, using power effectively is an important skill and by developing influencing techniques can lead to increased effectiveness in a team. This course describes the sources of power and strategies and assesses your abilities in line with these. Power should contribute to organisational goals, respect human rights and conform to standards of equality and justice.
Much of what you achieve will depend on your ability to persuade other people. In many respects, persuasion is the highest form of communication. This course looks at the ability of persuasion and negotiation in producing successful outcomes and the skill required in moving towards a convergence of opinion and understanding. Like much of leadership, negotiation depends on your attitudes in approach, as well as your ability to devote time to planning.
Wellness is not a new concept. The ancient Greeks believed that a truly healthy person possessed a keen intellect, a well-developed will and a disciplined body. Their ideal of arete, meaning excellence of any kind, was considered a noble state of human functioning, representing the merging of body, mind and spirit. Today there is a strong emphasis on wellness and this course focuses on making you aware of and making choices towards a more successful life.
Your ability to think is probably your greatest asset at work. Everything you say and do will be touched in some way by what is going on in your mind. Most certainly, performance and achievements are a direct function of your thinking abilities. This course looks at the skills of mental agility, conceptual and analytical thinking. Together, these skills allow you to conceive and form ideas in a practical sense and draw the right conclusions.
Time, like capital or human skills, is a resource that has to be managed effectively. It is also a limited resource. This course looks at your ability to manage job objectives, priorities and activities within the available time. Effective time management is critical when time is at a premium and workloads are on the increase. In essence, the aim is to achieve the right things, at the right quality, at the right time.
After completing this course, participants will be able to: Contrast the difference between types of Electric Vehicles (EV) including Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV), Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV) and Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV). Describe the various commercial and industrial EV in the marketplace and their charging equipment requirements. Demonstrate awareness of the various terminologies used throughout the EV industry to describe equipment supplying energy to charge EV. Describe the difference between AC Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE), DC charging equipment, and wireless EV charging. Explain the benefits of conducting a site assessment and what should be considered when installing Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment (EVCE). Demonstrate an awareness of specific utility and municipal requirements for the installation of EVCE.