Interested in learning about personal safety and self defence? Enrol now on our FREE mini course and learn the 1st secret of self defence!
Discover how to conquer your assignment deadlines with ease. Packed with valuable tips and strategies, this article explores the importance of effective deadline management for busy students. Learn how to prioritise tasks, plan your schedule wisely, and utilise assignment help services to achieve academic success.
This CPD-certified course aims to get you thinking about children of parents with a mental illness and ways in which you could support them in your role.
Understanding a buildings heat loss for heating engineers
Recorded in 2022, Dr Rob Endicott and Dr Roy Bennett introduce the new sedative Remimazolam (Byfavo) and talk about how it can be used in general dentistry. This course is not designed to fully educate the learner in all aspects of Remimazolam pharmacology, we recommend the 5 hour course for that. *Not a sponsored presentation* Course Includes 1 Lesson About Instructor Rob Endicott Roy Bennett Dr Roy Bennett is the director of Mellow Dental Training, IACSD accredited trainer and mentor and former director of Portmans Dental Care. Dr Rob Endicott is an IACSD accredited trainer and mentor and is the ViceChair of the ADAS (Association of Dental Anaesthetists and Sedationists)
Your first steps in Floorwork through our Smart Methodology.
After you've completed both parts of the course, you need a mentor to help you with at least 20 cases before independent practice. We are growing a list of mentors who may be able to help. At UK Sedation we have a team of mentors so you can contact us at This mentoring module is free to everyone who has been on our IV New Starter Courses and is designed to make life easy for you and your mentor. Log your sedation cases, complete case assessments, use controlled drugs logs and access handy documents, all fully online with our Mentoring Programme. Click to enrol or "start course" to begin! Course Includes 14 Lessons 1 Quiz About Instructor Rob Endicott Roy Bennett Dr Roy Bennett is the director of Mellow Dental Training, IACSD accredited trainer and mentor and former director of Portmans Dental Care. Dr Rob Endicott is an IACSD accredited trainer and mentor and is the ViceChair of the ADAS (Association of Dental Anaesthetists and Sedationists)
If you are in a team looking after a dental patient undergoing IV Sedation, then you are required to have ILS equivalent life support skills, including airway management and use of a defibrillator. The IACDS guidelines 2020 suggest that Management of Complications would be a useful part of that training so we have designed this course, suitable for all members of the dental team, to not only satisfy the guidelines but also build confidence in the team, to anticipate and treat any problems that may occur and give the patient an improved experience. This course is ideal for dentists and nurses who are new to IV sedation and have a visiting Sedationist in their practice. The course is in two parts. The first part covers Medical complications (90 mins CPD) and the second covers Non-Medical and behavioural aspects. (30 mins CPD). There is a quiz at the end of each in order to get your CPD certificate for each part. Course Includes 3 Lessons 22 Topics 1 Quiz Course Certificate About Instructor Rob Endicott Rob Endicott is an IACSD accredited trainer and mentor and is the ViceChair of the ADAS (Association of Dental Anaesthetists and Sedationists). He is also the founder and CEO of UKSedation, a nationwide team of dental sedationists in primary private practice.
Start Your Happiness Journey with Our Free Bonus Course Today! Join our Happiness Bonus Course and discover scientifically backed practices to cultivate joy, resilience, and well-being. Dive into modules covering neurotransmitters, mindfulness, gratitude, self-compassion, ACT, and more. Create your personalized happiness plan and balance peace, play, and purpose in your life. Don't wait for one day, start today! #HappinessCourse #Mindfulness #WellBeing #SelfCompassion #Resilience #Gratitude #ACT #Joy #MentalHealth #FreeCourse
FREE Welcome class, introduction to the Foundation and Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and to your journey into the study and practice of Clinical Hypnotherapy. This induction session will give you a Course Overview and show you where to find all you need to support your learning experience.