Discover how to implement quick-result referral techniques. Understand the fastest way to bring in a steady stream of qualified referrals and quick-result techniques. Understand how to cultivate current clients and become a MVP (Most Valuable Prospector). Learning Objectives Implement quick-result referral techniques, Apply the fastest way to bring in a steady stream of qualified referrals Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Understand why the most important sale you'll ever make is to yourself and why you should confirm a sale and not close them. Discover how to use the principles of positive expectancy to confirm more sales and how to maintain positive expectancy. Learning Objectives Explain the difference between closing and confirming sales, Define the most important 'close' you'll ever make, Describe how positive expectancy confirms more sales Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
People will not buy unless they feel some level of dissatisfaction or trouble. Discover how to ask questions that reveal points of dissatisfaction, building an awareness of less-than ideal results.Use this technique to find the pain and fix it. Learning Objectives Summarize the top 10 reasons why people buy, Distinguish problems from trouble in buyer transactions, Ask trouble questions that pinpoint buyer dissatisfaction Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
A prospect's reaction to your opening benefit offer depends on their perception of their immediate situation. Identify the reaction mode of the prospect and how you should respond. When dealing with indifference, how do you choose the strategy that you feel is most appropriate for the type of resistance you receive? Learning Objectives Summarize the importance of preplanning for objections before selling, Describe the three conditions that determine a prospect's reaction to your offer, Explain a strategic opening benefit offer for a referred prospect, Describe the Four Reaction Modes--ways prospects will respond to your offering Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Discover how to create, execute, and control a defined territory plan. How to set sales goals, create opportunities, and route your area. Understand how to distinguish the important from the urgent. We will show you how to divide your contacts into categories and how often you need to communicate with the various contacts. We will guide you how to route your territory around high-payoff accounts and geographic clusters. Explore the importance to use only one calendar, a scheduling system, and electronic contact tools. Learning Objectives Apply seven steps to creating a territory management plan, Implement ABCD opportunity contact strategies, Calculate your value per hour, Utilize routing guidelines to maximize travel time Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
The biggest reason for lack of team motivation are psychological (work satisfaction) and performance obstacles. Take steps to remove or reduce those obstacles within your control or influence. Understand how you can be responsible for creating the workplace in which you want to be-an individual's motivated attitude is contagious. Learning Objectives Apply six steps for removing work satisfaction obstacles, Implement nine ways to keep team members motivated Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Recommendation questions enlist buyers to tell you the benefits, increasing buy-in. They hear the benefits twice-once from you and again from themselves. Discover how to increase acceptance in your solution and how you can help teach buyers to convincingly present your solutions to others. Learning Objectives Explain the benefits of recommendation questions, Guide persuasive conversations using STÄR questions, Adapt questions to small and larger sales, Apply recommendation questions with non decision-makers Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Closing ratios are the number of activities performed, compared to results achieved. Closing ratios can be expressed in many of your sales activities such as people called, to appointments booked. We will guide you how to track sales activities and how this will inform you where you are or are not getting results from. To increase closing your ratios, examine each step in the sales process. Learning Objectives Define closing ratios, Explain the importance of knowing your closing ratios to control sales results, Explain how to improve your closing ratios, Diagnose weak links in your sales process Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Follow our guidelines for controlling paperwork and emails. We will show you how to implement the six guidelines to achieve more in less time with less effort. Understand how to effectively delegate work to others and know what to delegate. Uncover the secret to convert obstacles into opportunities and balance your home and career by attending to the eight areas of a balanced life. Learning Objectives Control paperwork and emails, Control file organization, Get more done in less time with less effort, Balance home and career Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
There are both advantages and disadvantages to working in a team, but if formed with the right foundations in the forming stage, the team increases its chances of success. Teams often fail because of interpersonal 'people' conflict, not because of tasks completed. We will help you how to manage this conflict and why it is important to establish, publish, and refer to the ground rules at each meeting so that they become a habit. Learning Objectives Identify the advantages and disadvantages of teams versus groups, Explain the benefits of creating ground rules, Follow eight steps for setting high-performance team ground rules Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams