Start Your Happiness Journey with Our Free Bonus Course Today! Join our Happiness Bonus Course and discover scientifically backed practices to cultivate joy, resilience, and well-being. Dive into modules covering neurotransmitters, mindfulness, gratitude, self-compassion, ACT, and more. Create your personalized happiness plan and balance peace, play, and purpose in your life. Don't wait for one day, start today! #HappinessCourse #Mindfulness #WellBeing #SelfCompassion #Resilience #Gratitude #ACT #Joy #MentalHealth #FreeCourse
Join Bettering Youth's tutors as they unpick some of the topics in Maths and English that keep your child stumped! We share a weekly video training on key maths and english techniques and skills. These are inspired by questions our students have been asking.
*Understanding Worry* is a FREE, interactive, hands-on workshop, focused on helping you understand uncontrollable, excessive worrying.
How dogs learn online course. Using treats effectively to train your dog.
Please bring your provisional driving license, which needs to be seen by your instructor before driving on your first lesson. If you require glasses to read number plates and drive, please remember to bring them with you as well.
No one ever said that being a parent was easy, but when on earth did being a parent get so blooming hard? From conflicting work and school/nursery schedules to the multitude of clubs, activities and socialising opportunities filling up your calendar. It's a lot. And that's before we talk about the basic stuff needed to run a household and get everyone where they need to be AND all the 'quality time' and emotional stuff that all your social media guru's keep reminding you about. If you collapse into bed exhausted every night, no wonder! If your 'stuff' is constantly at the back of the line, well, that's just how it is. Right? And then there are the holidays. The annual headache that never seems to improve. The mental gymnastics and juggling involved should surely be an Olympic sport. But, here we are, and yet again, you've got too many weeks to cover and not enough annual leave to make it work. Simply making it through will be a triumph. When you do eventually get your time 'away' you'll be too drained to really enjoy it before it's back to the merry-go-round to start it all again. But stop. What if there was a way to create space in the chaos? To breathe through the strain and find ease? To change very little but get a HUGE return? If you are thinking 'yes' then this little workshop might be just what you need! We won't be telling you anything you don't already know, we won't be sharing schmaltzy fluff that sounds great but means nothing either. We'll be talking about practical down to earth stuff, in a down to earth and compassionate way. Even better? Our workshop is FREE at the moment so that we can make sure it's useful by getting your help AND we've included a pick and mix assortment of thought provoking exercises to help get you thinking. We hope that you find it all helpful