ART SIPPERS is an online art experience that’ll see you with a paintbrush in one hand and a cheeky sip in the other! In the two-hour workshop and in the comfort of your own home, you will be taught step-by-step instructions from creative-confidence coaches NorteyPitcher! With music, a quiz, dad jokes and a competition prize to be won, this promises to be great fun for all. By the end of the experience, you'll have learned a new skill, gained confidence and produced some wall-worthy art.
ART SIPPERS is an online art experience that’ll see you with a paintbrush in one hand and a cheeky sip in the other! In the two-hour workshop and in the comfort of your own home, you will be taught step-by-step instructions from creative-confidence coaches NorteyPitcher! With music, a quiz, dad jokes and a competition prize to be won, this promises to be great fun for all. By the end of the experience, you'll have learned a new skill, gained confidence and produced some wall-worthy art.
ART SIPPERS is an online art experience that’ll see you with a paintbrush in one hand and a cheeky sip in the other! In the two-hour workshop and in the comfort of your own home, you will be taught step-by-step instructions from creative-confidence coaches NorteyPitcher! With music, a quiz, dad jokes and a competition prize to be won, this promises to be great fun for all. By the end of the experience, you'll have learned a new skill, gained confidence and produced some wall-worthy art.
ART SIPPERS is an online art experience that’ll see you with a paintbrush in one hand and a cheeky sip in the other! In the two-hour workshop and in the comfort of your own home, you will be taught step-by-step instructions from creative-confidence coaches NorteyPitcher! With music, a quiz, dad jokes and a competition prize to be won, this promises to be great fun for all. By the end of the experience, you'll have learned a new skill, gained confidence and produced some wall-worthy art.
Legionella awareness is suitable for any persons wanting to gain an understanding of Legionella and how to prevent or control the risk of exposure to Legionella bacteria. The main subject areas of the course are: What Legionella is Obligations under current Health & Safety legislation and ACoP L8 System hygiene Assessing and managing risk Outbreaks Hot and cold water systems Risks in other types of water systems Multiple choice test (if required).
The main subject areas of the course are: Asbestos and other Fibrous Materials. Health Hazards and Exposure Limits. Asbestos in Buildings and Conducting Surveys. Asbestos Remediation and Assessment Prior to Reoccupation. Air Sampling and Fibre Counting. Analysis for Bulk Samples.
If you have no intention of removing asbestos but work on buildings built or refurbished before the year 2000, asbestos could be present. You will need awareness training so you know how to avoid the risks. Asbestos awareness training should be given to employees whose work could foreseeably disturb the fabric of a building and expose them to asbestos or who supervise or influence the work. In particular, it should be given to those workers in the refurbishment, maintenance and allied trades where it is foreseeable that ACMs may become exposed during their work.
Straightforward GDPR training for small charities - because you want to get it right!
This qualification is for people who wish to raise their awareness of Mental Health problems associated with work and everyday life and how they can potentially improve their own mindfulness. Learners will be introduced to Mental Health conditions such as depression and suicide and build an understanding of stress. They will be introduced to the use of appropriate language when supporting others and the importance of self-care to potentially improve their own Mental Health. This course is delivered via online learning and assessed via an invigilated e-Assessment giving you the greatest flexibility to complete the course at a time convenient to you. Once your training is complete we will book a time which is convenient to you to undertake your invigilated e-Assessment via Teams.
Discover your special powers, receive insights and deep healing together with an abundance of light codes taking your life to the next level!