Welcome to Embrace Public Speaking with Confidence Group Coaching event! Are you tired of feeling nervous and anxious when speaking in public? Join us on Thu Sep 26 2024 at 9.30 AM at The Warehouse - Birmingham Friends of the Earth environmental community hub to conquer your fears and become a confident speaker. This in-person event will explore practical techniques and strategies to help you communicate effectively and confidently in front of any audience. Enhance your leadership skills with this group coaching session to become more aware of your Public Speaking style, and preferences, thus, becoming amicable with expressing your voice effectively for impact at various levels. This may be publically with stakeholders, at a system, or partner level and with your customers, families or service users (outwardly) and within your team and organisation (inwardly). Don't miss this opportunity to boost your public speaking skills and unleash your full potential. See you there! Why not visit the Enigma company website for more information about us: www.enigmaccs.co.uk
Travel and Parking arrangements: Paid parking is available (attendees are responsible for paying parking fees) From New St Station, follow signs to Moor St station. When you get to Moor St, go down the hill to the side of the station towards the multi-storey car park. At the car park, go left under the railway bridge. Immediately after the railway bridge turn right onto Shaw's passage, which is quite short. We're on the corner at the end of Shaws Passage - walk round the corner onto Allison Street and past the Cafe to the full glass door with the Birmingham Friends of the Earth hanging sign.
Directions to The Warehouse: The address is: Travel and Parking arrangements: Paid parking is available (attendees are responsible for paying parking fees) From New St Station, follow signs to Moor St station. When you get to Moor St, go down the hill to the side of the station towards the multi-storey car park. At the car park, go left under the railway bridge. Immediately after the railway bridge turn right onto shaws passage, which is quite short. We're on the corner at the end of shaws Passage - walk round the corner onto Allison Street and along past the Cafe to the full glass door with the Birmingham Friends of the Earth hanging sign.
Our 4 Abbeys + A Chapel photography tour has proved to be exceptionally popular! 4 Abbeys + A Chapel Photography Tour
This course provides a comprehensive exploration of equality, diversity, and inclusion, equipping participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to foster inclusive environments in various settings. Participants will delve into key concepts, legislations, and protected characteristics, gaining a deeper understanding of the nuances surrounding equality and equity. They will learn to recognize and challenge stereotypes, biases, and microaggressions, while also exploring the different types of discrimination and strategies to combat them.
Get to know your sewing machine and make projects to practise basic sewing skills including French seams, top stitching, zips and buttonholes
Discover more about the benefits of a private yoga session and how yoga can help you release some of the blockers and pain points that are preventing you from creating & living your dream life. Listen to what your body needs from you to feel energised, calm, restful, motivated, build confidence. Choose the style of Yoga that your body, mind + soul needs from you. Vinyasa, Yin, Restorative or perhaps practicing mindfulness.
Hill to Fork - an Opportunity for a Very Special Hill to Plate Journey. You will start your day at Gledpark, a UNESCO certified producer of park venison.
A true ‘Field to Fork’ experience. Start your day on a ‘Red Deer Safari’ at Gledpark, a UNESCO certified producer of park venison.