First Aid at Work (RQF) accredited course delivered by Health Care Professionals
The CITB SSSTS course is an accredited Site Supervisors Safety Training Scheme for the construction site supervisor, these are generally referred to as SSSTS training courses. The supervisors safety training scheme is now a requirement set out by the major contractors group for all supervisors who will be working on their sites. Construction skills and health and safety need to go hand in hand and made a priority to encourage improved work skills and reduced accidents and injuries. On the 2 day SSSTS training course the main focus will be on: THE IMPORTANCE OF RISK ASSESSMENTS IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY THERE IS A FOCUS ON HOW TO IMPLEMENT CONTROL MEASURES ON SITE AND HOW TO USE COMMUNICATION TO ENSURE THE SITE REMAINS SAFE FOR EVERYONE MONITORING THE CONTROL MEASURES AND WORK ACTIVITIES ENSURING THAT THE WORK IS CARRIED OUT CORRECTLY AND SAFELY Delegates attending CITB SSSTS courses and who successfully complete will receive a SSSTS certificate to show that they are able to help supervise in the construction industry and have understanding when it comes to health and safety in the work place. During the course the main topics of the syllabus are: THE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACTS, REGULATIONS APPROVED CODES OF PRACTICE AND GUIDANCE NOTES THE HEALTH AND SAFETY LEGAL SYSTEM CAUSES, TYPES AND THE NUMBERS OF CONSTRUCTION ACCIDENTS RISK ASSESSMENTS IN ALL MANNER OF CONSTRUCTION CIRCUMSTANCES The concise SSSTS courses will provide you with the skills to: IDENTIFY PROBLEM AREAS FOUND IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY UNDERSTAND AND APPRECIATE PROACTIVE AND REACTIVE MONITORING PERFORM RISK ASSESSMENTS AND RECOGNISE THE IMPORTANCE OF METHOD STATEMENTS HAVE AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE WAY THE HEALTH AND SAFETY LAWS ARE STRUCTURED LEARN SKILLS NEEDED TO PERFORM ON SITE INDUCTIONS, METHOD BRIEFS AND TOOLBOX TALKS CITB SSSTS Courses at a Glance The SSSTS training course is designed for first line mangers looking to continue or take on a supervisory role within the construction industry. The course takes place over two days and will teach health and safety skills needed to maintain a safe site. A thirty minute multiple choice examination will follow the training. Upon successful completion of the SSSTS training the candidate will be awarded with the CITB Site Supervisory Safety Training Certificate. Further Development Successful candidates can go on to complete the 5 day site managers safety training scheme SMSTS course designed for site managers and supervisors.
Our First Aid at Work Level 3 (18 hours) course is designed for individuals who wish to act as a first aider in their workplace. Designed for medium to high risk organisations.
NPORS Industrial Telescopic Handler (N010A)
Check out this Emergency First Aid at Work from Knight Training. Ensure the safety of your employees and take on the Emergency First Aid at Work Course that Knight Training offer at:
Our First Aid at Work Level 3 (18 hours) course is designed for individuals who wish to act as a first aider in their workplace. Designed for medium to high risk organisations.
Level 2 HACCP Training Courses
Introduction: “Co-ordinating the temporary works process” This two day course is designed to assist those on site who have responsibility for managing all forms of temporary works. It is also designed to give confidence to senior management and those who engage contractors have reached an assessed standard of knowledge. The course has the support of a number of organisations: Temporary Works Forum CECA, UKCG, HSE and FMB. The support of these organisations offers transferability of the course within industry.Temporary works are usually safety and business-critical and require careful co-ordination. An accepted way of achieving this is through the adoption of the management process outlined in BS5975, which introduces the temporary works co-ordinator (TWC) as a key figure. This course explains the role and the overall management context within which it sits.High risk can occur on small as well as larger sites hence understanding the essentials of good safety risk management, as outlined in BS5975, is relevant for projects of all sizes. This course will give the delegate thorough knowledge of the Temporary Works Co-ordinator role however this does not alone make a delegate competent, as this requires other attributes e.g. experience. Aims and Objectives: This course is not a temporary works awareness course. It is only concerned with the process of co-ordination of temporary works, commonly expressed through the role of the Temporary Works Co-ordinator. Attendance does not confer competency as a Temporary Works Co-ordinator.The course gives emphasis, throughout, to: – The importance of communication, co-ordination, co-operation and competency. The ‘4Cs’. – Risk management: safety and also business relatedAllowing the Temporary Works Co-ordinator (TWC) to: – Understand the need for and duties of a TWC – Understand the role of others – Have a detailed knowledge and understanding of BS5975 in respect of this role. Assessment: The method of assessment will be by multiple-choice questions at the end of the course as well as being expected to be interactive during the course.Course Attendance:Delegates are required to attend both sessions, since without full attendance and achievement in the examination the Temporary Works Co-ordinator Training Course cannot be made.Delegates must attend the days in order and, where not on consecutive days, must complete the course within two weeks. Delegates unable to attend both days due to extenuating circumstances (e.g. certificated sickness) will need to enrol onto a new course in order to maintain continuity of learning outcomes and attend both days again. It is expected that experienced and competent Temporary Works Co-ordinators will attend this course. Competence comes from a mixture of education, training and experience and should be judged by an appropriate senior individual, usually referred to as the Designated Individual (DI). Training is considered an essential element of Temporary Works Co-ordinator competence. Background Publications: This course, including its group work and exercises, is constructed around BS5975:2008 +A1:2011. For Open Courses Delegates should bring a copy with them in order not to be significantly disadvantaged. For in house courses it is expected that the Tutor will tailor the course around the organisation procedures,providing they are comprehensive and follow the philosophy of BS5975. In these cases delegates will need a copy of their own procedures. In the absence of adequate procedures delegates will need a copy of the BS itself.Although the following is not mandatory, delegates may find the following useful– BS EN12811-1:20031 Temporary works equipment. Scaffolds. Performance requirements and general design– BS EN12812:2008. Falsework ‐ performance requirements and general design– BS EN12813:2004. Temporary works equipment. Load bearing towers of prefabricated components. Particular methods of structural design– NASC TG20/13 plus supplement 1– NASC TG9:12
This training day will help managers explore what they need to do to create a motivating environment at work and learn some theory, tools and ideas to inspire motivation at individual and team level. Motivation is a key factor in effective people management and successful team performance. It involves engaging and inspiring your people and developing them in such ways as to improve their effectiveness and thus have a greater benefit to customers. It can also involve having tough conversations with those who do not seem to be motivated. By the end of the workshop participants will be able to: Identify key motivating factors at work and learn and create ideas to better engage staff Learn a conversation tool to use for challenging discussions Explain their role in motivating staff and understand a range of techniques and approaches to use in the workplace Review learning and have an action plan to take back and implement at work 1 Welcome, housekeeping, objectives Breaking the ice Setting personal objectives 2 Group work: identifying personal motivators and where they come from 3 Defining motivation The characteristics of a motivated team Input and group discussion 4 Factors impacting on motivation at work Using pre-work to identify challenges, hotspots and obstacles Feedback in plenary Exploring the benefits of motivation that address current challenges and agreeing outcomes for change 5 Commitment vs. compliance - organisational engagement and the manager's approach to buy in 6 Team challenge task using a theory about motivation Trainer input and review in plenary 7 Group task - complete a plan for individuals identified in pre-workshop task 8 Skill / will - a motivation tool: trainer input, followed by tasks that are assessed and discussed in peer groups 1-2-1 feedback task on approaches and plans to be taken back and used at work Feedback and plenary review 9 DEAL - a conversation tool: how to construct a conversation plan about motivation with an individual Peer professional 1-2-1s to practice the discussion planned and gain feedback 10 Review, evaluation and action planning
Immerse Training is a fully regulated First Aid Training Provider. We love working in schools, nurseries and youth groups teaching young people how to keep each other safe and what to do if something goes wrong. With sessions sessions from 1 hour tasters for every class in a school, to after school first aid clubs, Immerse Training are certain to design a programme that’s right for you, your budget and your children. We currently deliver First Aid and Life-Saving skills across a variety of settings to groups of children and young people from 4 to 14 years old, when they are able to participate in accredited First Aid courses. All of our First Aid Training for Children courses are designed in collaboration with qualified childcare practitioners and child health clinicians. Our programmes can be tailored to meet any area of the curriculum from Early Years Foundation Stage through to Key Stage 3. First Aid Training for Children is a great way to prepare young people for specific activities such as Duke of Edinburgh expeditions, babysitting and sports leadership. First Aid Courses For Young People Programmes and sessions for young people focusing on how to keep each other safe and what to do if something goes wrong. Sessions are designed with age and national curriculum in mind, from 1 hour tasters to sessions for large groups, perfect as part of NCS and Duke of Edinburgh programmes. Our training for young people is fun, engaging and focuses on fundamental life saving skills. All courses can be delivered at our training centre in Poole, Dorset or we can deliver on-site across Bournemouth, Poole, Dorset, Hampshire and the South of England.