Official BRCGS Packaging Auditor Issue 6 course.
Delivered online (Zoom) by a live BRCGS Approved Training Partner.
Exam and Certificate fee included in the price.
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BRCGS Packaging Materials Issue 6 to 7 Conversion for Auditors (2 Days)
Official BRCGS Packaging Auditor Conversion to Issue 7 course.
Delivered online (Zoom) by a live BRCGS Approved Training Partner.
Exam and Certificate fee included in the price.
Delivered OnlineOnline course + more
BRCGS Packaging Materials Issue 6 to 7 Conversion for Sites (1 Day)
Official BRCGS Packaging Sites Conversion Issue 7 course.
Delivered online (Zoom) by a live BRCGS Approved Training Partner.
Exam and Certificate fee included in the price.
Empower Mental Health First Aiders and Champions to maintain their skills with regular Refresher training. Just like physical first aid, we recommend that you refresh your skills every two to three years. (Certificate expires after 3 years). If it's time to update your skills, book onto an MHFA Refresher course now and feel confident that you are performing your vital role safely.
The New to the Role of Designated Safeguarding Lead Course is an expert-led course for those new to the role of school / college DSLs and or Deputy DSL.
Official BRCGS Professional 3-Day Fast Track program.
Delivered online (Zoom) by a live BRCGS Approved Training Partner.
Exam and Certificate fee included in the price.
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BRCGS Sécurité des Denrées Alimentaires Issue 9 | Auditeur Principal (5 jours)
Formation officielle Auditeur Principal (Lead Auditor) BRCGS Food v9 (Norme Mondiale pour la Sécurité des Denrées Alimentaires version 9) en français.
Dispensée en ligne (Zoom) en direct par un partenaire de formation agréé BRCGS.
Frais d'examen et de certificat inclus dans le prix.
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BRCGS Sécurité des Denrées Alimentaires Issue 9 | Exigences pour les Auditeurs (3 jours)
Formation officielle BRCGS Food v9 (Norme Mondiale pour la Sécurité des Denrées Alimentaires version 9) pour les Auditeurs en français.
Dispensée en ligne (Zoom) en direct par un partenaire de formation agréé BRCGS.
Frais d'examen et de certificat inclus dans le prix.
Delivered OnlineOnline course + more
BRCGS Sécurité des Denrées Alimentaires Issue 9 | Exigences pour les Sites (2 jours)
Formation officielle BRCGS Food v9 (Norme Mondiale pour la Sécurité des Denrées Alimentaires version 9) pour les sites en français.
Dispensée en ligne (Zoom) en direct par un partenaire de formation agréé BRCGS.
Frais d'examen et de certificat inclus dans le prix.
Delivered OnlineOnline course + more
BRCGS Storage & Distribution Auditor Issue 4 (3 Days)
Official BRCGS Storage & Distribution Issue 4: Auditor course.
Delivered online (Zoom) by a live BRCGS Approved Training Partner.
Exam and Certificate fee included in the price.