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This is an International Driver CPC - 7hours course - Rules of the Road & Customer Service and it is suitable for LGV & PCV and will cover: Requirements, Speed Limits, SMART Motorways, Highway Code, Road Signs, Bridge Strikes, Mobile Phones, Sat-Navs, Traffic Accident Procedures, Company & Driver Image, Who Customers Are and What They Want, Communication Skills, Giving Good Customer Service. All courses start at 07:45 hrs and finish at 15:45 hrs All courses are 8 hours long with included 2 breaks of 15 minutes and a lunch break of 30 minutes. Approval: This course is registered with JAUPT as approved for Driver CPC qualification. Course Approval Number: ICRS24736/475. On completion of the course, all attendees will receive a certificate of attendance. Please note repeat courses are not accepted by DVSA and by joining this course you confirm that you are aware of the modules covered by you and certify that, if you have covered these before you are happy to repeat the modules due to needing further education on the subject.
Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) treatments Nationally Recognised Qualification No previous experience or qualifications needed Open College Network Accreditation Level 4 (as required for minimally invasive procedures) Covers standards set by HEE Employed (salon) or Self-Employed opportunities Basic understanding of English language required OPEN TO ALL APPLICANTS
Project Communication Skills (Virtual) Communication is the single most critical project success factor. When effective, projects get executed on time, within budget, and with objectives being met. But that isn't all. Strong communication also nurtures healthy team relationships. And in today's highly diverse world, where projects are often fast-paced, complex, and virtual, that is more important than ever. Strong communication skills foster cultural awareness, trust, and empathy. Together, they contribute greatly to project success-and ultimately, to future project success. In this course, participants will actively explore best communication practices from a variety of perspectives: in-person, virtual, electronic, and via formal project documentation. In order to be transformative, however, those perspectives will be filtered further through the lens of their formal, personalized assessment. It is a powerful tool which identifies individuals' internal needs and priorities. It translates those into descriptive profiles and reports, gifting users with valuable information about themselves and others. Paired with the course's real-world activities, it will provide uniquely strategic opportunities for communicating effectively and meaningfully-and with less conflict, both personally and professionally. What you will Learn At the end of this program, you will be able to: Identify basic elements of communication and explain how they affect teams Explore how your assessment style impacts you and how you communicate with people of other styles Infer how your style impacts the way(s) you send and interpret emails and instant messages Analyze real world email and instant messaging practices to determine how they affect communication and relationships Explore best practices for formal project communications and presentations Analyze how your assessment style and global diversity can contribute to both strong team communication and conflict Identify solutions for virtual team work communication challenges Foundation Concepts Communication as a foundation skill Elements of communication Communicating across media Targeting your audience How communication impacts team performance The Assessment Framework Overview of the assessment's approach Exploring assessment report Increasing your effectiveness with other assessment styles Email and Instant Messages Preferred communications and assessment styles The email brands we create Assessment styles and email Emotion and email Email guidelines and best practices Anatomy of an email The seven deadly email sins Instant messages and other interfaces Project Communications and Presentations Communicating across the project lifecycle Project templates Structuring a presentation Delivering a presentation Interpersonal and Team Communication Skills Communication styles and techniques Managing conflict in a project environment Styles and conflict Communication and global team leadership Virtual Communication Leading global virtual teams Virtual processes and technology Virtual team leadership
This online Introduction to Communication Skills course aims to empower you to have more effective conversations with your patients, their friends and family and your colleagues at work. In particular, the focus will be on understanding and appreciating communication skills and how to use them more effectively and efficiently.
Catering to the demands of busy professionals, our virtual training programs are as effective as face-to-face learning. For more queries, reach out to us: info@mangates.com
Catering to the demands of busy professionals, our virtual training programs are as effective as face-to-face learning. For more queries, reach out to us: info@mangates.com
Catering to the demands of busy professionals, our virtual training programs are as effective as face-to-face learning. For more queries, reach out to us: info@mangates.com
Catering to the demands of busy professionals, our virtual training programs are as effective as face-to-face learning. For more queries, reach out to us: info@mangates.com
Catering to the demands of busy professionals, our virtual training programs are as effective as face-to-face learning. For more queries, reach out to us: info@mangates.com