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Click to read more about this training, in which we demonstrate a live problem solving approach which is based on the active participation of family members. Course Category Inclusion Parents and Carers Behaviour and relationships Problem Solving Description In this training we demonstrate a live problem solving approach which is based on the active participation of family members. ‘Family Circles’ is an evolving new approach to problem solving with families and is based on our years of family work and the development and use of the Circle of Adults process. Inspired by our own Parent Solutions work and the Circle of Adults process as well as Family Group Conferencing and other Restorative Interventions we bring you Family Circles. Essentially the approach involves gathering a family together for a process that is facilitated but majors on the family members offering each other their wisdom and ideas. The approach is capacity focused, person centred approach to working with families rather than the dominant deficit oriented and ‘medical model’ of viewing and planning for or doing things to families. This training can be modelled with a group of professionals or better still with a family. In our work with families we develop the importance of naming stories or theories and seeking linkages and synthesis between what is found out and explored about the family situation and its history. We like participants to sit with the uncertainty, to reflect on the question ‘why’ but without judgement of each other. Deeper reflections may span a whole range of perspectives from ‘within person’ considerations, to situational or systemic possibilities. Health or emotional issues can be reflected on alongside organisational or transactional aspects of what is going on for the family. The better the shared understanding the better the strategy or actions which emerge from these meetings. Quality hypotheses with a close fit to reality lead to more effective implementation in the real world. We encourage ‘loose’ thinking, a search for connections, deeper listening, an ‘open mind’, speculation and exploration without moral judgements. From this stance self-reflection as well as reflection on the situation can produce remarkable insights. The quality of theories or new stories generated is directly influenced by family members’ experiences and the models of learning, behaviour and emotion, systems, educational development, change and so on that they have been exposed to. Learning Objectives To provide opportunities for: Shared problem solving in a safe exploratory climate in which the family will find its own solutions. Individuals to reflect on their own actions and strategies An exploration of whole-family processes and their impact Emotional support and shared understandings of issues at a child, parent, family, school and community level. Feed back to each other on issues, ideas and strategies that are agreed to be worth sharing with them. Who Is It For? Anyone interested in working with families in a way that builds and makes use of their capacities rather than focus on their challenges and difficulties. Social Care teams School staff Community organisers Educational Psychologists Course Content True family empowerment Deepening shared stories and understandings Facilitating groups Problem solving process Handling family group communication Allowing direct feedback and challenge between participants in a safe way Building relationships Process: Family members are welcomed: Introductions are carried out, ground rules and aims clarified whilst coffee is drunk. A recap from the last session is carried out: To follow up developments and reflections after the last meeting. One issue is selected for the main focus Issue presentation: The family member who raised the concern is asked questions to tell the ‘story’ of the issue or problem. Additional questions/information from the group about the problem are gathered: Ground rules may need to be observed carefully here. Individual participants need to be kept focused and prevented from leaping to premature conclusions or to making ‘helpful’ suggestions about strategy. Relationship aspects to the problem are explored. Metaphors and analogies are invited. How would a fly on the wall see your relationship? If you were alone together on a desert island, what would it be like? Impact of previous relationships/spillage from one relationship to another are explored. Eg what situation they are reminded of? For instance, does this situation remind you of any of those angry but helpless feelings you had with your other son when he was an adolescent? This provides opportunities to reflect on how emotions rub off on other people. The parent feels really frustrated, and on reflection we can see that so does the child System/Organisation factors (Family system/school and community systems and so on): What aspects help or hinder the problem? For instance, does the pastoral system of the local school provide space, or time and skilled personnel able to counsel this young person and work actively with their parents? Synthesis. At this stage the Graphic facilitator summarises what they have heard. They then go on to describe linkages and patterns in what they have heard. This can be very powerful. The person doing the graphic work has been able to listen throughout the presentation process and will have been struck by strong messages, emotions and images as they have arisen. The story and meaning of what is happening in the situation may become a little clearer at this point. Typical links may be ‘mirrored emotions’ strong themes such as loss and separation issues, or repeated processes such as actions triggering rejection. This step provides an excellent grounding for the next process of deepening understanding. What alternative strategies/interventions are open to be used? Brainstormed and recorded. ’Either/ors’ need to be avoided at this time also. This needs to be a shared session in which the family member who is presenting the concern contributes as much as anyone. Care is needed to ensure that this person is not overloaded with other people’s strategies. The final selection of strategy or strategies from the brainstormed list is the problem presenter’s choice. Strategies might include: a special time for the young person, a meeting with the child’s parents to explore how she is being managed at home and to share tactics, a home-school diary, counselling, or an agreed action plan that all are aware of, agreed sanctions and rewards and so forth. Strategies may productively involve processes of restitution and restoration, when ‘sorry’ is not enough. Making it right, rather than punishments or rewards, may then becomes the focus. First Steps. The problem presenter is finally asked to agree one or two first steps which they can carry out over the next 3-7 days. It can help to assign a ‘coach’ who will check in with them to ensure they have carried out the action they have named. This is a time to be very specific. Steps should be small and achievable. The person is just ‘making a start’. A phone call, or making an agreement with a key other person not present at the meeting would be ideal examples. Final reflections. Sometimes referred to as a ‘round of words’ help with closure for all involved. Reflections are on the process not the problem. In large families this is best done standing in a circle. In smaller groups all can remain sitting. Passing around a ‘listening stick’ or something similar such as a stone or light heighten the significance of the process ending and improve listening. Finally the problem presenter is handed the ‘Graphic’ this is their record of the meeting and can be rolled and presented ceremoniously by the facilitators for maximum effect! If you liked this course you may well like: Parent Solutions
How to protect your cash flow In the current economic climate more and more companies are finding that their customers are taking longer to pay - or are not even paying at all. As cash flow is key to the survival of any business, effective debt collection tactics are vital for all businesses. This workshop concentrates on the telephone skills and techniques you can use to achieve the most positive outcome in any debt collection situation - payment of money owed, as soon as possible, whilst keeping the collection cost as low as possible. The course will help you: Understand your debtors and communicate with them accordingly Develop a strategy for more effective debt collection Make every call count Handle difficult calls Reduce the amount of time you need to spend on chasing payment Increase your collection rates 1 The debt collection process Understanding the reasons behind payment default Looking at the debt situation from the customer's point of view Developing a strategy for effective debt collection 2 Advanced telephone communication skills Techniques for speaking to the person responsible for paying the debt How to gain the customer's trust when discussing debt Telephone collection skills best practice Key phrases that keep the conversation positive and open 3 Questioning and listening skills for gathering information Different types of question Using high-gain questions to uncover key information Active listening that will help you understand what customers are really saying Leading with examples and high-impact questions Summarising and restating 4 Overcoming objections and excuses Identifying objections Preparing suitable responses Probing objections and ways to overcome them 5 Gaining commitment and ending the call Learn how to negotiate an agreement to suit both parties Summarising actions for you and the customer Ending the call professionally 6 Dealing with difficult and challenging situations Understand different personality types The correct way to respond to an upset customer Ways to calm angry customers (and handle verbal attacks) 7 Action plans Course summary and presentation of action plans
This workshop will explore artist-led practice in Edinburgh and feature an open discussion between Sierra Metro (Edinburgh) and Sett Studios (Edinburgh). Artist and researcher Chris Biddlecombe will also provide an overview of the key findings from the ‘Artist-Led Organisations in Scotland: Survey and Mapping of Activity’ research report which has been undertaken by Scottish Artists Union on behalf of Creative Scotland. About Sierra Metro is a gallery committed to artist-centred practice and our intention is to showcase and support emerging and mid-career visual artists and designers. We aim to engender a climate of flexibility and experimentation for everyone who exhibits with us, and offer broad public access to contemporary art experiences and discussions. Established in 2008 we curated a vibrant cross discipline arts programme until 2012 at Ground Floor North, The Lighthouse, 22 West Harbour Road. After a period of hibernation, we have reopened in our new Leith location on Ferry Road. Sett Studios is an artist-run studios with dedicated gallery space in Leith, Edinburgh. Run for artists, by artists. Providing an accessible and safe space, with a particular focus on supporting those from socially and financially disadvantaged backgrounds. Working to foster allyship, make art accessible, and uplift marginalised voices. Our artist community includes queer, working class, neurodiverse, disabled and POC artists. Instagram @settstudios If you have any other participation needs, please email us via learning@artistsunion.scot
The leader of today has greater challenges than ever before in terms of unlocking human potential in their organisation and delivering results. This programme will help you achieve those aims and help you initiate and manage change more effectively. In particular, it will help you to: Develop an effective strategy to achieve your business goals Understand the role of emotional intelligence in leadership Take away a practical leadership tool-kit Develop a more dynamic approach through enhanced strategic creativity Broaden your understanding of the corporate culture to increase your influence within it Improve your persuasion and influencing skills to achieve your strategic goals Learn the key functions of strategic leadership In today’s world, one of the main aims of the leader is to develop the capability of the organisation to handle change and the challenges of the future even if those challenges have yet to be discovered. Leading in the organisational setting is becoming increasingly difficult because of the increase in regulation in all sectors and the risk of litigation. All organisations need leaders who can handle these challenges effectively, in particular the complexities of organisational life. At the same time, people who feel they are led effectively from the top find it easier to cope with and perform under higher pressure levels and therefore achieve the ultimate business goals Who should attend? This programme has been specifically designed for senior managers and those middle managers who are on the fast track to senior positions. It is suitable for both public and private sector individuals and all senior managers, executives and directors who understand the benefits both personally and professionally of developing strategic leadership skills. Practical training methods The course leader uses a broad range of learning techniques including short input sessions, individual development exercises, group work and case studies to provide a strong mix between practical training and giving a sound foundation of strategic leadership theory. The course provides you with a unique opportunity to put into practice what you have learnt and benefit from the observations and perceptions of the other course members. Leadership is less about doing and more about being. Day One Introduction and objectives The need for strategic leadership The roots of leadership How thought on leadership has developed Current perceptions on strategic leadership The leadership/management debate People and process issues The integrated approach to deliver results Levels of leadership The capabilities required at the strategic level The difference between strategic leadership and strategy Qualities and capabilities of strategic leaders Illustration through case studies Review of strategic capability Developing specific leadership qualities A review of strategic capability using case study examples Developing an approach to leadership Reviewing the traditional and current approaches to leadership CASE STUDY 1: Developing a leadership strategy Understanding leadership processes at all levels Applying the leadership hierarchy Analysing the process PRACTICAL EXERCISE Demonstrating the theory of leadership processes in practice Leadership and emotional intelligence The relationship between leadership and emotion The essence of organisational climate PRACTICAL EXERCISE Participants will work on an exercise to illustrate the theory of emotional intelligence in practice Day Two Review of day one Understanding strategic creativity Examining the psychological aspects of strategic thinking Mind mapping and other approaches to creative thinking Developing a creativity toolkit CASE STUDY 2: A strategic leadership challenge Developing a new vision and plan to transform an organisation to face future challenges based on a real-life scenario Developing strategic leadership capability A review of current approaches Understanding the behavioural approaches Developing a contingency approach Understanding corporate culture The structural aspects The behavioural aspects The human aspects How leaders can change corporate culture Developing a toolkit for change Understanding the cultural web The link with emotional intelligence CASE STUDY 3: Analysing leadership techniques This practical case study illustrates how the strategic approach and the application of appropriate leadership techniques including ‘split screen ability’ work in a real-life scenario Performance aspects at the strategic level Developing vision, goals and objectives Creating corporate identity and alignment Working with individual influencers Effective strategic influencing skills The characteristics of effective persuasive leaders Understanding methods of persuasion Profiling others Building the top team The nature of the top team Accepting diversity and challenge The key functions of strategic leadership Putting these into action Personal leadership planning Identifying tomorrow’s leaders Practical approaches The challenges for the future. Programme closure Action logs Next steps Feedback
The leader of today has greater challenges than ever before in terms of unlocking human potential in their organisation and delivering results. This programme will help you achieve those aims and help you initiate and manage change more effectively. In particular, it will help you to: Develop an effective strategy to achieve your business goals Understand the role of emotional intelligence in leadership Take away a practical leadership tool-kit Develop a more dynamic approach through enhanced strategic creativity Broaden your understanding of the corporate culture to increase your influence within it Improve your persuasion and influencing skills to achieve your strategic goals Learn the key functions of strategic leadership In today’s world, one of the main aims of the leader is to develop the capability of the organisation to handle change and the challenges of the future even if those challenges have yet to be discovered. Leading in the organisational setting is becoming increasingly difficult because of the increase in regulation in all sectors and the risk of litigation. All organisations need leaders who can handle these challenges effectively, in particular the complexities of organisational life. At the same time, people who feel they are led effectively from the top find it easier to cope with and perform under higher pressure levels and therefore achieve the ultimate business goals Who should attend? This programme has been specifically designed for senior managers and those middle managers who are on the fast track to senior positions. It is suitable for both public and private sector individuals and all senior managers, executives and directors who understand the benefits both personally and professionally of developing strategic leadership skills. Practical training methods The course leader uses a broad range of learning techniques including short input sessions, individual development exercises, group work and case studies to provide a strong mix between practical training and giving a sound foundation of strategic leadership theory. The course provides you with a unique opportunity to put into practice what you have learnt and benefit from the observations and perceptions of the other course members. Leadership is less about doing and more about being. Day One Introduction and objectives The need for strategic leadership The roots of leadership How thought on leadership has developed Current perceptions on strategic leadership The leadership/management debate People and process issues The integrated approach to deliver results Levels of leadership The capabilities required at the strategic level The difference between strategic leadership and strategy Qualities and capabilities of strategic leaders Illustration through case studies Review of strategic capability Developing specific leadership qualities A review of strategic capability using case study examples Developing an approach to leadership Reviewing the traditional and current approaches to leadership CASE STUDY 1: Developing a leadership strategy Understanding leadership processes at all levels Applying the leadership hierarchy Analysing the process PRACTICAL EXERCISE Demonstrating the theory of leadership processes in practice Leadership and emotional intelligence The relationship between leadership and emotion The essence of organisational climate PRACTICAL EXERCISE Participants will work on an exercise to illustrate the theory of emotional intelligence in practice Day Two Review of day one Understanding strategic creativity Examining the psychological aspects of strategic thinking Mind mapping and other approaches to creative thinking Developing a creativity toolkit CASE STUDY 2: A strategic leadership challenge Developing a new vision and plan to transform an organisation to face future challenges based on a real-life scenario Developing strategic leadership capability A review of current approaches Understanding the behavioural approaches Developing a contingency approach Understanding corporate culture The structural aspects The behavioural aspects The human aspects How leaders can change corporate culture Developing a toolkit for change Understanding the cultural web The link with emotional intelligence CASE STUDY 3: Analysing leadership techniques This practical case study illustrates how the strategic approach and the application of appropriate leadership techniques including ‘split screen ability’ work in a real-life scenario Performance aspects at the strategic level Developing vision, goals and objectives Creating corporate identity and alignment Working with individual influencers Effective strategic influencing skills The characteristics of effective persuasive leaders Understanding methods of persuasion Profiling others Building the top team The nature of the top team Accepting diversity and challenge The key functions of strategic leadership Putting these into action Personal leadership planning Identifying tomorrow’s leaders Practical approaches The challenges for the future. Programme closure Action logs Next steps Feedback
Unlock the Power of Teams: Elevate your leadership with our Building and Leading Effective Teams course. Learn the art of collaboration, communication, and synergy to create high-performing teams that drive success Course overview Duration: 1 day (6 hours) Everyone works in teams today in one way or another. Whatever we do in the workplace we need to interact with another person or a number of people at various times. It is important that we know how to communicate, how to listen, how to work together and how to overcome conflict when it arises in our workplace. Challenges are often created by a lack of trust, poor conflict handling skills, a lack of shared vision and confusion over roles and responsibilities. This course will help delegates understand how to encourage more productive team working in the workplace. By the end of the course delegates will be able to describe what makes a High Performing Team and realistically assess their current strengths and weaknesses. Delegates will also be able to identify and plan behavioural changes that will improve the team’s performance. The course is experiential based with lots of learning by doing activities, reflecting and discussion. This will allow team members to get to know/improve their knowledge of team colleagues and energise or re-energise teams. Objectives Know more about their colleagues Be able to describe what makes a high performing team Understand the importance of playing to different strengths and skills Recognise the need for clear and effective communication Content The Importance of Team Work The importance of teamwork The ‘third dimension’ – how working together has the potential to achieve more The dangers of an overly competitive workplace culture Psychological Safety Team Development Models Stages of Team Development Behaviours at each stage Dysfunctional Teams – what does good and bad look like Characteristics of high performing and elite teams Teaming and Leadership Skills Teaming competencies Active Listening Proactive Language Values and Beliefs Building Mental Fitness of Teams Becoming an inspirational leader Establishing a climate of psychological safety Team Challenges The importance of Accountability The Team Charter Smart Teams:Building TrustBuilding CollaborationOvercoming ConflictGaining CommitmentDeveloping Shared Goals The importance of shared goals Effective Team communication