If you want your employees to improve their customer service skills and deliver an amazing experience to your customers, feel free to check out my Training course focusing on delivering the best customer care.
Learners develop an essential understanding of caring for people with dementia, and covers the benefits of positive communication, use of medication, and importance of highly individualised, person-centred care
Management training for Stonehouse Care, to include Mental Capacity Act, Safeguarding and Health and Safety for Managers. The Mental Capacity Act & Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards for Managers and Senior Staff By the end of the course, you will be able to: Explain your legal responsibilities under the MCA and DoLS. Apply the five statutory principles of the MCA in decision-making. Determine when and how to conduct a capacity assessment. Understand the Best Interests process and how to apply it. Identify when a deprivation of liberty occurs and how to seek authorisation. Recognise Worcestershire-specific procedures and contacts for DoLS referrals. Implement MCA-compliant record-keeping practices. Safeguarding Adults & Children: Responsibilities for Health & Social Care Managers & Seniors By the end of the course, you will be able to: Understand their legal responsibilities under key safeguarding legislation. Recognise the roles and duties of managers and senior staff in safeguarding adults and children. Know Worcestershire's local safeguarding procedures and reporting pathways. Be able to apply best practices in safeguarding supervision, record-keeping, and decision-making. Identify when and how to escalate safeguarding concerns effectively. Health & Safety for Health & Social Care Managers and Seniors By the end of the course, you will be able to: Understand their legal responsibilities under Health & Safety legislation. Recognise how key regulations apply to their role in Health & Social Care. Learn how to manage risks and create a safe working environment. Be aware of local Worcestershire requirements and guidance. Identify best practices for compliance and enforcement.
This course is aimed at anyone working in the Care Sector to improve awareness and knowledge of dignity and how workers can help protect it. Learners will understand their roles and responsibilities, a clear understanding of the 7 principles of dignity, and show an increased understanding of best practice for communicating with service users. Explore how dignity starts at the very top of the organisation with the manager and owner taking responsibility for ensuring their staff provide a dignified service. It will describe how care staff provide and the way they provide it, are the standard by which service users will measure whether they have been treated with dignity and respect.
Understanding, working with and leading systems that promote patient safety in this way will become increasingly important for all health care providers and this course will help to build a solid foundation in this crucial subject to enhance your career and improve your patient care.
This course presents the role of the care worker using demonstrations of good and bad practices. It includes information on Core Values, Code of Conduct, and Continual Professional Development. This subject forms Standard 1 of the Care Certificate.
Aimed for GP reception staff and HCAs, who work face to face booking patients in or HCAs doing the initial triage/observations. Receptionists and HCAs working in the urgent care setting or walk in centres may also find this beneficial as they also book patients in and monitor the waiting room.
This Health & Safety in the Care Sector Course works alongside, and helps, learners understand Standard 13 of the Care Certificate. This Standard touches on the legislation, policies & responsibilities relating to Health & Safety in the care sector, as well as looking at accidents and sudden illnesses.
A study day designed for HCAs who are working in a supportive role in primary care, offering care for patients with asthma. This day provides an overview of how asthma is diagnosed and managed and includes a practical inhaler delivery systems workshop.
This course discusses the care of indwelling male, female, and supra-pubic catheters in order to minimise the risks associated with indwelling catheters