Aimed specifically at Podiatrists the day provides an excellent clinical complement to in-house established programmes and assumes legal and professional issues regarding the ordering of radiological examination are addressed locally.
Our *NEW* Mini First Aid Baby Proofing class is our second class, designed for parents and carers of babies and children over 3 months. It can be taken after our 2 hour Baby and Child First Aid class, or in isolation for those parents who are starting their weaning journey, or have a baby on the move!
Learn the basics of Data Science, combining a supported #CISCO Skills for All online course with practical learning and a project to help consolidate the learning.
The 2-hour Baby & Child First Aid class covers CPR, Choking, Bumps, Burns, Breaks, Bleeding, Febrile Seizures and Meningitis & Sepsis Awareness and will give everyone who attends the peace of mind they deserve.
This 2 - 2-5 hour course is designed is designed to provide parents and carers with the opportunity to: Develop the basic skills and knowledge needed to deal with a wide range of emergency paediatric First Aid situations, which could arise when looking after babies and children. The course can take place in in a community group or in the comfort of your home, with family and friends who maybe caring for your child or they may have children of their own. The course can be booked during the week, week nights or weekends, with or without children present. The idea is to bring the skills and knowledge to you, in your normal routine.
Ensure Workplace Safety and Compliance! Empower yourself and your colleagues with the skills to manage emergency situations effectively. Sign up today for our Full First Aid at Work course and become a vital first responder in your workplace.
We invite adults, children, complete beginners, and advanced pianists alike to join us at our studio on Baker Street for the finest and most comprehensive piano lessons London has to offer, thanks to a wonderful team of piano instructors. Please contact us for in-person or online lesson availability.
Ensure Workplace Safety and Compliance! Empower yourself and your colleagues with the skills to manage emergency situations effectively. Sign up today for our Full First Aid at Work course and become a vital first responder in your workplace.
Ensure Workplace Safety and Compliance! Empower yourself and your colleagues with the skills to manage emergency situations effectively. Sign up today for our Full First Aid at Work course and become a vital first responder in your workplace.