Booking options
Delivered Online or In-Person
You travel to organiser or they travel to you
4 weeks
Beginner level
This is an 8-hour course aimed to help you learn what is meant by Data Science, what it involves and how it is often done, then to complete a small practical project to use some of the techniques and to get an idea of whether this is something that you might want to take further.
How you will learn
You will be mentored to complete the CISCO Skills for All online course "Introduction to Data Science" over a series of 4 two-hour, one per week. sessions with an opportunity to continue the learning in between sessions.
Each week there will be a half-hour workshop introducing a data tool (spreadsheet, visualisation, story-telling)
You will choose a data set that interests you and, in an final 2 hour session, you will complete a small practical project with your chosen dataset and one or more of the tools introduced in previous weeks.
You will find a list of topics covered in the online course here
You will earn CISCO badges
Introduction to Data Science
Basics of Analytics
Data Collection
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Concepts
Data Careers
and a statement of achievement from futureCodersSE CIC, with a shared link to your project to add to your CV or LinkedIn profile.
Data tells us that free online courses have a high drop out rate (these can be as high as 90% of starters according to this article published in Open Computer Science.
Our course requires you to attend once per week, to discuss your learning journey and work with a coach to plan for success. The project is additional, again supported, but will give you a practical, tangible activity to enrich your learning.
The overall experience will combine theory and practice to make the learning interesting, motivating and relevant.
This course will be delivered over a period of 4 weeks. Each week you will be able to attend a 2 hour session, online (or in person if enough people are able to access a particular geography).
During the session you will have the opportunity to talk with a learning coach/mentor and with others who are following the same learning journey. This will be a learning group, there to support each other and to help all to achieve to their potential.
Also during the session there will be a short demo and a short task to use a data tool to manipulate a small set of data. This might be a spreadsheet, a visualisation tool, etc.
futureCoders SE is a not for profit, coding experience academy. We provide training in coding (Python, HTML/CSS, Javascript frameworks, and a range of work experience opportunities...