Contextual Safeguarding and Extra-Familial Harms, including CCE, CSE & County LinesDelivered OnlineOnline masterclassMon, Mar 31, 09:30 AM GMT+1 + more£80+ VAT
Annual Safeguarding Update for Governors: Understanding the Latest Developments, Risks and Statutory RequirementsDelivered OnlineOnline courseMon, Mar 31, 05:30 PM GMT+1 £80+ VAT
Accredited Safer Recruitment TrainingDelivered OnlineOnline courseWed, Apr 2, 09:00 AM GMT+1 + more£100+ VAT
Managing Allegations against members of staff and volunteers, including Low-Level ConcernsDelivered OnlineOnline masterclassTue, Apr 29, 09:30 AM GMT+1 £80+ VAT
New to the role DSL Training - DAY 1Delivered OnlineOnline courseThu, May 1, 09:00 AM GMT+1 + more£150+ VAT
New to the role DSL Training - DAY 2Delivered OnlineOnline courseFri, May 2, 09:00 AM GMT+1 + more£150+ VAT
Designated Safeguarding Lead Refresher TrainingDelivered OnlineOnline courseFri, May 2, 09:00 AM GMT+1 + more£150+ VAT
Sexual Violence, Sexual Harassment and Harmful Sexual BehaviourDelivered OnlineOnline masterclassTue, May 6, 09:30 AM GMT+1 £80+ VAT
New to the Role of Safeguarding GovernanceDelivered OnlineOnline courseTue, May 6, 05:30 PM GMT+1 £80+ VAT
Evidencing excellent Safeguarding Practice: Record Keeping, File Reviews, Supervision & Conducting Internal/External ReviewsDelivered OnlineOnline masterclassTue, May 13, 09:30 AM GMT+1 £80+ VAT
Managing Complex Safeguarding Issues, including Fabricated Induced Illness, Disguised Compliance, Child Parent Abuse & Parental Mental Health ConcernsDelivered OnlineOnline masterclassTue, Jun 3, 09:30 AM GMT+1 £80+ VAT
Annual Online Safety Update for DSLs, including emerging risks and trendsDelivered OnlineOnline masterclassWed, Jun 11, 09:30 AM GMT+1 £80+ VAT