Booking options
Free - £10
Free - £10
Delivered Online
1 hour
All levels
17 JUNE 2025
TIME: 7-8pm
This event is held on ZOOM, so please register to get the Zoom details.
Join us for a FREE Tea 'N Chat with NICKY SIMPSON talking about mark making for textiles and her online courses.
Nicky's aim is to show how easily accessible mark making can be for every level of student and how it can be delivered in a fun and engaging way.
She will also introduce you to her online and face-2-face courses with an opportunity to ask questions.
The Textiles Skills Centre Associates are a team of volunteers that manage the social media platforms and website, and offer support, mentorship and advice to textile teachers and trainees. We organise free resource networking events each month (Tea 'N Chat) and are always on hand to help and encourage when needed.
We are always looking for new Associate members, so if you would like to join this small team then do contact us at:
At the moment all costs are met by our team and time is given freely. If you are able to support us with a donation, however small, this will help to enhance the work we are doing.
You can donate at checkout, or using the ‘BUY THE TEAM A COFFEE’ button below. All donations gratefully received.
(Especially ☕ and 🍰 😋)
The TEXTILES SKILLS CENTRE brings together industry and education experts to support, develop and deliver resources, courses and events for textiles teachers, trainers and the...