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On-Demand course
9 weeks
All levels
Do you experience anxiety? And would you like to feel better?
Use yoga tools and techniques and holistic health system 'ayurveda' to help you feel better daily.
Learn how to lower anxiety from the level of the mind, emotions and body in Part 1. Because ayurveda is truly holistic, you may see some changes in physical health too!
Part 2 learn some background life knowledge to gain a fuller understanding of the human condition and how to apply this to feel better every day.
What you will benefit from:
- 13 accessible yoga practice videos for convenient time slots in your life.
- invaluable reading material.
- guidance to gain mastery over your emotions.
- learning the best foods/herbs to lower anxiety.
- lifestyle suggestions.
- thought provoking yoga philosophy about the human condition.
- 6 Lessons - suggest take 1 week per Lesson to integrate (reading the material straight through will take less).
- 2 Parts - suggest take 2-3 weeks between each Part while you integrate/practice.
- 6-9 week course (based on timing recommendations here). But go at your own pace, everyone will vary and you may study and integrate over a longer period.
There is the option to arrange a private consultation or ask individual questions at any point for tailor made advice, physical &/or mental (cost quoted separately).
Course writer Liz Turner, Into Yoga and Nature, also offers in person classesand workshops, some of which can be attended on Zoom.
Liz is qualified in the Krishnamacarya tradition of yoga studying with authentic teachers in this lineage and the American Institute of Vedic Studies (for ayurveda). Her focus is addressing health and helping people to access a sense of peace for personal transformation.
If you can breathe, you can do yoga! The practices start with simple relaxation and breathing. They gradually build up adding physical movement and postures. They are all gentle, not strong yoga. And I give options where needed. Also its fine to rest and join in the parts you can do.
The reading material is in short bite size amounts. It is aimed to be easy to follow and interspersed with practices. But at the same time, its best to take your time and go over the material more than once.
The practices are in short videos & you can always choose a practice for the length of time you have. Its important though to make a little time for yourself regularly as part of overcoming anxiety. It is this regular practice that will help you to create a different feeling.
Liz Turner from Into Yoga and Nature offers local yoga classes in Devon, some of which can be attended via Zoom. She also runs in person workshops and Zoom sessions on yoga and ayurveda....