Modern Slavery Awareness Course - Online Course This Modern Slavery Awareness online training course explains forms of slavery, and identifies which countries and industries are vulnerable to slavery. It covers what companies should do about slavery and identifies steps people can take to help combat slavery. The course also outlines anti-slavery laws in the UK including the Modern Slavery Act 2015. There were tens of millions of victims of modern slavery across the world in 2021. Over 10,000 of these victims were in the UK. The most common forms of exploitation reported in the UK were labour exploitation for adults and criminal exploitation for minors. What is Modern Slavery? Modern slavery is a mainly hidden crime that targets the most vulnerable people in society. The term modern slavery covers several different forms of exploitation including human trafficking, domestic servitude, and sexual, criminal and labour exploitation. Modern slavery is often associated with individuals or businesses that carry out illegal activities and seek to exploit vulnerable people. However, many legitimate businesses and organisations have complex supply chains and slavery is often a component in these supply chains. For example, children are forced to mine for cobalt for use in mobile phones, and 20% of the world's cotton is produced by slave labour in China. These products are bought by major retailers in the UK and sold to you. What are the learning outcomes for the Modern Slavery course? At the end of the course you will be able to: Define slavery, and describe different forms of slavery. Identify which parts of the world and which industries are most vulnerable to slavery. Outline anti-slavery laws and policies in the UK. Explain which companies must make modern slavery statements and describe the legal requirements associated with them. Describe the recommended contents of a modern slavery statement. List steps people can take to help combat slavery. Introduction to modern slavery The first topic defines modern slavery and human trafficking. Then it identifies different forms of slavery. Where and why slavery happens The second topic identifies countries and industries that are vulnerable to slavery. It goes on to explain why slavery happens today and discusses the limitations of social auditing. Legislation and government measures The third topic gives a timeline of slavery laws. It also outlines anti-slavery law around the UK. Modern slavery statements Topic 4 explains which companies need to produce modern slavery statements. It also identifies two important legal requirements of these statements. Finally, the topic covers where the statement can be registered. What can you do? The final topic identifies warning signs that indicate someone may be a victim of slavery or trafficking. Then it outlines what to do if you suspect someone is a victim. The topic also describes other things you can do about slavery.
First Aid In The Workplace Course Online This First Aid in the Workplace online training course will help you to recognise emergency medical situations. It will make you aware of the actions to take, or avoid, before a qualified First-Aider or professional medical help arrives on the scene. In 2020-21, 441,000 people sustained a non-fatal injury at work and 142 people were killed. Everyone should be provided with basic first aid knowledge as there is always a risk of injury or falling ill at work and it can be important that the casualty receives immediate assistance. Give yourself and your staff the confidence and ability to react quickly to an incident at work with this online First Aid in the Workplace course. If you are one of the qualified designated first aiders within your organisation, then this course would be perfect as a refresher. Then you can be sure your knowledge of First Aid is maintained and up to date. What are the learning outcomes for the First Aid course? At the end of the First Aid in the Workplace course you will be able to describe: What is meant by the term First Aid. The role of a first-aider. First Aid requirements, duties and responsibilities in the workplace. Lifesaving techniques - the recovery position, CPR and AEDs. The signs and danger of shock. How to deal with minor injuries. How to deal with severe bleeding and blood loss. Choking and how to deal with a choking emergency. Burns and how to deal with them. The purpose of the Primary Survey and what it entails. First-aid workplace requirements The first topic is about first aid requirements in the workplace. It outlines the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 and describes the minimum first aid provision at work. You will learn about what needs to be in a first aid box. The topic also covers RIDDOR and identifies when you need to report injuries and illness. The Recovery Position The second topic is about the recovery position. The topic defines the term 'unresponsive' and explains how to check a person's level of responsiveness. You will learn about the importance of the recovery position and how you place a casualty in this position. Resuscitation (CPR) The third topic is about CPR. You will learn how to give chest compressions and rescue breaths in the correct ratio. You will also learn when to stop CPR. Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) Topic 4 is about AEDs. You will learn about when and how to use AEDs. Shock Topic 5 is about shock. It outlines common causes and the signs of shock. You will also learn how to deal with anaphylaxis and what to do if you suspect a casualty is suffering from shock. Choking Topic 6 is about choking. The topic explains why you might not realise a casualty is choking. You will learn about the sequence of actions to take if you think someone is choking. The topic also covers when to summon the emergency services and what to do if the casualty becomes unresponsive. Minor injuries Topic 7 shows you how to deal with minor bleeding, nosebleeds and bruising. Burns and Scalds Topic 8 is about burns and scalds. The topic identifies the layers of the skin and identifies different types of burn. You will learn how to differentiate between superficial and serious burns. The topic covers first aid for burns, when the casualty should visit A&E, and how to deal with electrical and chemical burns. Severe bleeding and major blood loss Topic 9 is about severe bleeding. You will learn how to slow or stop bleeding until professional help arrives. The topic explains what to do if there is an object embedded in a wound and how to use a tourniquet. The topic also covers the action to take if there has been an amputation. The Primary Survey The final topic is about the Primary Survey. You will learn about when to do the Primary Survey and the sequence of steps that make up the survey. The topic also explains when to carry out a Secondary Survey.
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Abrasive Wheels Training - Online Course This online abrasive wheels training course will advise you of the hazards you may encounter when using abrasive wheels and the precautions you need to take to prevent accidents and injury. According to the HSE, nearly half of all accidents involving abrasive wheels happen due to unsafe working practices and operator errors. Employers must make sure their employees follow strict health and safety practices to protect both themselves and their colleagues. The law requires employers to take reasonable steps to safeguard the health and safety of all employees. Therefore, employers need to raise awareness about the hazards they may encounter when using abrasive wheels in the workplace, and need to outline what can be done to minimise risk. What is an abrasive wheel? An abrasive wheel is a versatile disposable tool made from an abrasive material or compound. Abrasive wheels are typically found on portable grinders, grinding machines, and cut-off saws. They rotate at high speed and are capable of cutting, shaping, smoothing and cleaning a wide variety of materials. Abrasive wheels course learning outcomes After completing the online Abrasive Wheels training online course, you will be able to describe: The main types of abrasive wheel Abrasive wheel identification and labelling The principal risks and hazards associated with abrasive wheels Important legislation relating to the use of abrasive wheels Legal duties and responsibilities relating to abrasive wheels Required routine maintenance checks The role of risk assessments Introduction to abrasive wheels The first topic identifies what an abrasive wheel is and what they are used for, and explains what organic and inorganic bonded wheels are. The topic describes various methods used in the construction of abrasive wheels to strengthen them to avoid breakage. You will also learn about the different abrasive wheel types and their wide range of applications. Abrasive wheel identification The second topic outlines how abrasive wheels are labelled so that you can check that the correct wheel has been selected for the equipment and task you need to carry out. It also identifies any restrictions placed on the use of the wheel and precautions you must take when using the wheel. You will also learn about where to find the wheel dimensions and the importance of never exceeding the maximum permissible speed of the wheel. The topic also covers how to read the specification mark to understand the abrasive type, grain size and bond of the abrasive wheel. Hazards and health risks The third topic describes the principal risks of injury and long term ill health associated with the handling and use of abrasive wheels. It explains the term drawing-in. It outlines the risks of sudden breakage of the abrasive wheel that can cause serious life-changing injuries. The topic also explains the term silicosis and the effect of exposure to large amounts of dust that contains crystalline silica causes. It also covers other health risks including exposure to loud noise and how prolonged exposure to hand-arm vibration (HAV) during grinding and cutting-off operations can damage joints, nerves and blood vessels. Important legislation Topic 4 provides an overview of important legislation that aims to protect people in the workplace from injury and ill health. Handling, storage and disposal Topic 5 explains how to avoid damaging abrasive wheels during handling and storage. It covers the precautions to take when handling abrasive wheels and how to store abrasive wheels. The topic also explains the effect of damp, cold, heat and humidity on stored abrasive wheels. Lastly, the topic covers how to safely dispose of used abrasive wheels. Selecting the correct wheel Topic 6 identifies the main things to consider when selecting an abrasive wheel. It explains how a number of factors determine the selection of an abrasive wheel including the wheel size, operating speed, the material being cut, the wheel grade and grain size and the type of cut. Wheel inspection and mounting Topic 7 outlines how to inspect and test abrasive wheels before mounting and the key considerations when mounting a wheel. It explains the importance of inspecting new and used wheels before use. The topic also covers how to use the 'ring test' to check wheels for damage. It identifies the purpose of flanges, blotters and bushes. Finally, the topic explains the term run-out and how excessive run-out puts additional stress on the wheel which increases the risk of breakage. Guards and shields Topic 8 outlines the purpose and common types of guards and shields. It explains the requirement of guards and shields and covers the types of guards and shields required for bench grinders, angle grinders. Lastly, the topic covers the wheel enclosure angles for fixed machines. Wheel truing and dressing Topic 9 explains why wheels must be trued and dressed and how this is done. It identifies why it is necessary to true and dress wheels, the difference between truing and dressing and what truing and dressing wheels involves. It also outlines the tools commonly used for dressing wheels and finally, the topic covers the dressing process. Portable and hand-held equipment Topic 10 provides an overview of additional precautions you should take when you use portable and hand-held equipment such as angle grinders. It identifies the wheels that cannot be used on portable machines. The topic also explains electrical safety advice and electric shock protection. It explains how routine checks, regular inspection and preventive maintenance are essential to avoid accidents. Finally, the topic covers safety checks for internal combustion powered equipment. Managing the risks The final topic outlines the purpose and essential steps of an abrasive wheels risk assessment and recaps on the things you should do to stay safe when using abrasive wheels. The topic covers how to use the hierarchy of control to prioritise measures to keep people safe. Lastly, the topic summarises the day-to-day measures that you can use to stay safe when using abrasive wheels.
Ladder Safety Training - Online Course This Ladder Safety training online course provides learners with an understanding of the sensible precautions they should take to keep safe when they use ladders and stepladders in the workplace. Falls from height are the third highest cause of fatal injury in the workplace. Falls from a ladder account for around 40% of all falls-from-height accidents each year. Serious or fatal injury can occur even when the fall is less than 2 metres. The law requires employers to take reasonable steps to safeguard the health and safety of all employees. This includes raising awareness about the risks of working at height. What are the learning outcomes for the Ladder Safety course? At the end of the course you will be able to describe: Common types of ladder The advantages and disadvantages of ladder materials Hazards and risks associated with ladders How to assess and address risks using a hierarchy of controls The Work at Height Regulations 2005 An employer's duties and responsibilities The hazard posed by falling objects and measures that can be taken to minimise the risk that they occur The need to select the correct ladder and the checks to make before using one The things to consider when planning to use a ladder Portable ladders and steps The first topic describes the common types of portable ladders and steps. It identifies advantages and disadvantages of these ladders. The topic also covers the different materials that ladders are made from and when to use the different types. Assessing and controlling the risks before using a ladder The second topic is about ladder work and risk assessments. You will learn about when a risk assessment is needed and the factors to include in a risk assessment. The topic also covers hierarchy of control, collective protection and personal protection. It identifies control measures to reduce risks and also explains the use of three-point holds. Risks, hazards and duties when using a ladder The third topic defines the term 'working at height' and explains UK legislation about working at height. It identifies the responsibilities of employers and employees and also describes common hazards when working on a ladder. Falling objects Topic 4 identifies measures that you can take to reduce the risk of falling objects and also explains why drop zones are needed. Ladder pre-use checks/ ladder safety checklist The final topic is about ladder pre-use checks. You will learn about ladder standards and labelling. You will learn important things to consider before you use a ladder. The topic covers when you should check a ladder and pre-checks for both leaning ladders and step ladders. The topic also outlines HSE guidance on ladder use.
Working at Heights Training - Online Course This online Working at Heights course provides learners with an understanding of the risks of working at height so that they are able to minimise the risk of falls and injury by adopting control measures and safe work practices. The law requires employers to take reasonable steps to safeguard the health and safety of all employees. This includes raising awareness about the risks related to working at height. This Working at Heights online training only provides awareness education and does not qualify someone to use access equipment or safety equipment. Additional practical training will be required before a person is competent to work at height. The importance of Working At Height Awareness training Working at Height Awareness training is very important because falls from height are the highest cause of workplace fatalities in the UK. All companies want to reduce the chance of accidents, injury and death. Working at Heights training reduces the risk of falls. Employees who understand the risks of working at height can minimise the risk of falls and injury by adopting control measures and safe work practices. Your business will benefit from a well-trained workforce. Staff will appreciate your investment in their health and education. Fewer injuries, and therefore fewer sick days, means higher productivity. What are the learning outcomes for this Working at Heights online course? At the end of the course you will be able to describe: The term 'working at height' and some common examples. The number of reported injuries and fatalities involving work at height. How to assess the risks using a hierarchy of controls. Key laws that aim to keep people safe when working at height. The duties and responsibilities of employers and those in control of work. When you need an emergency rescue plan and what this plan is for. The hazards posed by falling objects. Measures you can take to minimise the risk of falling objects. What a 'drops calculator' is and how to use it. The need to select and check the correct ladder for the job. The things to consider when you plan to work at height. What is working at height? The first topic defines the term 'working at height' and gives everyday examples of work at height. You will learn about how many serious injuries and fatalities involve falls from height. The topic also covers other risks and hazards to consider when you work at height. Duties and responsibilities The second topic is about the laws that aim to keep people safe when they work at height. It covers the duties the law places on employers, people in control of work and employees. You will learn about the requirement for emergency procedures. The topic also covers other laws that relate to working at height. Assessing and controlling the risks The third topic identifies why organisations need to do a risk assessment and the factors to consider in the assessment. The topic describes the hierarchy of control specified in the regulations. You will learn about both collective and personal protection. The topic explains how to reduce risks and the importance of three-point holds. Falling objects Topic 4 outlines measures you can take to reduce the risk from falling objects. You will learn about the importance of drop zones and the drops calculator. The topic explains how to estimate the probable severity of injuries. Ladder pre-use checks Topic 5 is about ladder pre-use checks. You will learn about ladder materials and their advantages and disadvantages. You will also learn about ladder standards and labelling and some important things to consider before you use a ladder. The topic covers when you should check a ladder and pre-checks for both leaning ladders and step ladders. The topic also outlines HSE guidance on ladder use. Planning your work The final topic outlines the checks to make before you start any work at height. You will learn about the importance of how tools and materials are moved to and from the work area. The topic identifies precautions to take when you work at height and other hazards associated with working at height.
Stress in the Workplace Training - Online Course Our workplace stress management course makes you aware of the potential impact of work-related stress, allows you to recognise your stress triggers and helps you manage any work-related stress you are experiencing. We cover what you should do if you have tried all the self-help techniques and still feel unable to cope with the levels of stress you are experiencing. The training course identifies positive ways of dealing with stress. An example is being active, an excellent way to reduce stress levels. Exercise releases endorphins into your bloodstream, which make you feel good and lift your mood. Your stress may not disappear, but it will help you feel calmer to deal with your problems with a clearer mind. Our stress management course breaks down examples like this and all other stress management tactics. What is Stress? Stress is the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure. It is usually associated with anxiety brought about by experience something new, unexpected or in situations where a person feels unable to cope with pressure. We all deal with stress differently. What is a stress management course? A stress management course or training teaches employees of businesses and organisations to identify the signs of stress and informs them of other mental health issues which can be present in a workplace environment. Participants will be provided with all the skills required to help colleagues that need support. Learning outcomes of stress management training When you complete our online stress management training, you will be able to explain the following: What is meant by stress. The prevalence of work-related stress in the UK. The impact of stress on yourself, on others and on organisations. A range of causes of stress at work. Emotional, mental, cognitive and behavioural symptoms of stress. Common stress triggers and identify your own stress triggers. How major life events and minor daily hassles can contribute to stress. What is Stress Defining 'stress', identifying common causes of workplace stress and health problems caused by stress. The Incidence of Stress in the Workplace Summarising Health & Safety Executive information about work-related stress. Symptoms and Triggers of Stress Describing the symptoms and triggers of stress. The topic also outlines some relevant research into stress. Managing Stress in the Workplace This section is all about managing stress. You will learn about how some coping strategies do more harm than good. The topic describes how physical activity reduces stress and explores how to increase the amount of social contact in your life. The topic covers the impact of learning, diet, expectations, and clutter on stress levels. Finally, the topic suggests how to create a stress management plan. Professional Help The final topic explains what to do if you feel unable to manage stress on your own. It explains the basics of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
Infection Prevention & Control Course Online - Online Course This Infection Control and Prevention course will make you aware of the hazard posed by infections. It will also make you aware of how infections are spread and how to break the chain of infection. The most effective way of preventing infection from spreading is to have clean hands. The course covers good hand washing technique and at identifies when you should clean your hands. For employers, the course is an easy way to ensure that they comply with the legal responsibilities under the Public Health Regulations and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Infection Prevention & Control course outcomes After completing the course you will be able to describe: The terms pathogen, host, contamination and decontamination How infections spread What an outbreak of infection means Responsibilities with regard to infection control When you should wash your hands Good hand washing technique When to use PPE How to handle sharps How to handle soiled linen The need for infection prevention and control training The first course topic explains why there is a high risk of illness and infection in healthcare and care home settings. You will also learn about how your duty of care includes infection prevention and control. Infections and their causes The second topic describes the meaning of the terms pathogen, host and outbreak. The topic also gives examples of pathogenic organisms and explains the difference between infectious and non-infectious diseases. The chain of infection The third topic explains the term 'chain of infection'. You will learn about the six links in the chain of infection. The topic also presents examples of how infections enter and exit a human host. Outbreaks of infection Topic 4 identifies the symptoms of a fever. You will also learn about what is meant by an outbreak of infection and the steps that you should take when an outbreak occurs. Hand Hygiene Topic 5 explains why good hand hygiene is essential. You will also learn about the terms contamination and decontamination. The topic also describes good hand decontamination technique. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Topic 6 explains the purpose of PPE that will probably be used in your workplace. You will learn about your responsibilities and your employer's responsibilities regarding PPE. The topic also covers why your employer might offer you vaccinations. Handling waste Topic 7 describes the difference between hazardous and non-hazardous clinical waste. It also covers the regulations that classify waste and explains how to dispose of unwanted and out-of-date medicines. Disposal of sharps This topic explains how to handle 'sharps' and also identifies the action you should take if you suffer a sharps injury. Soiled linen This topic is about how and why you should decontaminate soiled linen. Personal responsibilities of infection prevention & control The final topic outlines your personal responsibilities regarding vaccinations, sickness and personal hygiene.
Hand-Arm Vibration (HAV) Training - Online Course This training will advise you of the hazards posed by Hand-Arm Vibration (HAV) at work. It will also explain the precautions that you need to take to prevent permanent injury to your health through prolonged exposure to vibration. According to the HSE, nearly 2 million people in the UK are at risk of developing Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) at work. HAVS is preventable, but once the damage is done it is permanent. Therefore, employers must ensure that their employees follow strict health and safety practices to protect themselves against the health risks associated with hand-arm vibration. Employers have a legal duty to take reasonable steps to safeguard the health and safety of all employees. Therefore, employers need to raise awareness about the risks associated with hand-arm vibration at work, and they need to outline how these risks can be minimised. What is Hand-Arm Vibration? Hand-arm vibration is any vibration transmitted from work processes into hands and arms. It can occur when operating hand-held or handguided power tools, such as concrete breakers, grinders, chainsaws, powered lawnmowers and compactors. Also, vibration can be transmitted into hands and arms by holding materials that are being processed by machines such as when buffing workpieces or off-hand grinding using a pedestal grinder. What are the learning outcomes for the Hand-Arm Vibration course? After completing the Hand-Arm Vibration online training course you will be able to describe: The principal health risks associated with HAV Legal duties and responsibilities relating to HAV Vibration exposure action values and exposure limit values How to easily find out your level of vibration exposure When monitoring of vibration levels is necessary HAV risk assessments How to reduce the risk of Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome and Carpal Tunnel Introduction to Hand-Arm Vibration The first topic explains what hand-arm vibration is and outlines what are the various sources of hand-arm vibration. The topic also identifies when HAV can be damaging to your health, outlines the symptoms of hand-arm vibration syndrome and explains how it can affect your health in the long term. This topic also looks at Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and outlines the incidence of HAVS and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in the UK over the past decade. The Risk of Hand-Arm Vibration at Work The second topic identifies the factors that increase your risk of developing Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome and other health issues related to vibration. Also, the topic outlines the industries where the risk of developing vibration-induced health issues is highest and the equipment that can cause ill health from vibration. Finally, the topic will outline the factors that indicate whether you are at risk of developing Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome. The Control of Vibration at Work The third topic provides an overview of important legislation that aims to protect workers from vibration-related injury and ill health. This topic also outlines why it is important to assess the risk of injury from vibratory tools in the workplace and explains how vibration exposure is calculated. Managing HAV Risks The final topic indicates the actions that employers and employees should take to reduce their exposure to hand-arm vibration and minimise the risk of developing HAVS. Also, this topic explains the purpose of risk assessment and health surveillance, and when these should be carried out.