Do you know that hosting a website can be very expensive? How much more when you realise that you aren't earning yet you are spending too much on your site? Then this course will be a great help for you to become cost-effective in your web hosting. This course will share you that the secrets to free web hosting and you can be able to utilise it. Before knowing how free web hosting secrets work, you have to learn the web host basics since this is the foundation of web hosting and you have to know how web hosting is done to be able to use do free web hosting. You have to bear in mind that there are advantages and disadvantages in free web hosting but one thing is for sure, you have to learn the basics to become an expert of it. Who is the course for? Employees of the business industry and other businessmen who want to learn how to become profitable through website designing. People who have an interest in Website Design and Marketing and how to effectively communicate with their potential clients through the web. Entry Requirement: This course is available to all learners, of all academic backgrounds. Learners should be aged 16 or over to undertake the qualification. Good understanding of English language, numeracy and ICT are required to attend this course. Assessment: At the end of the course, you will be required to sit an online multiple-choice test. Your test will be assessed automatically and immediately so that you will instantly know whether you have been successful. Before sitting for your final exam you will have the opportunity to test your proficiency with a mock exam. Certification: After you have successfully passed the test, you will be able to obtain an Accredited Certificate of Achievement. You can however also obtain a Course Completion Certificate following the course completion without sitting for the test. Certificates can be obtained either in hard copy at a cost of £39 or in PDF format at a cost of £24. PDF certificate's turnaround time is 24 hours and for the hardcopy certificate, it is 3-9 working days. Why choose us? Affordable, engaging & high-quality e-learning study materials; Tutorial videos/materials from the industry leading experts; Study in a user-friendly, advanced online learning platform; Efficient exam systems for the assessment and instant result; The UK & internationally recognised accredited qualification; Access to course content on mobile, tablet or desktop from anywhere anytime; The benefit of career advancement opportunities; 24/7 student support via email. Career Path: The Free Web Hosting Secrets course will be very beneficial and helpful, especially to the following careers: Businessman Marketing and Promotions Specialists Marketing Managers Product Creators Programmers Sales Managers Sales and Promotions Specialists Website Developer. Web Hosting Secrets Introduction, And a Hosting Glossary 01:00:00 Hosting Types. The Difference Between Shared,VPS and Dedicated 02:00:00 The Most Important Features of Shared Web Hosting 02:00:00 The Most Common Tricks of Web Host Companies, and How to Avoid Them 02:00:00 How to Install and Setup WordPress Manually 00:00:00 VPS or Dedicated Hosting- Which is better for you 02:00:00 What Is Cloud Hosting and When You Should Use It 02:00:00 The Most Important Security Features You Need in Your Web Hosting 02:00:00 How to Know When It's Time for A Dedicated Server 02:00:00 SEO and Web Hosting - How They're Connected, and What You Should Know 02:00:00 Windows or Linux Hosting - What's the Difference, and Which Should You Pick 02:00:00 Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00
Do you know what colocation is? Are you wondering why you should use colocation? Then this course will be able to help you learn the basics of colocation and how it should be used. Description: As we have been experiencing in this modern age, businesses are utilising the internet to be able to execute it and to be able to succeed. This course is designed to help users know what collocation is and how to choose colocation provider. Colocation is one of the types of web hosting. This kind of web hosting is specifically designed and structured for small businesses and suited to small firms that have no capacity to have large web hosting service. In this course, you will be able to learn about collocation and the basics of it. You will be able to learn the advantages of collocation then know who provide colocation services. This course is designed to elaborate colocation extras, services and systems that will be helpful to those who are interested in web hosting through collocation. Who is the course for? Employees of the business industry and other businessmen who want to learn how to become profitable through web hosting, specifically colocation People who have an interest in colocation and how to effectively use this type of web hosting Entry Requirement: This course is available to all learners, of all academic backgrounds. Learners should be aged 16 or over to undertake the qualification. Good understanding of English language, numeracy and ICT are required to attend this course. Assessment: At the end of the course, you will be required to sit an online multiple-choice test. Your test will be assessed automatically and immediately so that you will instantly know whether you have been successful. Before sitting for your final exam you will have the opportunity to test your proficiency with a mock exam. Certification: After you have successfully passed the test, you will be able to obtain an Accredited Certificate of Achievement. You can however also obtain a Course Completion Certificate following the course completion without sitting for the test. Certificates can be obtained either in hard copy at a cost of £39 or in PDF format at a cost of £24. PDF certificate's turnaround time is 24 hours and for the hardcopy certificate, it is 3-9 working days. Why choose us? Affordable, engaging & high-quality e-learning study materials; Tutorial videos/materials from the industry leading experts; Study in a user-friendly, advanced online learning platform; Efficient exam systems for the assessment and instant result; The UK & internationally recognised accredited qualification; Access to course content on mobile, tablet or desktop from anywhere anytime; The benefit of career advancement opportunities; 24/7 student support via email. Career Path: The Web Hosting: Colocation course will be very beneficial and helpful, especially to the following careers: Businessman Marketing and Promotions Specialists Marketing Managers Product Creators Programmers Sales Managers Sales and Promotions Specialists Website Developer. Module-01 Introduction to colocation 00:30:00 Important consideration when choosing a colocation provider 00:30:00 The Basics On Colocation 00:30:00 Disadvantages of colocation 00:15:00 A Colocation Must 00:30:00 Module-02 Advantages of colocation 01:00:00 Before you get colocation services 00:15:00 Choosing A Colocation Provider 00:15:00 Choosing Your Colocation Backup 01:00:00 Colocation And Systems Redundancy 01:00:00 Module-03 Colocation Extras 00:15:00 Colocation Magnified 00:30:00 Colocation Managed And Unmanaged Services 00:15:00 Colocation Myths Exposed 00:15:00 Colocation Pros And Cons 00:15:00 Module-04 Colocation Security 00:30:00 Costs related to colocation 00:15:00 Dedicated hosting vs colocation hosting 01:00:00 Understanding colocation more 00:15:00 Extra fees in colocation 00:15:00 Module-05 Is Colocation Right for Your Business 00:30:00 Managed and unmanaged colocation 00:30:00 The Benefits Of Colocation 00:30:00 Tracking Colocation 00:15:00 Two Faces Of Colocation 00:15:00 Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00
Description: In developing a website, it is important to choose a subject or theme that will suit your style and preference. In this course, you will learn to decide on the function and niche of your site. You will learn the importance of visualization and how to make your site content-rich. You will also be able to know how to do back links. Then you will see the significance of SEO, multimedia, and social sites to improve the traffic of your website. Who is the course for? Employees of the business industry and other businessmen who want to learn how to become profitable through website designing. People who have an interest in Website Design and Marketing and how to effectively communicate with their potential clients through the web. Entry Requirement: This course is available to all learners, of all academic backgrounds. Learners should be aged 16 or over to undertake the qualification. Good understanding of English language, numeracy and ICT are required to attend this course. Assessment: At the end of the course, you will be required to sit an online multiple-choice test. Your test will be assessed automatically and immediately so that you will instantly know whether you have been successful. Before sitting for your final exam you will have the opportunity to test your proficiency with a mock exam. Certification: After you have successfully passed the test, you will be able to obtain an Accredited Certificate of Achievement. You can however also obtain a Course Completion Certificate following the course completion without sitting for the test. Certificates can be obtained either in hard copy at a cost of £39 or in PDF format at a cost of £24. PDF certificate's turnaround time is 24 hours and for the hardcopy certificate, it is 3-9 working days. Why choose us? Affordable, engaging & high-quality e-learning study materials; Tutorial videos/materials from the industry leading experts; Study in a user-friendly, advanced online learning platform; Efficient exam systems for the assessment and instant result; The UK & internationally recognized accredited qualification; Access to course content on mobile, tablet or desktop from anywhere anytime; The benefit of career advancement opportunities; 24/7 student support via email. Career Path: The Web Development Basics course will be very beneficial and helpful, especially to the following careers: Businessman Marketing and Promotions Specialists Marketing Managers Product Creators Programmers Sales Managers Sales and Promotions Specialists Top Executives Website Developer. Updated Version - Web Development Basics Section 01: Getting Started Introduction 00:03:00 How to Get Course requirements 00:02:00 Getting Started on Windows, Linux or Mac 00:02:00 How to ask a Great Questions 00:01:00 FAQ's 00:01:00 Section 02: HTML Introduction HTML 00:05:00 Choosing Code Editor 00:06:00 Installing Code Editor (Sublime Text) 00:04:00 Overview of a Webpage 00:05:00 Structure of a Full HTML Webpage 00:07:00 First Hello World! Webpage 00:09:00 Section 03: HTML Basic Heading tags 00:09:00 Paragraph 00:08:00 Formatting Text 00:12:00 List Items Unordered 00:05:00 List Items Ordered 00:04:00 Classes 00:09:00 IDs 00:06:00 Comments 00:04:00 Section 04: HTML Intermediate Images 00:12:00 Forms 00:05:00 Marquee 00:06:00 Text area 00:06:00 Tables 00:06:00 Links 00:07:00 Navbar - Menu 00:04:00 HTML Entities 00:05:00 Div tag 00:06:00 Google Maps 00:07:00 Section 05: HTML Advanced HTML Audio 00:07:00 HTML Video 00:05:00 Canvas 00:06:00 Iframes 00:05:00 Input Types 00:04:00 Input Attributes 00:06:00 Registration Form 00:04:00 Contact Us Form 00:10:00 Coding Exercise 00:01:00 Solution for Coding Exercise 00:02:00 Section 06: JavaScript Introduction What is JavaScript 00:09:00 Hello World Program 00:14:00 Getting Output 00:11:00 Internal JavaScript 00:13:00 External JavaScript 00:09:00 Inline JavaScript 00:04:00 Async and defer 00:06:00 Section 07: JavaScript Basics Variables 00:13:00 Data Types 00:11:00 Numbers 00:06:00 Strings 00:06:00 String Formatting 00:05:00 Section 08: JavaScript Operators Arithmetic operators 00:07:00 Assignment operators 00:03:00 Comparison operators 00:06:00 Logical operators 00:08:00 Section 09: JavaScript Conditional Statements If-else statement 00:05:00 If-else-if statement 00:04:00 Section 10: JavaScript Control Flow Statements While loop 00:09:00 Do-while loop 00:03:00 For loop 00:08:00 Coding Exercise 00:02:00 Solution for Coding Exercise 00:02:00 Section 11: JavaScript Functions Creating a Function 00:07:00 Function Call() 00:07:00 Function with parameters 00:05:00 Section 12: JavaScript Error Handling Try-catch 00:05:00 Try-catch-finally 00:17:00 Section 13: JavaScript Client-Side Validations On Submit Validation 00:09:00 Input Numeric Validation 00:12:00 Section 14: Python Introduction Introduction to Python 00:02:00 Python vs Other Languages 00:04:00 Why It's Popular 00:04:00 Command Line Basics 00:07:00 Python Installation (Step By Step) 00:06:00 PyCharm IDE Installation 00:08:00 Getting Start PyCharm IDE 00:05:00 First Python Hello World Program 00:07:00 Section 15: Python Basic Variables 00:16:00 Data Types 00:13:00 Type Casting 00:07:00 User Inputs 00:08:00 Comments 00:04:00 Section 16: Python Strings Strings 00:05:00 String Indexing 00:05:00 String Slicing 00:04:00 String Built-in Functions 00:09:00 Formatting String (Dynamic Data) 00:05:00 Section 17: Python Operators Arithmetic Operators 00:08:00 Assignment Operators 00:05:00 Comparison Operators 00:05:00 Logical Operators 00:02:00 AND Operator 00:04:00 OR Operator 00:02:00 NOT Operator 00:03:00 Booleans 00:02:00 Section 18: Python Data Structures Arrays in Earler 00:02:00 Lists 00:06:00 Add List Items 00:07:00 Remove List Items 00:01:00 Sort Lists 00:03:00 Join Lists 00:08:00 Tuples 00:08:00 Update tuples 00:07:00 Join tuples 00:02:00 Dictionaries 00:06:00 Add Dictionary Items 00:04:00 Remove Dictionary Items 00:03:00 Nested Disctionaries 00:04:00 Sets 00:04:00 Add Set Items 00:03:00 Remove Set Items 00:01:00 Join Set Items 00:04:00 Section 19: Python Conditional Statements If Statement 00:03:00 If-else Statement 00:04:00 If-elif-else Statement 00:04:00 If Statement Coding Excercise 00:05:00 Section 20: Python Control Flow Statements Flow Charts 00:06:00 While Loops Statement 00:10:00 For Loops Statement 00:06:00 The range() Function 00:04:00 Nested Loops 00:04:00 2D List using Nested Loop 00:04:00 Section 21: Python Core Games Guessing Game 00:07:00 Car Game 00:10:00 Section 22: Python Functions Creating a Function 00:03:00 Calling a Function 00:06:00 Function with Arguments 00:05:00 Section 23: Python args, KW args for Data Science args, Arbitary Arguments 00:04:00 kwargs, Arbitary Keyword Arguments 00:06:00 Section 24: Python Project Project Overview 00:04:00 ATM RealTime Project 00:13:00 Old Version - Web Development Basics Web Development Basics What Are Niche Website? 01:00:00 The Role Of Visualization In Education 00:15:00 Identify Your Best Platform Or Software 01:00:00 Select A Web Host 01:00:00 Collect Your Site 00:15:00 Building A Content Rich Website 00:15:00 Build Backlinks 00:30:00 Use SEO, Multimedia And Social Sites 01:30:00 Use Analytics 01:00:00 Wrapping Up 00:15:00 Mock Exam Mock Exam-Web Development Basics 00:20:00 Final Exam Final Exam-Web Development Basics 00:20:00 Order Your Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00 Order Your Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00
Picking between the wide range of web developers can be a chore in itself. Most organisations or people trust that they have made the hardest stride which is putting themselves out there, by beginning a business! At that point, they start looking for all the website specialists to locate the correct one and soon understand that the decision is not a simple one. There are numerous things that settle on the decision troublesome since a significant number of the suppliers are all around qualified and their portfolios detail their huge encounters. Searching through all of those professionals can be tiresome, therefore, our web developer recruitment guide teaches the students to determine a priority list, what is important and other factors such as allotted budget to help comb through those many firms and designers. Who is the course for? Small business owners Marketing teams Entry Requirement: This course is available to all learners, of all academic backgrounds. Learners should be aged 16 or over to undertake the qualification. Good understanding of English language, numeracy and ICT are required to attend this course. Assessment: At the end of the course, you will be required to sit an online multiple-choice test. Your test will be assessed automatically and immediately so that you will instantly know whether you have been successful. Before sitting for your final exam you will have the opportunity to test your proficiency with a mock exam. Certification: After you have successfully passed the test, you will be able to obtain an Accredited Certificate of Achievement. You can however also obtain a Course Completion Certificate following the course completion without sitting for the test. Certificates can be obtained either in hard copy at a cost of £39 or in PDF format at a cost of £24. PDF certificate's turnaround time is 24 hours and for the hardcopy certificate, it is 3-9 working Why choose us? Affordable, engaging & high-quality e-learning study materials; Tutorial videos/materials from the industry leading experts; Study in a user-friendly, advanced online learning platform; Efficient exam systems for the assessment and instant result; The UK & internationally recognised accredited qualification; Access to course content on mobile, tablet or desktop from anywhere anytime; The benefit of career advancement opportunities; 24/7 student support via email. Career Path: Web Designer Recruitment Course is a useful qualification to possess, and would be beneficial for the following careers: HR manager in web development companies. Web Designer Recruitment Course The Best Things To Look For In Web Design 00:30:00 A Good Web Design Addresses The Core Functions 00:30:00 A Broken Promise Of A Web Designer 00:15:00 A Project Manager Or A Web Designer 00:30:00 A Web Designer With All Those Web Awards Must Be Good 00:15:00 After Built Who Maintains & Updates Websites 00:30:00 Choosing Between Web Builders For A Great Site 00:15:00 Design Versus Development & The Web Designer 00:30:00 What To Look For In A Web Designers Portfolio 00:30:00 Technical Terms To Familiarize With In Search Of A Web Designer 00:30:00 Guide To Sourcing Web Designers 00:15:00 The Importance Of Web Designers Priorities 00:30:00 Finding The Best Web Designer Available 00:30:00 Finding A Web Designer That Delivers 00:30:00 Best Way To Find A Good Web Designer Is Communication 01:00:00 Things To Look For When Hiring A Web Designer 00:30:00 Finding A Good Web Designer Without Spending A Fortune 00:15:00 Tips For Finding A Proven Web Designer 01:00:00 The Resume Of A Web Designer 00:30:00 Things To Speak With A Web Designer About 00:30:00 Top Skills To Look For In A Web Designer 01:00:00 Researching Companies & Web Designers 00:15:00 Web Design That Is Creative, Functional & Interactive 00:30:00 Web Site Planning - What A Good Designer Should Ask 00:15:00 Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00
Course overview To keep your inventory safe and in its best quality, maintaining warehouse environment sound and ensuring its safety is essential. Learn how you can ensure the safety of your warehouse and manage the warehouse properly from this Warehouse Safety Training course. This Warehouse Safety Training course will enhance your management and safety skills and boost Your productivity. This comprehensive course will help you understand warehouse safety procedures step by step with its easily understandable and bite-sized lessons. You will learn about health and safety management, warehouse hazards and manual and mechanical handling processes. This course will provide you with the skills you need to maintain the safety of your site and your workers. Learning outcomes Learn about the importance of warehouse and its role Get a clear understanding of warehouse safety Familiarise with various health and safety management procedures Understand the importance of warehouse safety and maintenance Learn about general warehouse hazards and their impact Be able to handle manual and mechanical instruments safely Ensure the safety of your staff while working in a warehouse Who Is This Course For? Anyone interested in learning Calculus most efficiently can take this Warehouse Safety Training course. The skills gained from this training will provide excellent opportunities for career advancement. Entry Requirement This course is available to all learners of all academic backgrounds. Learners should be aged 16 or over. Good understanding of English language, numeracy and ICT skills are required to take this course. Certification After you have successfully completed the course, you will obtain an Accredited Certificate of Achievement. And, you will also receive a Course Completion Certificate following the course completion without sitting for the test. Certificates can be obtained either in hardcopy for £39 or in PDF format at the cost of £24. PDF certificate's turnaround time is 24 hours, and for the hardcopy certificate, it is 3-9 working days. Why Choose Us? Affordable, engaging & high-quality e-learning study materials; Tutorial videos and materials from the industry-leading experts; Study in a user-friendly, advanced online learning platform; Efficient exam systems for the assessment and instant result; United Kingdom & internationally recognised accredited qualification; Access to course content on mobile, tablet and desktop from anywhere, anytime; Substantial career advancement opportunities; 24/7 student support via email. Career Path The Warehouse Safety Training course provides essential skills that will make you more effective in your role. It would be beneficial for any related profession in the industry, such as: Warehouse Maintenance Officers Warehouse Operatives Managers Operation Supervisors Loaders Module 01: The Role of Warehouse The Role of Warehouse 00:17:00 Module 02: Introduction to Warehouse Safety Introduction to Warehouse Safety 00:19:00 Module 03: Health and Safety Management in Warehouses Health and Safety Management in Warehouses 00:29:00 Module 04: General Warehouse Hazards General Warehouse Hazards 00:28:00 Module 05: Manual and Mechanical Handling Manual and Mechanical Handling 00:36:00 Module 06: Site Safety Site Safety 00:23:00 Order Your Certificates and Transcripts Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00
Description: Engage people and enable access to topics that are normally dry as a bone! 'Visual Storytelling' brings your complex topics alive. This Visual Storytelling Training is designed for you, if you are trainer and want to develop your training skills stronger, more memorable, and more engaging for learners by using visual storytelling and graphical techniques to create better learning experiences that lead to better retention. By this Visual Storytelling Training you will learn to describe how storyboarding leads to better training results, how to design training that uses storytelling to make memorable, compelling, and relevant to the audience, and much more. Learning Outcomes: Narrate the way storyboarding switches on to better training results Execute storyboarding methods to generate a strong basis for training Plan designs for training applying storytelling so that it becomes memorable, persuasive, as well as rightly applicable for the audience Assess technology tools to help determine the steps that will produce the best learning experience required for ample training Assessment: At the end of the course, you will be required to sit for an online MCQ test. Your test will be assessed automatically and immediately. You will instantly know whether you have been successful or not. Before sitting for your final exam you will have the opportunity to test your proficiency with a mock exam. Certification: After completing and passing the course successfully, you will be able to obtain an Accredited Certificate of Achievement. Certificates can be obtained either in hard copy at a cost of £39 or in PDF format at a cost of £24. Who is this Course for? Visual Storytelling Training is certified by CPD Qualifications Standards and CiQ. This makes it perfect for anyone trying to learn potential professional skills. As there is no experience and qualification required for this course, it is available for all students from any academic background. Requirements Our Visual Storytelling Training is fully compatible with any kind of device. Whether you are using Windows computer, Mac, smartphones or tablets, you will get the same experience while learning. Besides that, you will be able to access the course with any kind of internet connection from anywhere at any time without any kind of limitation. Career Path After completing this course you will be able to build up accurate knowledge and skills with proper confidence to enrich yourself and brighten up your career in the relevant job market. Course Overview 00:05:00 How Storytelling Can Boost Your Training Power 00:30:00 The Elements of a Powerful Story 00:45:00 Storyboarding Techniques 00:30:00 Bringing the Story to Life 00:30:00 Tools and Technology 00:15:00 Final Exam Final Exam- Visual Storytelling Training 00:20:00 Mock Exam Mock Exam- Visual Storytelling Training 00:20:00 Order Your Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00
Para quién es el curso? Artistas o pintores que quieren pinturas caseros como un negocio. Las personas que tienen un interés en la pintura profesional Requisito de entrada: Este curso está disponible para todos los estudiantes, de todos los antecedentes académicos. Los estudiantes deben tener 16 años o más para realizar la calificación. Se requiere una buena comprensión del idioma inglés, aritmética y TIC para asistir a este curso. Evaluación: Este curso no implica ninguna prueba de MCQ. Los estudiantes deben responder las preguntas de asignación para completar el curso, las respuestas serán en forma de trabajo escrito en PDF o en Word. Los estudiantes pueden escribir las respuestas en su propio tiempo. Una vez que se envÃan las respuestas, el instructor verificará y evaluará el trabajo. Proceso de dar un tÃtulo: Después de completar y aprobar el curso con éxito, podrá obtener un Certificado de Logro Acreditado. Los certificados pueden obtenerse en copia impresa a un costo de £39 o en formato PDF a un costo de £24. Por qué elegirnos? Materiales de estudio de e-learning accesibles, atractivos y de alta calidad; Videos tutoriales / materiales de los principales expertos de la industria; Estudia en una plataforma de aprendizaje en lÃnea avanzada y fácil de usar; Sistemas de examen eficientes para la evaluación y el resultado instantáneo; La calificación acreditada reconocida internacionalmente y en el Reino Unido; Acceda al contenido del curso en dispositivos móviles, tabletas o computadoras desde cualquier lugar en cualquier momento; El beneficio de solicitar la tarjeta de descuento extra de NUS; Asistencia 24/7 por correo electrónico. Trayectoria profesional: Después de completar este curso, podrá desarrollar conocimientos y habilidades precisas con la confianza adecuada para enriquecerse y alegrar su carrera en el mercado laboral relevante. Módulo Uno: Inicio 00:05:00 Módulo Dos: Ver El Panorama General 00:10:00 Módulo Tres: KPI (Indicadores Clave De Rendimiento) 00:10:00 Módulo Cuatro: Estrategias De Gestión Del Riesgo 00:10:00 Módulo Cinco: Reconocer Eventos De Aprendizaje 00:10:00 Módulo Seis: Usted Debe Saber Estas Respuestas y Más 00:05:00 Módulo Siete: Educación Financiera (I) 00:05:00 Módulo Ocho: Educación Financiera (II) 00:05:00 Módulo Nueve: La Visión Para Los Negocios En La Gerencia 00:10:00 Módulo Diez: Pensamiento CrÃtico En Los Negocios 00:05:00 Módulo Once: Palancas Financieras Claves 00:05:00 Módulo Doce: Finalizando 00:05:00 Evaluación Presente su tarea 00:00:00 Order Your Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Description: Are you interested in a career as a virtual assistant? Are you considering setting up a virtual assistant business? If so, then this Virtual Assistant Business Course will equip you with the practical knowledge and skills you need to kickstart your career. Are you wondering what the role of a virtual assistant entails? Are you looking for tools and guidance to set up your business? Wonder no more! This course will teach you about virtual assistant business from scratch. You will be introduced to VA business basics and the wide-ranging skills of a virtual assistant. In this virtual assistant training course, you will explore planning and evaluation and conflict and conflict management. You will also be able to make an informed decision about the services you provide and how to keep within budget. On successful completion of this virtual assistant course, you will have the practical skills and background knowledge to develop a business plan. You will also receive a certificate of achievement, which you can use to take steps to become a fully qualified virtual assistant. Who is the course for? Businessmen or investors who want to put up new virtual assistant business. People who have an interest in becoming a virtual assistant. Entry Requirement: This course is available to all learners, of all academic backgrounds. Learners should be aged 16 or over to undertake the qualification. Good understanding of English language, numeracy and ICT are required to attend this course. Assessment: At the end of the course, you will be required to sit an online multiple-choice test. Your test will be assessed automatically and immediately so that you will instantly know whether you have been successful. Before sitting for your final exam you will have the opportunity to test your proficiency with a mock exam. Certification: After you have successfully passed the test, you will be able to obtain an Accredited Certificate of Achievement. You can however also obtain a Course Completion Certificate following the course completion without sitting for the test. Certificates can be obtained either in hard copy at a cost of £39 or in PDF format at a cost of £24. PDF certificate's turnaround time is 24 hours and for the hardcopy certificate, it is 3-9 working days. Why choose us? Affordable, engaging & high-quality e-learning study materials; Tutorial videos/materials from the industry leading experts; Study in a user-friendly, advanced online learning platform; Efficient exam systems for the assessment and instant result; The UK & internationally recognised accredited qualification; Access to course content on mobile, tablet or desktop from anywhere anytime; The benefit of career advancement opportunities; 24/7 student support via email. Career Path: The Virtual Assistant Business Course is a useful qualification to possess, and would be beneficial for the following careers: Assistants Businessmen Entrepreneurs Investors Marketing Managers Marketing Specialists. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row] Virtual Assistant Business Course Introduction To Virtual Assistant 00:15:00 What Skills Are Needed 00:15:00 Arranging A Work Area 00:15:00 Decide What Services You Will Offer To Accept 00:15:00 How to Know Your Budget 00:10:00 Have A Business Plan 00:10:00 Using Sites Like Scriptlance To Find Clients 00:15:00 Marketing Strategies to Get Clients 00:15:00 Handling Clients Correctly 00:10:00 Wrapping Up 00:05:00 Mock Test Mock Exam- Virtual Assistant Business Course 00:20:00 Final Exam Final Exam- Virtual Assistant Business Course 00:20:00 Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00
Description Reviewing has shaped the picture of online marketing as the Internet became a household convenience. It helps in increasing brand awareness to an overall rise of profit in the long run. In this Video Reviewing Techniques course, you will learn how to record the perfect video reviews or case studies to improve the passing standards for your sales pages. This innovative course includes everything from A to Z, including selecting the appropriate issues, audio, video, lighting, editing, inserting and much more. Video lectures and expertly designed online study materials included in this course so that you can learn everything you need to know to succeed. You will also go through some world's best case studies, and get plenty of tips for reviewing your videos. Begin exploring the extraordinary skills you need and take your steps towards the career you always have dreamed. Assessment: This course does not involve any MCQ test. Students need to answer assignment questions to complete the course, the answers will be in the form of written work in pdf or word. Students can write the answers in their own time. Once the answers are submitted, the instructor will check and assess the work. Certification: After completing and passing the course successfully, you will be able to obtain an Accredited Certificate of Achievement. Certificates can be obtained either in hard copy at a cost of £39 or in PDF format at a cost of £24. Who is this Course for? Video Reviewing Techniques is certified by CPD Qualifications Standards and CiQ. This makes it perfect for anyone trying to learn potential professional skills. As there is no experience and qualification required for this course, it is available for all students from any academic background. Requirements Our Video Reviewing Techniques is fully compatible with any kind of device. Whether you are using Windows computer, Mac, smartphones or tablets, you will get the same experience while learning. Besides that, you will be able to access the course with any kind of internet connection from anywhere at any time without any kind of limitation. Career Path After completing this course you will be able to build up accurate knowledge and skills with proper confidence to enrich yourself and brighten up your career in the relevant job market. Module: 01 Introduction FREE 00:02:00 The Perfect Video Review Overview 00:07:00 The 4W Perfect Testimonial 00:02:00 Recording Tips & Tricks 00:08:00 Recording The Perfect Video 00:16:00 Module: 02 Case Study Example I 00:06:00 Case Study Example II 00:03:00 Where These Videos Are Used 00:02:00 The Attractive Character Overview 00:10:00 Attractive Character II 00:18:00 Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00
Description: Do you ever notice things like audio levels, camera angle and focus, attention to detail, or production value while watching a video or a movie? If yes, then you will definitely want to became a part of out video production and editing program. This course is designed specifically for individuals with no previous experience as it begin by equipping students with basic skills in video production and editing. Students gain the skills required for camera operation, lighting a film and recording sound. They will also be given the opportunity to shoot a short video and finally edit and complete their collaborative project. Who is the course for? Existing journalism Media students Practitioners who seek to gain a better understanding of the digital and production elements related to their role Amateurs who wish to improve and polish their skills in the fields of digital video production and post-production Anyone interested in set-up Non-Linear Video Editing Studio at home with own Computer Entry Requirement: This course is available to all learners, of all academic backgrounds. Learners should be aged 16 or over to undertake the qualification. Good understanding of English language, numeracy and ICT are required to attend this course. Assessment: At the end of the course, you will be required to sit an online multiple-choice test. Your test will be assessed automatically and immediately so that you will instantly know whether you have been successful. Before sitting for your final exam you will have the opportunity to test your proficiency with a mock exam. Certification: After you have successfully passed the test, you will be able to obtain an Accredited Certificate of Achievement. You can however also obtain a Course Completion Certificate following the course completion without sitting for the test. Certificates can be obtained either in hard copy at a cost of £39 or in PDF format at a cost of £24. PDF certificate's turnaround time is 24 hours and for the hardcopy certificate, it is 3-9 working Why choose us? Affordable, engaging & high-quality e-learning study materials; Tutorial videos/materials from the industry leading experts; Study in a user-friendly, advanced online learning platform; Efficient exam systems for the assessment and instant result; The UK & internationally recognised accredited qualification; Access to course content on mobile, tablet or desktop from anywhere anytime; The benefit of career advancement opportunities; 24/7 student support via email. Career Path: Video Creation Secrets course is a useful qualification to possess, and would be beneficial for the following careers: Video Editor with any TV Channel and Production House Freelance Video Editor Sound Recordist Can set-up Non-Linear Video Editing Studio at home with own Computer. Video Creation Secrets Introduction 00:30:00 The Tools That You Must Need 01:00:00 How to Choose the Right Web Cam? 00:30:00 Creating and Editing Software for a Video Product 00:30:00 Plan! Before You Commence Shooting Your Video Product 01:00:00 How to Edit Your Video Product 01:00:00 How to Create a Video Tutorial for Your Customers 01:00:00 How to Include the Finished Video Product on Your Website 01:00:00 A Video Product Can Help Boosting Traffic and Sales to Your Website 00:30:00 Conclusion 00:15:00 Mock Exam Mock Exam- Video Creation Secrets 00:20:00 Final Exam Final Exam- Video Creation Secrets 00:20:00 Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00