Enhancing Performance with Productive Conflict Most organizations have typically held the belief that workplace conflict is something that needs to be prevented, resolved, and/or mitigated. After all, conflict creates stress and leads to a variety of performance problems and very real costs. However, what savvy organizations have come to embrace is the understanding that when conflict is truly understood and harnessed, it can be utilized to not only add value to teams, but also enhance workplace performance. Conflict can be productive and make organizations better! Learners will explore the results of a formal, personalized, conflict-related assessment, uncovering targeted nuances of their conflict responses in action. Participants will learn to use basic strategies which allow them to transform destructive conflict responses into more productive ones, especially in the moment when they are happening. What you will Learn At the end of this program, you will be able to: Apply different models for understanding the lifecycle and dynamics of conflict Describe a physiological response to conflict and its impact on communication Recognize the correlation between a person's conflict style and how they respond to conflict Identify your own default responses to conflict and catch them in action Reframe automatic negative thoughts to create more positive interpersonal outcomes Utilize various tactics and strategies to transform destructive conflict responses into productive ones Getting Started Introductions and social agreements Course goal and objectives Opening activities Module 1: The Dynamics and Anatomy of Conflict Conflict basics Dynamics of conflict The anatomy of conflict Module 2: Conflict Styles and Conflict Conflict through the conflict style lens Exploring your style in conflict Destructive responses to conflict Module 3: Changing Your Response to Conflict Changing your conflict response Three steps to productive conflict Choosing a productive conflict response
Discuss the issues Couples therapy Rebuild the trust Speak to both parties separately 3 couples sessions together Analyse the cheating issue Implement the resolution and moving forward Relationship training programme Communication exercise Trust rebuild and transparency implementation for future issues 1 hour x 3 https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/couples-cheating-and-lying-package/
Reiki level I Course, 1 day, in person, London SE24, with The Mind Body and Soul Coach Kathy Yvanovich
Just had an argument with your girlfriend or boyfriend want to sort it out? Need assistance? An M.D.D date coach will call both of you once a day for 30minutes for one week and mediate on your behalf and do a session together at the end of the week to help you both see the other person’s point of view. (This package is only for couples who have a problem and both parties want to resolve the issue) https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/m-d-d-couples-drama-package/
4 sessions Assessment calls to each party Rebuilding damaged trust Addressing all the problems Ascertaining each other’s needs Relationship exercise and training programme Couples dating coaching and relationship improvement training How to be a better partner programme for both partners(exercise) Eliminating past conflict issues Following new relationship principles to eliminate conflict and confrontation 1 hour X 4 https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/i-caught-my-partner-texting-someone-else-package/
Resolving a disagreement Assessment of the situation Trust and communication building Emotional intelligence training Dating coach advice methods Implementation strategies of relationship building Happiness satisfaction relationship training Professional mediation to avoid breakup Listening to both parties Addressing relationship growth arenas in each session 4 sessions 1 hour x 4 https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/couples-mediation-package/
Communication Advice on how to strengthen the relationship Trust building strategies Relationship training Assessment Phone couples therapy 5 sessions on the phone with you and your partner 1 hour x 5 https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/how-can-i-maintain-my-long-distance-relationship-package/
Trust building Pain point assessment Relationship history analysation Communication strengthening Ascertain main problem areas Closure on reoccurring arguments Intervention and mediation Emotional intelligence training Love language assessment Resolving fights Private assessments with each individual 3 couples therapy sessions https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/couples-trust-building-and-communication-therapy-package/
A four-hour workshop for Neurodiverse individuals and those who recognise some traits in themselves.
We are delighted to announce that ESAG Surgical Master Class 2023 will take place at InterContinental London – The O2 hotel which is conveniently located on the stunning Greenwich Peninsula, right next to the majestic River Thames. The Master Class will start at 08:30 and end approximately at 17:00 and will host the following World Renowned Experts: Alexandros Bader (UK) Ariel Luksenburg (Uruguay) Ana Cristina Batalha (Brazil) Dan Mon O’Dey (Germany) John Miklos (USA) Jorge Alberto Elias (Argentina) Marco Pelosi III (USA) Rafal Kuzlik (Poland)