Understand why it is difficult for us to accept changes when they occur - both in our personal and professional lives. Outline the emotional stages of the change curve which maps out distinct stages all individuals go through after a change, and learn to utilise a range of strategies to cope with changes.
Professional Management is crucial to your company's success. In fact, managers can have the single largest impact on your organisation's productivity and overall profitability, with more influence over employee morale and performance than anyone else.
CORPORATE TRAINING There are currently 13 million women going through menopause in the UK. 4.3 million of them are aged between 45-55 years old, which is the fastest growing demographic in the workforce SB Wellbeing provides training for companies who are serious about providing support for their female staff going through menopause. Also, up-skilling managers and leaders on what they need to know. Manager training includes what menopause is, how it can affect the individual at work, as well as the bigger picture of how it can impact the business, and how best to support them. Colleague training is for anyone going through menopause or supporting someone who is. It's fully inclusive and highly interactive. The two programmes can be run back to back or separately and be delivered via webinar or in-person. For more information and to book your training please get in touch. Here's what people are saying... " Thank you Sally for an amazing presentation yesterday – I had lots of the team say how good it was and how much they had learnt." - Leonard Design Architects, Nottingham "Just to say everyone absolutely loved training session 1!! The feedback from the second session was ace!! - Co-op Academy, Failsworth "Open & frank conversation. Very factual and a great all round guide" - tp bennett, London "The more staff that have this training the better, especially principle/director level." - tp bennett, London
Thanks for expressing interest in the course. Please note this is a provisional booking and confirmation of your place is subject to completion and approval of eligibility forms which will be sent to you via email shortly Promoting and supporting employee health and wellbeing is at the heart of our purpose! Championing better workplaces and working lives because an effective workplace health and wellbeing programme can deliver mutual benefits to people, organisations and communities. Healthy workplaces help people to flourish and reach their potential. This means creating an environment that actively promotes a state of contentment, benefiting both employees and the organisations. Our Level 2 NCFE Introduction to the Workplace Health Champion allows you to gain an understanding of the concept of workplace health and the role to support. Gain an deeper understanding of the leading factors affecting physical and mental health, key behaviours, the need to safeguard adults as a workplace health champion and an understanding of how to plan initiatives in the workplace. If you and your Organisation recognise that investing in employee workplace health can lead to increased resilience, better employee engagement, reduced sickness absence and higher performance and productivity then this is the course for you! For more information regarding this course, please contact champions@activelancashire.org.uk Please note both sessions must be completed in order to gain the qualification
Learn how to support employees living with chronic health conditions and get answers to your workplace wellbeing questions from recognised experts in the field.
CPD Accredited, Interactive Short Course 1½ hr session Learn to deal with bleeding, from minor bleeds to catastrophic bleeds Become a life-saving hero if ever someone is seriously injured Course Contents: How to treat minor bleeding How to treat major bleeding Types of bleeding How to treat catastrophic bleeding Tourniquets Why to use a tourniquet How to use a tourniquet How to make an improvised tourniquet How to use a Tourni-Key Wound packing How to use Celox Z-Gauze How to improvise packing a wound How to treat gunshot wounds Practical elements: There is an option of learning how to deal with catastrophic bleeding in person, so you get to practice these skills (and play about with fake blood 😀). For that, see our Catastrophic Bleeding course module. Benefits of this Short Course: We all have regular injuries which cause us to bleed If not properly cared for, even a small cut can turn septic and kill or maim Serious car accidents, machinery accidents at work, weapon wounds, terrorist attacks and more can also lead to catastrophic bleeding Did you know that a person could bleed out in just five minutes..? You're got to act quick, decisive and correctly Please don't do what you see in the movies - you will kill the person even quicker...