Electric Vehicle Technicians have had access to certified training at different levels of competency for a number of years, but this has not been the case for Vehicle Dismantling Technicians until now. Vehicle repairers have been taught how to diagnose faults on Electric or Hybrid vehicles, make them safe, repair or replace the high voltage component and then put the vehicle back together and make them work. Vehicle dismantlers need to know how to assess Electric and Hybrid vehicles, store them properly, make them safe and dismantle them, store the parts and ship them out for re-use, repurposing or recycling, so the accredited and certified training for vehicle repair technicians met some of the criteria for dismantling but not all. Electric Vehicle Dismantling Training raises the professional standards of the vehicle dismantling and recycling industry, provides consistent training standards across the world, helps develop knowledge and understanding, enables team members to grow their own abilities, and achieve accredited training.
The main subject areas of the course are: Legislation and guidance for asbestos practitioners. The properties of asbestos and health effects of exposure to asbestos fibres. The types of asbestos and its uses in buildings. The types of asbestos surveys. The asbestos register, risk assessment and management plan. Asbestos remediation. The role of asbestos analysts and laboratory procedures.
Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Drilling Operations - Directional Drilling - Drill Fluid Operator
Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Highways Maintenance - Kerbs and Channels
Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Highways Maintenance - Excavation and Reinstatement Operations
This IMI Level 4 Award is designed for those personnel who, in the course of their daily work, are required to work ‘live’ on the electric/hybrid vehicle power train. On completing this qualification those personnel will have gained and extensive knowledge and skills level of high voltage technologies and their dangers. The content of this qualification has been designed in close liaison with industry specialists, electric vehicle manufacturers, training providers, the HSE and the IMI.
Asbestos bulk analysts and laboratory analysts. Anyone who manages asbestos analysts or requires a deeper understanding of the asbestos analysis process (e.g. Laboratory Quality Manager) Prior Knowledge and Understanding Candidates for this course are expected to be aware of HSG 248 Asbestos: The Analysts' Guide (July 2021), and in particular Appendix 2: Determination of asbestos in bulk materials. Candidates will preferably have prior experience of analysing bulk samples and may already be participating in a quality control scheme. In addition, candidates are expected to have had training to cover the core competencies outlined within the foundation material detailed within Table A9.1 of HSG248 Asbestos: The Analysts' Guide (July 2021). This may be achieved by In -house learning or through the P400 foundation module.