Immerse yourself in the ancient practice of yoga, a transformative journey that extends far beyond the mere physical postures. Our comprehensive yoga sessions are meticulously curated and led by seasoned professionals, offering a serene sanctuary tailored for the demands of modern-day professionals yearning for holistic balance and wellness. Delve into innate human abilities such as intuition, telepathy, clairvoyance, lucid dreaming, and energy healing. Uncover these dormant gifts existing within and enjoy awakening them fully.
Training Trainers of Spiritual Directors Developing the abilities needed to facilitate Spiritual Direction formation programmes
Third Degree Usui Reiki Course To be a Reiki Master is not to be a master of Reiki; rather, it is to allow Reiki to become a master of you. You will learn how to Attune others to the various Reiki degrees. This course is comprehensive and detailed. You will have all the tools you need to start teaching Reiki to others.
Learn and experience Angel Energy. Connect with your Angels and learn to channel Angel Energy to heal yourself and others Receive access to higher levels of manifestation of the universal life force energy.. Learn about and visit the Angel Realm Meet your Guardian Angel, Connect with various Angels and your Angel healing team Receive an Angel attunement Learn how to work with Sacred symbols to help you connect with Angel energy Self-healing & Self-care as an energy healer Learn how to conduct healing sessions for others Learn how to read Angel cards for a healing message
Second Degree Usui Reiki Course You will be taught how to conduct a healing session; protocols, etc and how to perform distance healings. This course is comprehensive and detailed. You will have all the tools you need to start using Reiki on others and their pets. Upon completion of this comprehensive and insightful Reiki course, you can go on to get insurance to set up as a Reiki Practitioner and start seeing clients.
First Degree Usui Reiki Course This is the first level of Reiki. It is suitable for therapists and laypeople alike – everyone is welcome to come and share the gentle energy. It will enable you to connect with the universal energy that exists all around us to help yourself, friends and family, or animals and plant life. If you are interested in using Reiki as a therapy in your practice – then this is the starting point. Individuals wanting to add Reiki to their daily life will benefit highly from this course. This course is comprehensive and detailed.