Learn The Art of Smudging Learn everything you need to know to confidently begin incorporating this powerful Smudging Ceremony into your life today! Smudging is a practice of connecting with the Spirit of specific plants and herbs to help cleanse, uplift, protect, and unite the physical and spiritual planes. Ancient traditions all around the world have incorporated the practice of smudging into their ceremonies. Now is your time to connect with “that which is greater than us”.
Discover your special powers, receive insights and deep healing together with an abundance of light codes taking your life to the next level!
Creative and Courageous Conversation about Spiritual Direction in the 21st Century. In this conversation, we will be pondering How does being outdoors enhance and enrich the spiritual direction conversation? Hosted by Julia Mourant
The Way invites you to discover how to live the Spiritual Exercises. In association with the St Beuno's Conference and Campion Hall in Oxford.
Have you always been intrigued by dreamcatchers and want to learn the art of weaving your own, or do you know someone who loves them and want to gift them one? This ancient art is has gone through a lot of morphism and yet the old techniques are still here as always. Learn to weave a traditional dreamcatcher.
Basic introduction to Christian Chaplaincy online.
Basic introduction to Christian Chaplaincy online.
Learn how to make your own Macrame Dreamcatcher Are you new to Macrame? No worries, it’s actually very easy to learn! Come and learn how to knot your own dreamcatcher. Learn basic macrame knots to create your own Macrame Dreamcatcher. Adding that Boho feel to your home has never been easier.
Survivor and whistleblower of multigenerational human trafficking exposes systemic, organised abuse (human trafficking) in places that are purposed for helping vulnerable people– including victims of trafficking and refugees in the UK. Providing next-level education on the societal structures which enable this abuse, what precisely has led to a global legacy of abuse, and what is needed to correct it. Highly engaging and motivating event to empower the everyman to do their part in abolishing human trafficking. If you want a world without abuse, you have a role in creating it. Find out what that is today. The victims can't wait for tomorrow.