This case study is on a 2019 school history tour to the USA, which sadly ended in tragedy. This case study forms part of the Xcursion Online International School Travel Safety Course.
A short online course introducing the concept of the Employee Lifecycle and an overview of each stage.
Pediatric Examination Aims to These pediatric assessment and examination techniques are specific for pediatric patients. In this pediatric examination CPD course you will evaluate the physical, developmental, and functional aspects of children, the level of milestones, and the relation with normal growth and abnormal growth patterns or delayed milestones. You will explore evidence-based methodologies, expert guidance, and assessment scales to effectively address the needs of pediatric populations. By this certified CPD course for medical worker, pediatric history taking and physical examination will become easier. Learning Objective Understand the importance of pediatric assessment What are different age groups according to different organizations? This CPD Course will provide complete knowledge about pediatric general physical examination. In this CPD course, you will explore the milestones related to certain age groups and gain insight about the factors that affect developmental milestones. Understand typical vs atypical movement patterns in certain age groups supported by evidence-based research. Learn about the ICF model of pediatric assessment Physiotherapy assessment tool for pediatric Explore the clinical pediatric assessment and understand the pediatric assessment with the case study Become proficient in making pediatric examination reports. Understand the impact of multimodal pediatric examination in the clinical or hospital setting. By the end of this CPD course, you will be able to make the pediatric examination report by using the pediatric assessment scales. This CPD course will help to make informed decision about the treatment plan and to make referrals for serious conditions. Who Should Enroll Pediatric Physiotherapist Pediatric Orthopedic Medical Students Pediatric Nurses Occupational Therapist CPD Credit Hours 2 Hours 30 min Resources 1-Month Access to Learning Resources Downloadable Course Material CPD Certificate Course Instructor: Dr. Khadija Fareed (DPT, MS Pain Management, PPTA) is a skilled physiotherapist with five years of clinical experience. She holds a degree in physiotherapy from RLMC and a master's in pain management from Superior University. Dr. Khadija Fareed has worked in orthopedic departments, she also served as an academic physiotherapist, and presented at conferences. Her commitment to patient care and professional development makes her a valuable asset in the field. Course Instructor About Physiotherapy Online Physiotherapy Online is a physiotherapist-owned educational company with a vision to create an ensemble of international educators to cater to undergraduate, postgraduate physiotherapy students as well as post professionals who are keen to advance or refesh their existing knowledge in varied specialities. As every student has a unique approach to learning, we have therefore created a library of bite sized chapters which may be accessed as an individual module or a course as a whole; self study webinars; live workshops for those who would like to get an in-person hands on immersive experience and audio books for those on the go.
Interested in learning about personal safety and self defence? Enrol now on our FREE mini course and learn the 1st secret of self defence!
The Life Garage - you service your car so why not your life? Skills, tools and ideas for living life well.
Post Graduate Diploma Project Management qualification is designed to meet the needs of senior managers responsible for projects and provide a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental topics needed to manage business projects within a complex and everchanging environment. To know more on othm level 7 postgraduate diploma in project management online course, visit us.
Post Graduate Diploma in Logistics and Supply chain is to broaden learners’ understanding of logistics and supply chain management and is designed for those who wish to prepare for a first professional role and future career in the field. Visit EDUBEX to know more on othm level 7 postgraduate diploma in logistics and supply chain management course
OTHM Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership online course is to develop strategic management and leadership skills for managers who have the authority and personal attributes to translate organisational strategy into effective operational performance.
Qualification is designed for learners who wish to pursue a career in the financial services industry, professional accountancy, banking and finance or management. Learn more on othm level 7 postgraduate diploma in accounting and finance course , visit EDUBEX
Hypnobirthing and Infant Feeding Course: we'll show you the power of your incredible body, laying out all of your options and choices for a truly empowered birth!