For many people, managing priorities often causes a potential source of conflict. The correct work behaviour is summarised in the phrase ‘what you do second is equally important to what you do first’. This routine can be achieved if time is controlled for the purpose of priority management. This course looks at your ability to focus on the priority of job objectives and the fundamental problem of conflict between priority of importance and priority of time.
This course looks at the ability to plan and control the decision making process so that better quality decisions are made at the right time. Decision-making is often a team process and high quality decisions are very much dependent on team involvement and commitment.
Leaders and managers are unlikely to be effective if they do not understand the theories and practices of motivation. What you believe about people materially affects the way your team reacts to you and your leadership. This course focuses on the inherent needs of people and how to improve productivity and motivate a workforce. The level of motivation displayed by a team is a reflection of the skills of the leader.
Personal organisation is about having systems and disciplines that help you make the most of your time at work. These six course tutorials set out to assist you, in improving the positive behaviours within your personal organisation. Learning to develop these abilities will make a considerable improvement in your personal efficiency and productivity.
This course examines the ability to plan and control the allocation of work within team members in order to maximise resources. Good delegation is based on clear objectives, regular reviews and sound feedback. It shows how delegation can provide a sound basis on which to improve productivity, engender ownership and responsibility whilst fostering individual growth and development.
Much of what you achieve will depend on your ability to persuade other people. In many respects, persuasion is the highest form of communication. This course looks at the ability of persuasion and negotiation in producing successful outcomes and the skill required in moving towards a convergence of opinion and understanding. Like much of leadership, negotiation depends on your attitudes in approach, as well as your ability to devote time to planning.
Time, like capital or human skills, is a resource that has to be managed effectively. It is also a limited resource. This course looks at your ability to manage job objectives, priorities and activities within the available time. Effective time management is critical when time is at a premium and workloads are on the increase. In essence, the aim is to achieve the right things, at the right quality, at the right time.
Each team has a unique 'team personality' made up from the individuals that form it. It is this aspect that determines how effectively the team works together, the quality of their performance and what they are capable of achieving. This course looks at how teams work together to achieve common results, referred to as team objectives. Effective teams have a common 'team spirit' which directly impacts on their results.
To achieve optimum performance and long-term success all organisations have to respond and adapt to the external environment. Similarly, all job specifications within an organisation are conditioned by the plans that need to be followed in order to change. This course addresses the ability you require in having the knowledge and understanding of your organisation’s objectives, strategies and plans as well as your knowledge of the external environment in relation to political, social, financial and market competitive forces that affect your organisation.
Move resource Change is an inevitable part of life. Nothing remains static and the way we respond to change varies from individual to individual. Approximately one half of the population resists it, while the other half welcomes it. This course examines the change management process and the ways in which an understanding of the causes of resistance can be turned to positive advantage in meeting organisational objectives.