This is a very popular, comprehensive, practical and experiential programme, covering: Assessing risks: Defines and demystifies risk and risk assessment. Risk assessments and a simple scoring system are introduced, and participants carry out assessments. Controlling risks: Cutting risks down, concentrating on the best techniques to control key risks and how to choose the right methods. Understanding your responsibilities: The legal framework; health & safety management systems. Identifying hazards: The main issues any organisation has to deal with: entrances and exits, work traffic, fire, chemicals, electricity, physical and verbal abuse, bullying, stress, noise, housekeeping and the working environment, slips, trips and falls, working at height, computers and manual handling. Investigating accidents and incidents: Why accidents should be investigated, why things go wrong and how to carry out an investigation when they do. Measuring performance: How checking performance can help to improve health & safety. How to develop basic performance indicators. Auditing and proactive and reactive measuring. Protecting the environment: Introduction to waste and pollution. How organisations and individual managers can get involved in cutting down their environmental impacts. The programme enables participants to: Assess and control risks and hazards Understand their own responsibilities for safety and health Investigate incidents Measure their own performance Reflect on good practice and plan how to ensure the safety of the staff for whom they are responsible
The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 Emergency First Aid at Work
You never know when fire, explosions or gas leaks are around the corner, but while you can’t control what happens tomorrow, you can control how ready you are to react, help and limit any damage – and that’s where fire marshal training comes in.
This course is for learners gain an awareness of the causes and effects and identify signs and symptoms of Epilepsy, lifestyle issues associated with Epilepsy and plan effective levels of care for people.
This course follows the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health's syllabus. A one-day programme, it is suitable for all people at all levels in the workplace and gives a basic introduction to the principles of environmental management. On successful completion of the course, participants will be able to: Understand the terms 'environment' and 'pollution' Understand the terms 'hazard' and 'risk' related to the environment Better appreciate environmental issues generally, and specifically in respect of their organisation Identify hazards to the environment from working practices Outline the procedures/controls necessary to prevent damage to the environment 1 What is the environment? - putting the environment in context Key environmental issues and how we contribute Definition of the environment 2 Working with the environment What is pollution? Sources, receptors and pathways Environmental consequences workshop - identifying the environmental consequences of our working practices Environmental risk assessment Effective control mechanisms 3 Protecting the environment - Environmental Management Systems What is an Environmental Management System (EMS)? What are the benefits of having an EMS? EMS structure and models Identifying what elements of EMS your company has and how they work Roles and responsibilities 4 Choice of module Option 1: Organisation-specific moduleThis module can be used to introduce environmental concepts that are specific to your activities and operations, and will be compiled through discussion with your organisation Option 2: Environmental best practiceIf no organisation-specific module is required, or if participants from a number of organisations attend, generic operational environmental best practices can be covered instead. Areas covered include waste management, fuel storage and use, hazardous materials, emissions to air and water and environmental incidents
Falls prevention is a variety of actions to help reduce the number of accidental falls suffered by older people. Falls and fall-related injuries are among the most severe and common medical problems experienced by older adults. Training, supervision and tailored exercise programmes can reduce falls by as much as 54%.
This course is for learners who support an individual with epilepsy who may require the administration of emergency medication. In addition to epilepsy awareness, this course includes the knowledge and skills along with competency sign-off for use of emergency medications.
Our 6 hour Emergency First Aid at Work course gives the participant the knowledge, skills and confidence to deal with with first aid incidents in the work environment. Employers can book this course for their employees in the knowledge that they are fulfilling their duty to provide quality first aid training to their employees.