Overview This is particularly important for PPP projects where long-term commitments are made now based on bankability, value for money and risk allocation. During the course, participants will gain knowledge and skills on the frameworks, tools, and methodologies necessary to build quantitative models for financial decision-making in order to improve the financial viability and bankability of PPP projects. Participants will master modelling frameworks on capital budgeting, risk measurement, regression analysis and Monte Carlo Simulation among others.
Overview Overview The purpose of this course is to enable participants to understand and apply the principles of emergency response planning and crisis management. It considers the need for emergency and crisis response planning and an integrated approach to emergency management. Training typically covers: Crisis management structure and staffing an emergency response team Incident reporting and notification Operational processes Guidance of facility response policies and procedures Annual testing and evaluation of the crisis management plan Upcoming Events Online (USD 1950) Online Streaming Live (Flexible Dates) At Venue (USD 4500) Dubai 13 March - 17 March Istanbul 20 March - 24 March London 20 March - 24 March For more dates and Venue, Please email sales@gbacorporate.co.uk
Overview The development of effective and realistic business/financial models is a critical tool in today's value-driven organization. As shareholders are increasingly concerned with the value of their investments, organizations are continually driven to ensure the optimum use of resources. Using Excel®, the Business & Financial Modelling process provides an effective tool with which the potential outcomes of various strategic and tactical initiatives can be projected. This comprehensive five-day programme takes you through the modelling process from start to finish. It provides practical examples and applications of modelling for both strategic and tactical executives.
Overview This course in Public Sector Accounting and Budgeting training seminar is designed to provide a comprehensive briefing on the fundamental principles and key functions in the continuously developing sphere of public sector finance. Non-financial public sector employees and managers are regularly required to both provide input to the budget process and respond to information presented in departmental financial reports.
Overview The valuation of corporates is a fundamental skill required of a wide range of finance professionals including equity analysts, strategists, corporate finance executives, fund managers, PE/VC executives, and general bankers. The recent volatility of corporate valuations, combined with the emergence of new sectors, makes understanding the theory and practice of valuation essential. This practical course is taught using inter-active sessions that comprise lectures followed by short, practical, and interactive case studies and exercises to reinforce the concepts covered in each teaching session. Emphasis is placed on delegates gaining hands-on experience with various valuation techniques.
FAA Level 3 Award In Principles Of Safeguarding And Protecting Children, Young People Or Vulnerable Adults (RQF) Face to Face Classroom: One day course Virtual Classroom: 3 session of 2 ½ hours For those who work with children, young people and vulnerable adults Promotes awareness of safeguarding, enabling learners to identify problems and show where to report these to Course Contents: Safeguarding and protecting children, young people or vulnerable adults How to respond to evidence or concerns that a child, young person or vulnerable adult has been abused Safeguarding legislation and guidance Indicators of abuse or neglect Making judgements Communicating worries and concerns Roles and responsibilities Sharing information Allegations and complaints Reporting allegations and complaints Benefits of this Course: In 2018/2019, 415,050 concerns of abuse were raised In 2018/2019, there were nearly 400,000 children in need 52,300 children were subject to a child protection plan 63% of adult safeguarding concerns are for people over 65 1 in every 42 adults aged 85+ have required safeguarding enquires... Child abuse often goes unreported and unrecorded - till it is picked up on by someone who then does something about it. This Level 3 Safeguarding course gives people the skills and knowledge to make a real difference to a person's life! Accredited, Ofqual regulated qualification Our Safeguarding and Protecting Children, Young People or Vulnerable Adults training course is a nationally recognised, Ofqual regulated qualifications accredited by First Aid Awards Ltd. This means that you can be rest assured that your Principles of Safeguarding and Protecting Children, Young People or Vulnerable Adults Certificate provides information for best practice to make a real difference to protect the health and wellbeing of our most vulnerable. The Ofqual Register number for this course is 601/8471/1
Overview In this course you will learn to build a financial model by working in Excel and how to perform sensitivity analysis in Excel. You will also learn the formulas, functions and types of financial analysis to be an Excel power user. By attending this course, you will be able to effectively prepare and build financial models. Objectives Harness Excel's tools within a best practice framework Add flexibility to their models through the use of switches and flexible lookups Work efficiently with large data volumes Model debt effectively Approach modelling for tax, debt, pensions and disposals with confidence Build flexible charts and sensitivity analysis to aid the presentation of results Learn and apply Excel tools useful in financial forecasting Understand and design the layout of a flexible model Forecast financial statements of a public or private company Apply scenario analysis to the forecasted financial statements and prepare charts for data presentation
Overview This course is designed to evaluate the financial statement, budget and making an effective decision. It will help to understand Discounted Cash Flow and its techniques, applications of financial statements and decision-making process. In this programme, you will challenge representatives to learn how to make use of financial statements to assess the strategic or financial performance of an organization. It will help to understand DCF Discounted Cash Flow techniques along with their apps for financial making decisions and making use of ratios in order to identify the major areas of concern. Find out the elements like weaker financial signals, major success factors, and robust financial signals within your own industry. It Projects future performance assuredly through real-world budgeting.
Overview Financial Analysis and reporting play a very important role within the organisation and its stakeholders. This course is designed to analyse the functions of financial reporting in communication and its effects on decision-making processes or managerial decisions. It will highlight the accounting and financial standards-setting process and its implication on the organisation globally. Financial Analysis and reporting discuss how accountants act as processors and purveyors of information for decision-making and the needs of those who use accounting information. It also looks at the role performed by accountants and notes the need to be aware of relevant regulatory and conceptual frameworks.