The Power of Self Esteem | Register here to attend a Taster 'You Yourself As Much As Anybody In The Entire Universe deserve Your Love and Affection' Self-esteem is our idea of our own basic worth, and it has its roots in our childhood. Early on, our self worth is associated with how others see us or it is linked with our achievements. No matter what we do in life, we can still feel disappointed because our self-esteem depends on others or on what we perceive as our successes or failures. Find out how you can change this! This taster event introduces you to a 2-day Course with MTL Licensed Facilitators, Champions and Coaches Issy Crocker & Pam Barmby which is taking place in March 2024. In a warm and supportive atmosphere the course teaches you simple and practical tools. Audio material summarizes each session, so you can continue to apply what you learned after the course is over. If you engage in Continuing Professional Development this course counts up to 18 CPD hours. You will receive a certificate after we receive your completed post-course evaluation. This course forms part of The More To Life Programme. Course Dates: Sat 2- Sun 3 March 2024 | 9am - 7pm (BST) Location: Wadsworth Community Centre, Billy Lane, Old Town, Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire HX7 8RY If you want to find out more, contact: or phone 07832 288439 or or phone 07484 215770 If you want to register for the course before attending the Taster, please complete this form
You have the pieces of the Leadership Puzzle; the knowledge of child Development, the knowledge of best practise, the knowledge of health and safety plus much more. Now let's use these pieces of knowledge to help you connect and lead a team to excellence.
Gain insights into how to master the dynamics of the opposite colour energies and see the dynamics within your team shift towards healthy relationships. Watch as your bottom line improves as suddenly more is getting done in a smarter way.
This driver CPC course Vehicle Roadworthiness & Load Safety is suitable for LGV drivers only and will cover: Requirements, Walk Around Checks, Legal Requirements, Additional Checks, Safety Equipment, Defect Reporting, Maintenance, Prohibitions, Considerations Before Loading, Overloading, Load Distribution, Load Security, Vehicle Dimensions, Loading Equipment.
Transgender Awareness and Understanding giving you a good overview of all trans issues, pronouns, workplace equality and so much more
All organizations have policies and procedures that guide how decisions are made and how the work is done in that organization. Professionally written policies and procedures increase organizational accountability and transparency and are fundamental to quality/standards assurance and quality improvement.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Online Training Courses Including Power Point Video's
A day of Data Governance, support, networking, and answering your questions. Join me for my 1 Day Data Governance Mastermind where you get allocated time to get specific advice on your current Data Governance challenges and get the chance to network with others in similar situations.