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Within the basic four colour energies are contained multiple sources of tension.
Each adjacent colour can work in harmony or result in conflict. Mastering your ability to work with all the colour energies is a powerful way to transform your performance.
This tension acts like a force, just like gravity. You cannot see it, you cannot hear it or touch it with your hands. You will, however, experience the impact of the tension.
We each make a choice in how we perceive this tension. We can choose to be proactive and use this tension to create win/win outcomes. We can choose to be reactive and disconnect from the energy viewing it as a negative.
The choice we make determines our results.
It is important to remember, we make our own choice. The person who represents your adjacent or opposite energy is not responsible for your choice.
When you’re proactive in engaging with this tension you achieve successful dynamics. Become reactive with this tension and you will experience dysfunctional dynamics.
The Opposite Colour Energies
Blue & Yellow are Opposite Colours
The tension between Blue energy & Yellow energy is based around IDEAS and PROCESSES.
Red & Green are Opposite Colours
The tension between Red energy & Green energy is based around TASKS and PEOPLE.
The Colour Energies make development workshops fun! Begin exploring your colour preferences and those of your team mates. Are you you similar in preference...