Enhance your asset management skills with EnergyEdge's classroom training on the principles of asset management. Gain valuable insights and advance your career.
In today's fast-changing competitive environment, people in all roles need to have more commercial awareness and responsibility.
Person Centred Planning: the act of listening to each other creates relationship and strengthening trust and inclusion within the team. If well facilitated In creating a shared vision, groups of people build a sense of commitment together. They develop images of the future they want to create together, along with the values that will be important in getting there and the goals they want to see achieved along the way. Course Category Person Centred Planning Team Building and Leadership Description How to facilitate Person Centred Planning? How is it different from any other kind of meeting or planning? Person Centred working is great – but how exactly is it facilitated? How does it differ from ‘chairing a meeting” What skills and processes enable the group to work together effectively and avoid going off at tangents or dissolving into an unfocussed ‘discussion’ Person Centred Planning: the act of listening to each other creates relationship and strengthening trust and inclusion within the team. If well facilitated In creating a shared vision, groups of people build a sense of commitment together. They develop images of the future they want to create together, along with the values that will be important in getting there and the goals they want to see achieved along the way. Making inclusive action plans using full participation and graphic facilitation Drawing on the planning tools MAPS and PATH (Pearpoint, Forest and OBrien 1997) and other facilitation sources we use both process and graphic facilitation to enable the group to build their picture of what they would love to see happening within their organisation/community in the future and we encourage this to be a positive naming, not just a list of the things they want to avoid. In this training we make this facilitation explicit and attempt to model, teach and enable practice of key skills and processes. Jack Pearpoint, Marsha Forest and John O’Brien developed these innovative PCP approaches in North America and they are being used successfully in many parts of the UK. The planning can focus on an individual, group or organisation and provides a powerful problem solving opportunity, which is flexible and robust enough for many occasions. Tell the story, find the dream, touch the nightmare, and explore who you are, what are the gifts and strengths of the person or group, what are the needs of those present and what is the action plan for the future? Testimonials Learning Objectives Participants understand group and graphic facilitation processes for Person Centred Planning Participants have skills and confidence to facilitate PATH/MAP processes Participants learn graphic as well as process facilitation skills. Strengthens practitioners inclusive practice Provides additional tools for those involved in inclusive work in schools and the wider community Further develop problem solving and planning skills Who Is It For ? Person Centred Planning Facilitators Multi Agency Teams Social workers CAMHS teams Year Managers Primary and secondary staff teams Early Years and School based Practitioners Heads and Deputies SENCOs Advanced Skills Teachers Primary and secondary teachers Local Authority Support Services Voluntary Organisations Course Content The course answers the questions: Need to find new ways to facilitate Planning? How to facilitate Person Centred Planning? How is it different to any other kind of meeting or planning? Person Centred working is great – but how exactly is it facilitated? What are the skills and processes that will make the group work really well and a wonderful graphic to be created? Bored with annual reviews, transition plans and review meetings? Want to find a way of making meetings and planning feel more real and engaging? Need an approach, which engages a young person respectfully together with his or her family and friends? Want the ultimate visual record of the process of a meeting, which will help everyone, keep track? Want to problem solve and plan for the future of a small or large group, service or organisation up to the size of an LA? Inclusive Solutions offer an introductory day to facilitating person centred planning or a 3 – 10 session course which is practical as well as values based. Participants will receive direct individualised coaching and training. We will cover: Group and Graphic Facilitation processes Use of music and dramatic participation methodology The person being at the centre Family members and friends being full partners Planning reflecting the person’s capacities, what is important to the person and specifying the support they require to make a full contribution to their community Planning building a shared commitment to action that will uphold the person’s rights Planning leading to continual listening, learning and action and helping the person get what they want out of life. Essential Lifestyle Planning, PATH MAPS Personal Futures Planning
This three-day IOSH (The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health) course is a must for all managers and supervisors in any sector in any organisation. Managing Safely is unlike any other Health & Safety Course. It delivers practical step-by-step guidance with a sharp business focus that is hands-on and jargon-free. The innovative format and content are engaging and inspiring – critical to embedding Health & Safety throughout your entire organisation. Aims To give the knowledge and tools to tackle the Health & Safety issues they are responsible for. Importantly, it brings home just why Health & Safety is such an essential part of their job. Course Content • Introducing Health and Safety • Assessing Risks • Controlling Risks • Identifying Hazards • Investigating Accidents and Incidents • Measuring Performance. Prerequisites None – designed for managers and supervisors. Assessment Written exam at the end of the course with a practical assessment to be completed in the workplace. Certificate This course is covered by certification to provide to your Clients, CHAS (and other SSIP) as confirmation of training undertaken and is valid for 5 years. Instructions Please note: Cost includes course material, certification, lunch & refreshments. Directions Location Map
This course is ideal for line managers who conduct appraisals for team members. The focus is on the conversations you will have in appraisals and how you can make them a positive experience for you, your employee and the organisation.
This half-day workshop delivered face-to-face or online is designed for anyone in your organisation that wants to become a Neurodiversity Champion - someone who wants to educate and change the way that Neurodiversity is viewed in the workplace.
Students will learn and develop skills needed for a range of financial processes, including maintaining cost accounting records, advanced bookkeeping and the preparation of financial reports and returns. Course Overview This qualification covers a range of essential and higher-level accounting techniques and disciplines. Students will learn and develop skills needed for a range of financial processes, including maintaining cost accounting records, advanced bookkeeping and the preparation of financial reports and returns. Study the Level 3 Diploma to learn higher accounting techniques and disciplines and qualify for AAT bookkeeping membership (AATQB). The jobs it can lead to: • Accounts assistant • Accounts payable clerk • Audit trainee • Credit controller • Payroll administrator/supervisor • Practice bookkeeper • Finance assistant • Tax assistant • Accounts payable and expenses supervisor Entry requirements: Students can start with any qualification depending on existing skills and experience. For the best chance of success we recommend that students begin their studies with a good standard of English and maths. Course Content: Business Awareness: This unit provides students with an understanding of the business, its environment and the influences that this has on an organisation’s structure, the role of its accounting function and its performance. Students will examine the purpose and types for businesses that exist and the rights and responsibilities of the key stakeholders, as well as gain an understanding of the importance of professional ethics and ethical management within the finance function. Learning outcomes: • Understand business types, structure and governance and the legal framework in which they operate. • Understand the impact of the external and internal environments on business, their performance and decisions. • Understand how businesses and accounts comply with principles of professional ethics. • Understand the impact of new technologies in accounting and the risks associated with data security. • Communicate information to stakeholders. Financial Accounting: Preparing Financial Statements: This unit provides students with the skills required to produce statements of profit or loss and statements for financial position for sole traders and partnerships, using a trial balance. Students will gain the double-entry bookkeeping skills needed to record financial transactions into an organisation’s accounts using a manual bookkeeping system. Learning outcomes: • Understand the accounting principles underlaying final accounts preparation. • Understand the principles of advanced double-entry bookkeeping. • Implement procedures for the acquisition and disposal of non-current assets. • Prepare and record depreciation calculations. • Record period end adjustments. • Produce and extend the trial balance. • Produce financial statements for sole traders and partnerships. • Interpret financial statements using profitability ratios. • Prepare accounting records from incomplete information. Management Accounting Techniques: This unit provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to understand the role of management accounting in an organisation, and how organisations use such information to aid decision making. Students will learn the principles that underpin management accounting methodology and techniques, how costs are handled in organisations and why organisations treat costs in different ways. Learning outcomes: • Understand the purpose and use of management accounting within organisations. • Use techniques required for dealing with costs. • Attribute costs according to organisational requirements. • Investigate deviations from budgets. • Use spreadsheet techniques to provide management accounting information. • Use management accounting techniques to support short-term decision making. • Understand principles of cash management. Tax Processes for Businesses: This unit explores tax processes that influence the daily operations of businesses and is designed to develop students’ skills in understanding, preparing and submitting Value Added Tax (VAT) returns to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). The unit provides students with the knowledge and skills that are needed to keep businesses, employers and clients compliant with laws and practices that apply to VAT and payroll. Learning outcomes: • Understand legislation requirements relating to VAT. • Calculate VAT. • Review and verify VAT returns. • Understand principles of payroll. • Report information within the organisation. DURATION 250-300 Hours WHATS INCLUDED Course Material Case Study Experienced Lecturer Refreshments Certificate
ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership & Management – 9 day Accredited training course delivered in Nottingham This is a prestigious qualification for middle and aspiring middle managers. Participants should be operational managers with responsibilities for managing resources and/or teams of individuals within the scope of their role. Delegates are required to identify an opportunity for improvement in the organisation; research and analyse options and create an implementation plan for the business. Our client businesses tell us that this alone often pays many times over the for the course fee.
To facilitate a group, family, team or organisation in thinking together around a given challenge or issue here is an opportunity to experience for real the person centred, futures planning tool – MAP (Pearpoint, Forest et. al. 1989). This is a process not a training day. Let us facilitate your planning and refocus your story whilst strengthening you and your group. This tool uses both process and graphic facilitation to help any group develop a shared vision and then to make a start on working out what they will need to do together to move towards that vision. MAPS are great for threshold moments. Is your team stuck? Want to move on, haunted by the past cannot get any useful dialogue about the future? Facing a challenging transition into a new school or setting? Leaving school? Bored with annual reviews, transition plans and review meetings? Want to find a way of making meetings and planning feel more real and engaging? Need an approach, which engages a young person respectfully together with his or her family and friends? Want the ultimate visual record of the process of a meeting, which will help everyone, keep track? Want to problem solve and plan for the future of a small or large group, service or organisation up to the size of an LEA Learning Objectives To create a shared vision To talk through the story so far and reflect upon it To name the worse nightmares that will block progress To strengthen the group by focussing on gifts and capacity To detail needs To specify an Action Plan To create a visual graphic record of the whole event Course Content The MAP process has 6 Steps: The story so far. The group is required to think back over the years to describe their collective experience of changes and events over time within their settings. Stories and events are recorded on the graphic. Building Shared Dreams. The group thinks together about what they would love to see happening for children, families and practitioners in their settings if they could have it all. If there were no constraints on time, money, resources, people or anything else what do they see happening in their imaginations? The various ideas that the group comes up with are then recorded in key words, images and colours on the MAP graphic. The purpose of this Step is to give the group a sense of direction, their North Star, an image of the place they want to work towards. Nightmare. In this Step, the group imagines the worst scenarios. What is the opposite of their dreams? How bad could it get? This is a shorter but powerful process that can give some groups more energy than dreaming together. Gifts and Capacity. In this Step the group is asked to take explicit stock of their capacities and what they already have going for them as they begin working towards the vision. This is a strong reminder for any group of the wealth of knowledge and experience that is already and always in the room. Needs. In this Step the group is invited to begin to name some of the needs they will have if they are to move forward to wards the dream and away from the nightmare. Actions. This is the final Step in the MAP and calls for individuals within the group to name a range of very specific actions (however small) that they will take within a definite time scale. This is not a time for declaring good intentions or suggesting good ideas for someone else to do. The purpose of this Step is to end the MAP process with a range of clearly understood actions that carry this planning process forward into the real world.