Oral health is an important factor in health and social care that can often be missed, The CQC recommends that all staff have the relevent training so that they fully understand the importance of oral hygeine, their role as a carer, the risks and implications.
The course is both theoretical and activity based in nature The participant will receive up to date research based information relating to Acquired Brain Injury and appropriate learning and behavioural & management strategies to use and coupled with person centred approaches can help promote recovery and positive self image.
The aim of this course is to provide the learner with an understanding of all aspects of this process including the effective planning, development, implementation and review of the care process and the effective management of issues to ensure that the care received is individualised and effectively meets the persons needs and requirements.
This course is designed to give the learner the knowledge and skills needed to effectively support a person with down syndrome. It provides information regarding causes of the condition genetics & screening, behaviours, practical support and how to promote effective communication.
A hands-on introduction to various AAC devices for anyone with a personal or professional interest. This day introduces you to EATS and is a good foundation in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). You will learn different terminology used in the specialism; the difference between complexity of devices; key concepts related to implementing and making AAC work; how and when to refer to the specialist service and other essential knowledge needed to work in this area. The session is a good mix of theory and practical activities, and the day concludes with a generous interactive session for all to have a chance to have hands on experience with many devices and communication tools. The course is for anyone who wants information about AAC, whether you are a client, family member, paid carer, teacher, Speech & Language Therapist, other Allied Health Professional or anyone else who has an interest. If you are booking for a group, please supply details for each member of your party at checkout. This helps us to get an idea of who the course is helping, and in which manner. Thank you! This course is a requirement to attend our level 2 AAC awareness course. If you are interested in attending the level 2 course after you have completed this introduction, please contact us at eats.lincoln@nhs.net to book your place. If you have any questions about the event, please feel free to email us at eats.lincoln@nhs.net We hope to see you there!