The market for professional services is becoming increasingly competitive, with some firms and individuals becoming very effective at winning new work, leaving others lagging way behind. Given the choice between spending time on client work and business development work, we all tend to choose that which we feel to be easier, more attractive and more aligned with our image of ourselves. We stay within our comfort zones, we focus on client work, and we only resort to business development work when we have to, which can also lead to 'feast or famine' syndrome. The programme will help participants: Understand the professional business development approach and the style that is appropriate for their business and their clients Follow a process to guide their conversations and business development meetings Prepare thoroughly for a business development meeting/contact with a client to ensure they use their time efficiently and maximise results Create a great first impression and professional opening to a conversation Ask open questions and listen effectively in order to spot opportunities, understand needs and progress the opportunity Identify and understand buying and decision-making processes and criteria Skilfully and confidently handle questions and objections Sell the benefits of their services and approach over those of their competitors Progress the sale by agreeing next steps and gaining commitment appropriately 1 Introduction Aims and objectives of the programme Personal introductions and objectives Workshop overview 2 An introduction to business development and selling for professionals What is selling? Who are you selling to? The buying experience What clients want The four-step business development process The business development cycle and pipeline management Upselling and cross-selling as well as winning new clients 3 Networking and generating leads What is networking? Networking objectives It's not what you know but who you know Asking for referrals and introductions Making appointments from networking activity 4 Opening the sales relationship/sales meeting What potential customers are thinking Judging first impressions Creating positive first impressions Building rapport and creating interest and impact Earning the right 5 Core communication skills for professional selling Overcoming barriers to listening The art of listening Questioning refresher Types of questions Questioning funnel 6 Understanding and identifying needs and opportunities Identifying the questions to ask to identify needs and opportunities Questions to move us through the buying and selling process Understanding their buying processes Asking questions that position you as a 'trusted adviser' The questions that give you a competitive advantage Knowing when you have asked enough questions 7 Introducing solutions Tailoring your 'pitch' to the client Speaking the client's language Using features and benefits Applying the benefit cycle 8 Handling objections and concerns Identifying the typical objections and concerns Understanding why clients raise objections and concerns Following a structure for handling objections Handling the price objection 9 Gaining commitment Knowing when to close The art of checking Recognising buying signals Small c and big C 10 Putting it all together Personal learning summary and action plans
Behavioural Foundation Course. The foundation course is a great opportunity to learn about your dog’s needs.
Course Information A must-have programme for Quality Assurance auditors stepping into or honing their role within a Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) environment, this course offers invaluable, expert guidance for crafting a robust and efficient GLP audit programme. What will I learn? A solid regulatory foundation underpinning quality assurance activities Clarity on the roles of Quality Assurance, management, and study director within the framework of Good Laboratory Practice principles Enhanced efficacy in inspections and audits Heightened compliance with Good Laboratory Practice standards for your facility Unique insights into governmental monitoring activities within the GLP sphere. This course is structured to encourage delegates to Discuss and develop ideas Solve specific problems Examine particular aspects of GLP. Tutors Tutors will be comprised of (click the photos for biographies): Cate Ovington Director, The Knowlogy Group Ltd Jane Elliston Senior Quality Assurance Auditor, Battelle UK Shona Ross Head of QA, Tower Mains Ltd Programme Please note timings may be subject to alteration. Day 1 09:00 Welcome and Introductions 09:15 Good Laboratory Practice Standards and Regulations An insight into the background and history of Good Laboratory Practice. 09:45 Principles of Quality Assurance What is the role and responsibilities of QA in GLP. Maintaining the independence of QA and what is an audit. 10:30 Break 10:45 Standard Operating Procedures GLP requirements and QA involvement. 11:30 Study Plans GLP requirements and QA involvement. 12:05 QA Programme Risk based programme, what are study, process and facility audits. 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Inspections Attitudes, techniques and attributes. 14:40 Workshop 1 - Facility and Process Inspections An exercise in inspection planning and preparation for inspections. 15:15 Break 15:30 Workshop 1 - Feedback 15:45 The Auditor and Audit Conduct Attitudes, attributes and techniques. 16:30 Panel Session An opportunity for delegates to put questions to the panel of speakers. 17:15 Close of Day Day 2 09:00 Workshop 2 - A Mock Audit 10:45 Break 11:00 Workshop 2 - Feedback 11:30 Auditing the Study Report Techniques and methods for the QA audit of the study report. 12:00 Record Keeping and Data The impact of GLP on data and records management. 12:40 Lunch 13:25 Data Integrity A look at the OECD GLP guidance document; the expectations of the regulators and the involvement of QA - Where QA adds value. 14:15 Workshop 3 - Amendments to Study Plan and Deviations from the Plan What are they? What is the difference between them? How are they controlled? 15:00 Workshop 3 - Feedback 15:15 Break 15:30 Regulatory Compliance GLP Monitoring Authority monitoring for compliance with Good Laboratory Practice. 16:15 Panel Session An opportunity for delegates to put questions to the panel of speakers. 16:45 Close of Course Extra Information Face-to-face course Course Material Course material will be available in PDF format for delegates attending this course. The advantages of this include: Ability for delegates to keep material on a mobile device Ability to review material at any time pre and post course Environmental benefits – less paper being used per course. The material will be emailed in advance of the course and RQA will not be providing any printed copies of the course notes during the training itself. Delegates wishing to have a hard copy of the notes should print these in advance to bring with them. Alternatively delegates are welcome to bring along their own portable devices to view the material during the training sessions. Remote course Course Material This course will be run completely online. You will receive an email with a link to our online system, which will house your licensed course materials and access to the remote event. Please note this course will run in UK timezone. The advantages of this include: Ability for delegates to keep material on a mobile device Ability to review material at any time pre and post course Environmental benefits – less paper being used per course Access to an online course group to enhance networking. You will need a stable internet connection, a microphone and a webcam. CPD Points 14 Points Development Level Learn
Course Information Embark on our GLP course offering extensive guidance and pragmatic support tailored for individuals serving as Study Directors or Principal Investigators overseeing non-clinical safety studies on pharmaceuticals, agricultural, and industrial chemicals within the realm of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP). This comprehensive programme extends its benefits to study staff and management operating in GLP-compliant environments. The course extensively covers the current OECD GLP Principles and UK GLP legislation, while also referencing international standards, regulations, and guidelines pertinent to the field. Benefits of this course: Practical help and guidance on the interpretation and application of GLP An opportunity to update your knowledge of GLP with the current interpretation of requirements Access to an experienced panel of speakers Information on how other organisations address GLP issues An opportunity to improve your understanding of the GLP requirements as they are applied in different situations. This course is structured to encourage delegates to: Discuss and develop ideas Solve specific problems Examine particular aspects of GLP Learn from the experience of others. Tutors Tutors will be comprised of (click the photos for biographies): Tim Stiles Consultant, Qualogy Ltd Tony Woodall Head of Quality Assurance, Alderley Analytical Gill Armour Study Monitor Team Leader, AstraZeneca Jane Elliston Senior Quality Assurance Auditor, Battelle UK Vanessa Grant -, - Jeanet Logsted CEO, Scantox Programme Please note timings may be subject to alteration. Day 1 09:00 Registration 09:15 Welcome and Introductions 09:35 Development of Good Laboratory Practice A review of the history of GLP, its current scope and application, with a synopsis of current European and international standards. 10:05 Roles and Responsibilities The responsibilities of study director, test facility, management and study staff in the conduct of a GLP study. 10:45 Break 11:00 The Roles and Responsibilities of the Study Director and Test Facility Management The role of the study director in the management and control of a study, as defined by GLP, and management's roles are explored. 11:45 Multi-site Studies What is a multi-site study and when should such concepts be applied on a study. The role of the study director and principal investigator in the planning, conduct and reporting of multi-site study are explored. 12:30 Study Plan (Protocols) GLP requirements for the preparation of a study plan, content, authorisation, amendments and deviations are discussed. 13:00 Lunch 13:45 Workshop 1 - The Study Plan Some practical problems with study plans and amendments explored. 14:45 Workshop 1 - Feedback 15:00 Standard Operating Procedures The control, content and authorisation of SOPs and the principles behind the practice. 15:30 Break 15:45 Workshop 2 - Practical Study Conduct Problems Dealing with practical problems encountered during the conduct of studies. 16:40 Workshop 2 - Feedback 17:15 Close of Day Day 2 09:00 Questions and Answers Discussion of issues raised by course delegates. 09:20 Quality Assurance The interactions between QA, management, study director and principal Investigator are discussed as is QAs role when conducting a multi-site study. 10:00 The Final Report The content of the final report and the role of those involved in its preparation and approval. Specific reporting requirements when conducting a multi-site study are also explained. 10:30 Break 10:45 Workshop 3 - Final Report Problems Practical problems of report preparation including compliance statements. 11:30 Workshop 3 - Feedback 12:00 Management of Raw Data and Records A view on how records and materials are managed and archived in compliance with GLP. 12:45 Lunch 13:30 Workshop 4 - Data and Sample Management Issues Dealing with data and sample management issues. 14:15 Workshop 4 - Feedback 14:45 Regulatory Inspection Government monitoring for compliance with Good Laboratory Practice. 15:15 Panel Session This panel session will address any outstanding issues raised by delegates. 15:45 Close of Course Extra Information Face-to-face course Course Material Course material will be available in PDF format for delegates attending this course. The advantages of this include: Ability for delegates to keep material on a mobile device Ability to review material at any time pre and post course Environmental benefits – less paper being used per course. The material will be emailed in advance of the course and RQA will not be providing any printed copies of the course notes during the training itself. Delegates wishing to have a hard copy of the notes should print these in advance to bring with them. Alternatively delegates are welcome to bring along their own portable devices to view the material during the training sessions. Remote course Course Material This course will be run completely online. You will receive an email with a link to our online system, which will house your licensed course materials and access to the remote event. Please note this course will run in UK timezone. The advantages of this include: Ability for delegates to keep material on a mobile device Ability to review material at any time pre and post course Environmental benefits – less paper being used per course Access to an online course group to enhance networking. You will need a stable internet connection, a microphone and a webcam. CPD Points 14 Points Development Level Develop
Course Information This course aims to empower you with the expertise to proficiently navigate process mapping and master the art of crafting Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) within regulated environments. Whether you're engaged in activities that demand process improvement, continual enhancement, or SOP creation, this course offers invaluable insights tailored to your needs. It caters to individuals tasked with managing, documenting, and implementing processes and SOPs, irrespective of prior experience or skills. Our curriculum does not focus on specific software or approaches, focusing instead on fundamental principles and adaptable concepts applicable across diverse organisational landscapes. Benefits include: Hands-on experience in mapping processes An understanding of how process maps can be used to define, communicate and continually improve complex processes An understanding of best practice for SOPs using of process maps/process flow diagrams and process mind maps to complement text An insight into the preparation of concise and user friendly SOPs. This course is structured to encourage delegates to: Discuss and develop ideas Develop a practical approach for creating process maps and writing SOPs Understand how to use process maps in SOPs effectively Discuss how process mapping for preparing SOPs can be applied to process improvement for SOPs. Is this course for you? The course is designed for all those with responsibility for managing, documenting and implementing processes and SOPs. It assumes no prior experience or skills. The course does not recommend any specific software or approach, but explores the principles and ideas that can be applied in any organisation. What will you learn? Hands-on experience in mapping processes An understanding of how process maps can be used to define, communicate and continually improve complex processes An understanding of best practice for SOPs using of process maps/process flow diagrams and process mind maps to complement text An insight into the preparation of concise and user friendly SOPs. By the end of the course you will be able to: Create process maps and write clearer more concise SOPs Understand how to use process maps in SOPs effectively Understand how process mapping can be applied to process improvement and better SOPs. Tutors Tutors will be comprised of (click the photos for biographies): Laura Brown Director, Laura Brown Training and Development David Butler VP of Quality, Resolian Programme Please note timings may be subject to alteration. Day 1 09:00 Welcome, Introductions and Course Objectives Why Companies manage by process. 10:00 Exercise 1 - First Steps Mechanisms for process mapping, levels at which it can be applied, and the roles and responsibilities of process owners. 10:30 Exercise 1 - Feedback 10:45 Break 11:00 Mapping Processes The stages involved in mapping processes including how to construct a SIPOC chart. 11:45 Exercise 2 - Mapping A Process A first opportunity to practice your new process mapping skills. 12:30 Exercise 2 - Feedback 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Exercise 3 - Discussion of Options for Format, Structure and Layout What Makes A Good SOP? Discussion of options for format, structure, level of detail of SOPs and the use of process maps for SOP writing. A case study example of a good SOP which uses a flow chart/process map. 14:45 Exercise 3 - Feedback 15:00 Break 15:15 A Case Study example of a good SOP that uses a flow chart / process map 15:30 Exercise 4 Discussion of the content of an SOP using a Process Map 15:35 Exercise 4 - Feedback 15:45 Key Writing Considerations 16:15 Exercise 5 16:45 Exercise 5 - Feedback 17:00 Close of Day Day 2 09:00 Review of Day 1 09:15 Using Metrics Selecting and using metrics to monitor and improve processes. 10:00 Exercise 6 - Practice in Process Mapping Creating Process Maps from multi-source information. 11:00 Break 11:15 Exercise 6 - Feedback 11:45 Common Pitfalls Common problems and tips for good Process Mapping. 12:15 Demonstration of Process Mapping on a PC 12:45 Lunch 13:30 Exercise 7 - Mind Mapping 14:30 Exercise 7 - Feedback 15:00 Break 15:15 Exercise 8 - Using Process Maps to Write an SOP Applying your process mapping skills as part of writing an SOP 15:30 Exercise 8 - Feedback 15:45 Course Review and Follow-up 16:00 Close of Course Extra Information Face-to-face course Course Material Course material will be available in PDF format for delegates attending this course. The advantages of this include: Ability for delegates to keep material on a mobile device Ability to review material at any time pre and post course Environmental benefits – less paper being used per course. The material will be emailed in advance of the course and RQA will not be providing any printed copies of the course notes during the training itself. Delegates wishing to have a hard copy of the notes should print these in advance to bring with them. Alternatively delegates are welcome to bring along their own portable devices to view the material during the training sessions. Remote course Course Material This course will be run completely online. You will receive an email with a link to our online system, which will house your licensed course materials and access to the remote event. Please note this course will run in UK timezone. The advantages of this include: Ability for delegates to keep material on a mobile device Ability to review material at any time pre and post course Environmental benefits – less paper being used per course Access to an online course group to enhance networking. You will need a stable internet connection, a microphone and a webcam. Development Level Learn
Course Information In today's evolving landscape, pharmacovigilance (PV) systems face ongoing challenges due to global, national, and company-specific events. This course focuses on developing personnel equipped to navigate these complexities and improve the safe use of medicinal products. We emphasise continuous global thinking, communication, and strategic planning, ensuring adaptability across various levels. The course explores maintaining PV system functionality while adhering to regulatory requirements. Participants will apply European regulatory standards to enhance and sustain PV system effectiveness, contributing to improvement initiatives and ensuring operational integrity. The course covers PV system intricacies, regulatory compliance, and a 'systems approach' for auditors, quality assurance personnel, and PV practitioners. Through presentations and workshops, attendees gain insights into implementing and maintaining an effective PV system. Who should attend? Auditors Pharmacovigilance Quality System Managers Pharmacovigilance scientists The QPPV. Course benefits Throughout the course delegates will explore application of the legal requirements for the PV system and quality system and how to assure these systems. They will demonstrate their ability to contribute to: A systematic investigation of the pharmacovigilance system and its quality system Examination of how the pharmacovigilance system and quality system interact to achieve compliance. The risk-based approach to auditing the PV system and quality system The maintenance of 'inspection readiness' Explore how to investigate the complex PV system Discussions about how to monitor and maintain the PV system and assure compliance. Course Objectives Clarify what has to be done: Explore application of the legal requirements. Explore how to do what has to be done: Adopt a systemic approach to systematically investigate or implement and maintain the PV system and quality system Examine how a compliant PV system and a compliant quality system interact to achieve compliance with regulatory requirements for PV Explore how to investigate the complexity of the PV system. Discus how to identify what is missing or what needs to be improved: Discuss how to monitor and maintain the PV system and assure compliance. This course will assist delegates with: An understanding of key system principles, A practical approach to implementing, maintaining and monitoring the PV system and its quality system A procedure to share expertise to increase efficiency and confidence. This course is structured to encourage delegates to: Discuss and develop ideas - Share knowledge and experiences - Solve specific problems. By the end of the course delegates will be able to: Understand better the pharmacovigilance system, its quality system and how the components interact to achieve the objectives of pharmacovigilance Investigate, and analyse the pharmacovigilance system and to identify what is missing and what needs to be improved. Tutors Tutors will be comprised of (click the photos for biographies): Jana Hyankova Head of PV Department, IVIGEE Services a.s. Programme Please note timings may be subject to alteration. Day 1 08:30 Welcome, registration, course objectives and introduction to work groups Housekeeping notices, meet other delegates, explore how to work in your work group, course objectives. Clarify the definition and objectives of Pharmacovigilance. 09:30 The Regulatory Framework for Pharmacovigilance Identify the relevant regulations and directives. Explore GVP guidance, structure of the modules and standard format of each module. 10:00 The Pharmacovigilance System Exploration of how to organise what has to be done, communications. Exploration of the structures and processes for pharmacovigilance. 10:30 Break 11:00 Workshop 1 and Feedback Exploring an organisational model of the pharmaceutical company- cooperation between PV and other stakeholders. 12:00 The Quality System for pharmacovigilance Exploration of the structures, processes for the PV quality system and discussion of how it interacts with the pharmacovigilance system to meet the objectives of pharmacovigilance effectively and efficiently. 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Workshop 2 and Feedback The quality system puzzle. Explore the organisation of the PV quality system and how it interacts with the PV system. 14:30 The Quality System for pharmacovigilance Exploration of the structures processes for the PV quality system and discussion of how it interacts with the pharmacovigilance system to meet the objectives of pharmacovigilance effectively and efficiently. 15:00 Description of PV System 15:30 Break 15:30 Workshop 3 and Feedback The quality system puzzle Explore the organisation of the PV quality system and how it interacts with the PV system. 16:00 The Pharmacovigilance Safety Master File Construction of the Pharmacovigilance System Master File and its purpose. 17:00 Workshop 3 and Feedback Description of PV System. 18:00 End of Day Day 2 08:30 Drug Safety in the Clinical Trial Environment - Part 1 Information flow and responsibilities of the sponsor. 09:30 Workshop 4 and Feedback Drug Safety in the Clinical Trial environment: Information flow and responsibilities of the sponsor. 10:30 Break 11:00 Drug Safety in the Clinical Trial Environment - Part 2 Information flow and responsibilities of the sponsor. 12:00 Lunch 13:00 Workshop 5 and Feedback Drug Safety in the clinical trial environment: Information flow and responsibilities of the sponsor. 13:30 Processing of Safety Data Exploration of safety data processing, verification, validation, follow up, formatting and collation, reporting requirements, quality and data management. 15:00 Break 15:30 EudraVigilance Exploration of how EudraVigilance supports the PV system. 16:15 Signal Detection and Evaluation/Risk Benefit Assessment: Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC): What is a signal? What are the regulatory requirements? How is signal detection and evaluation conducted? Qualitative and quantitative methods of signal detection. Risk benefit assessment. 17:00 Risk Management Plans A cornerstone of Pharmacovigilance safety communications, direct healthcare professional communication 18:00 End of Day Day 3 08:30 The Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) Exploration of how good practice is achieved. Composition, role and responsibilities. Examples of referrals. 09:15 Development Safety Update Reports (DSURs): Regulatory requirements, exploring good practice, report format, reference safety information, schedule of submission, analysis evaluations and distribution. 10:00 Periodic Safety Update Reports (PSURs)/Periodic Benefit Risk Evaluation Reports (PBRERs) Regulatory requirements, exploring good practice, report format, reference safety information, schedule of submission, analysis evaluations and distribution. 10:30 Break 11:00 Periodic Safety Update Reports (PSURs)/Periodic Benefit Risk Evaluation Reports (PBRERs) Regulatory requirements, exploring good practice, report format, reference safety information, schedule of submission, analysis evaluations and distribution. 12:00 Workshop 6 and Feedback To explore the compilation and submission of the PSUR. 13:00 Lunch 13:30 Role of the QPPV Exploration of the legal responsibilities of the QPPV and the MAH. 14:30 Break 15:00 Workshop 7 and Feedback To explore the challenges faced by the QPPV. 15:30 End of course Extra Information Face-to-Face Course Course material This course will be run completely online. You will receive an email with a link to our online system, which will house your licensed course materials and access to the remote event. Please note this course will run in UK timezone. The advantages of this include: Ability for delegates to keep material on a mobile device< Ability to review material at any time pre and post course Environmental benefits – less paper being used per course Access to an online course group to enhance networking You will need a stable internet connection, a microphone and a webcam. CPD Points 23 Points Development Level Develop
This programme provides an intensive, two-day overview of the key elements of operations management, including an array of practical tips and tools to help managers be more proactive and effective in the operations management environment - whether that's in an industrial manufacturing context or in operational leadership in the service sectors. At the end of the programme, participants will: Understand the 6Cs approach to operations management Be able to apply a range of practical tools and techniques to improve their personal effectiveness towards being a more effective operations manager Be able to prepare an action plan for the critical first (or next) 100 days in their operational leadership role 1 Introduction What is Operations Management and where does it fit in? What makes a successful Operations Manager? Introducing the 6Cs of Operations Management 2 Context Link to business strategy Making a year plan Performance measurement 3 Controls Governance Reputational controls Costs and budgets Quality Operational 4 Customers Internal External Stakeholder management 5 Communication Planning Meetings Reporting Emails Notices Networking Walking the talk 6 Care People Safety, Health, Environment & Security Assets 7 Continuous improvement Process Product Proactivity Link to KPIs and Year Plan 8 Putting it all together Action planning for the first (or next) 100 days Conclusions
Jennifer Holloway delivers keynotes, workshops and webinars for clients, both online and in person (no public courses are run). Here’s a selection of existing sessions to give you a flavour of what’s available (though new ones are being designed all the time, so if you don’t see what you need, just ask): Personal Brand – What? How? Why? An introduction to the subject of personal branding, this session explains what a personal brand is, why you already have one and how to define it so you can remain authentic at all times. Delivered as a 45-minute or 60-minute session x People Buy People – So Who Are You Selling? You want people to buy your personal brand…but what exactly is it? This session challenges people to think in a new way about what they bring to the table and what makes them tick, kicking off the process of defining their personal brand. Delivered as a 90-minute or 120-minute session x Discover Your Personal Brand When you really dig into the detail of not just what you offer but who you are, that’s when you discover your unique selling point. This session provides a step-by-step process to highlight your individuality and put it clearly into words. Delivered as a half-day or full-day session xx Deliver Your Personal Brand With Impact Every time you come into contact with people – whether online, on the phone or in person – they’re picking up clues about you. This session shares practical tips and techniques to ensure those clues create a positive impression. Delivered as a 120-minute or half-day session x Articulate Your Achievements To get the most from your personal brand you have to shine a light on the value you bring, but if you can’t communicate what that value is, you could be missing out. This session provides an easy-to-follow formula to set out your credentials in a subtle, yet very effective way. Delivered as a 60-minute or 90-minute session x How To Create A LinkedIn Profile To Be Proud Of Many of us have a LinkedIn profile, but how many of us are 100% certain it’s creating a positive impression? This session focuses on how to polish up your photo, headline and summary to get you noticed for the right reasons. Delivered as a 45-minute or 60-minute session x Networking For People Who Need Help Networking Some people are natural networkers – meeting people and building relationships with ease – but many feel less confident, unsure how to kick-start the process. This session offers easy-to-implement tips for connecting both in-person and online. Delivered as a 45-minute or 60-minute session And for those wanting an in-depth approach to developing their personal brand: Making The Most Of Your Personal Brand This programme delivers the full-monty: from learning what a personal brand is, to defining what your own brand is, to getting feedback on how others view your brand, to learning how to share your brand both in person and online. x It’s restricted to smaller groups, so every delegate gets individualised support, advice and feedback, plus it fosters an open and collaborative environment for each cohort. Delivered as blend of in-person and online learning, or entirely online
As technology continues to develop and increasingly interact with our daily lives, so must our sales techniques to ensure we're leveraging advances in how people do business to our advantage. It is essential for all salespeople to understand how to navigate the various tools at our disposal and grow their skills and confidence to put them into action in order to build a solid business pipeline. We have developed this programme to be practical, fun and interactive, whilst ensuring that participants will learn how to utilise new technology to their advantage, self-generate new business leads and opportunities, gain additional business and referrals from existing contacts, and save time and effort using proven business development skills. This course will help participants: Understand the 'organized persistence' model of sales prospecting Develop skills in using video, online and social media to generate interest Understand how to write effective sales and outreach emails and using online tools Develop techniques for effectively managing telephone appointments Learn ways to use LinkedIn for connecting with customers and prospects Develop networking skills and learn how to source and develop referrals and professional introductions 1 Key principles of smart sales prospecting Set your sales prospecting goals and objectives Elevator pitch, core messages and your value proposition Targeting and segmenting your market 'Organised persistence' using your CRM effectively 2 Setting appointments by telephone - planning and preparation Why calling still works and the best times to call Creating a call prompt sheet: Opening a call and taking control Giving a reason to meet Key questions to ask Overcoming the cold calling blues 3 Setting appointments by telephone - advanced skills Giving a reason to meet and 'selling the appointment' Key questions to ask that will create interest and motivation to meet Voice tone, power words, phrasing, pausing, responding Getting past gatekeepers and getting through 4 Using LinkedIn for research and follow-up Why LinkedIn matters and how to use it Finding new contacts, connecting and Inmailing Short-cuts and advanced skills 5 Email strategies that work Using AIDA and other templates for sales emails Using personalized video emails to create interest Vertical targeting emails, with examples Building awareness with an email chain
Are you an EDI Officer, HR Specialist, Leader or Manager? Or the nominated EDI champion for your team? Maybe you've been given the EDI portfolio on behalf of your Board or department? Or if you're aiming to make a difference via your diverse staff network or union, all change-makers are welcome!