Life and career guidance Life coaching Addressing problem areas Understanding emotions E.i training Social skills Social awareness
4 phone sessions 45 mins One session alone 3 with girlfriend Love language training Emotions evaluation Relationship boundaries Mediation Understanding each other better Overhaul for bad patterns Examining problem areas Couples training course Compromise solutions implementation The conclusion to move forward
Couples therapy Discuss the future Discuss needs Marriage and communication discussion Marriage prep consultation 4 sessions 1 hour x 4
Talk issue through Couples therapy Address trust issues Social habits training Relationship boundary setting Address arguments and conflict issues Social media issues and tension issues addressed 3 x 1 hour
Teach you how to be a better dater Help you with confidence Teach love languages Self-awareness test Personality type test Dating coaching Past issues healing process Assess love life Improve relationships Help with your dating profile 4 sessions 1 hour Dating advice for singles
Remote working is on the increase. However, managing a remote team is not always the same as managing a traditional, single-site office-based team.
The ability to effectively manage conflict is a core competency in the 21st-century workplace.
In today's fast-changing competitive environment, people in all roles need to have more commercial awareness and responsibility.
Managers at all levels have to be able to introduce, lead and manage change to ensure the organisational objectives of change are met.
Hiring the right staff is one of the most important management and HR skills and it is critical to get it right. This course is designed for managers and HR specialists who either want to improve their interviewing skills or who are just now starting a recruitment role in the organisation.