In this webinar, Bev Clough and Laura Pritchard-Jones will introduce their new edited collection, Mental Capacity Law, Sexual Relations, and Intimacy (Bristol University Press). Questions as to the mental capacity of an individual to consent to sex are an increasingly important aspect of legal scholarship and professional practice for those working in care. The Supreme Court judgment in Re JB added new layers of complexity, requiring that a person must be able to understand that the other person needs to consent and can withdraw that consent. While this has been welcomed for asserting the importance of the interpersonal dynamics of sex, it has significant implications for practice and for the day-to-day lives of people with cognitive impairments. We will give an overview of what prompted the collection, and reflect on the themes that emerge through the chapters. We will also reflect on how law has developed since the decision in Re JB and some of the remaining problems this poses.
Immerse yourself in the ancient practice of yoga, a transformative journey that extends far beyond the mere physical postures. Our comprehensive yoga sessions are meticulously curated and led by seasoned professionals, offering a serene sanctuary tailored for the demands of modern-day professionals yearning for holistic balance and wellness. Delve into innate human abilities such as intuition, telepathy, clairvoyance, lucid dreaming, and energy healing. Uncover these dormant gifts existing within and enjoy awakening them fully.
Wanna learn something simple yet so amazing that it's going to blow your mind? Good, because this little workshop's a gem. Join Happy Human Training's Cami Rose as she shares her decades of experience as a counsellor and coach with an introduction to the power of noticing and the crucial role it can play in helping us better manage our day to day stresses, challenges and relationships.
Wanna learn something simple yet so amazing that it's going to blow your mind? Good, because this little workshop's a gem. Join Happy Human Training's Cami Rose as she shares her decades of experience as a counsellor and coach with an introduction to the power of noticing and the crucial role it can play in helping us better manage our day to day stresses, challenges and relationships.
A four-hour workshop on how to retain your talented Neurodiverse colleagues and ensure equality in employment opportunities.
In this workshop, you will gain a better understanding of the benefits and challenges of working with neurodiverse people. Make your Organisation a more inclusive place for neurodiverse individuals.
Immerse will enrich your understanding of the interplay of yin & yang, the elements that make up everything in the universe - water, wood, fire, earth, metal - and what it means to be a fully expressed human being. You are invited to look deep within and engage consciously without.
This interactive programme will use the topic of equity, diversity, and inclusion to illustrate the problem of unconscious bias and the practical solutions to overcome it. The programme will provide the opportunity for self-reflection, open discussion, and training on some of the softer skills to maximise objectivity in the workplace.