Learn a range of tools and techniques to boost your resilience and facilitate sustained performance in stressful times. Course overview The aim of this session is to equip all employees with a range of tools and techniques to boost their resilience and facilitate sustained performance in stressful times. Objectives By the end of the course you will be able to: Have a deeper understanding of mental health and application of mindfulness tools Use techniques to manage anxiety and attentional control apply techniques to improve attention stay focussed on key daily goals and manage their wellbeing. Content Boost your resilience. Explain the PERMA Model. Apply tools and techniques to boost your resilience. Learn how to measure your resilience and discover where to improve. Apply resilience building techniques for Mental Health Reducing stress through mindfulness techniques. Apply tools and techniques to manage anxiety and guide relaxation. Explain the psychology of achieving a balanced connection and living with purpose. Apply mindfulness techniques for balance and flow Focusing techniques to improve productivity. Apply techniques to attention control and learn how to be fully present and in the moment. Apply practical tools and techniques to stop distraction, improve focus and manage fear and fatigue
Mental Health First Aid England Aware is an introductory course designed to increase mental health awareness and give an understanding of how to look after wellbeing and challenge stigma. Through an interactive instructor-led live session, you will learn: What mental health is and how to challenge stigma An introduction to some common mental health issues Confidence to support someone who may be experiencing mental ill health Ways to look after your own mental health and support wellbeing Outline What is mental health? Mental Health Continuum Factors that affect mental health Stigma Stress and stress management Spotting signs of distress Mental health conditions:DepressionAnxiety disordersPsychosisEating disordersSuicideSelf-harm Recovery Take 10 Together - starting a supportive conversation Supporting mental health in the workplace Useful statistics Helpful resources
If you are a Mental Health First Aider or MHFA Champion you have skills for life that support you and the people around you. We believe that mental health should be treated equally to physical health - and just like physical first aid, Mental Health First Aid training should be kept up to date. The four-hour MHFA Refresher course will empower you to: Keep your awareness of mental health supports current Update your knowledge of mental health and what influences it Practice applying the Mental Health First Aid action plan Outline About mental health Stress and factors that influence mental health Mental health continuum and stigma Frame of reference and non-judgement Reintroducing ALGEE Warning signs of mental ill-health Depression and anxiety Suicide and first aid for suicidal crisis Psychosis and first aid for severe psychotic episodes Practising our MHFA sills Self-care, wellbeing and recovery
Developing a network of MHFA Champions is a key step in creating a mentally healthy workplace. The MHFA Champion one-day course will give you all the skills you need to be an MHFA Champion. This one-day course trains you as an MHFA Champion, giving you: An understanding of common mental health issues Knowledge and confidence to advocate for mental health awareness Ability to spot signs of mental ill-health Skills to support positive wellbeing 1 Introduction to MHFA and understanding mental health (3 hours 30 mins) About Mental Health First Aid About mental health and stress in the workplace Stigma and discrimination Depression Anxiety disorders Other mental health issues (eating disorders, self-harm, psychosis) Early warning signs of mental ill-health Alcohol, drugs and mental health 2 MHFA Champion in practice (3 hours 30 mins) Applying the Mental Health First Aid action plan Action 1: Approach the person, assess and assist with any crisis Suicide Action 2: Listen and communicate non-judgementally Action 3: Give support and information Action 4: Encourage the person to get appropriate professional help Action 5: Encourage other supports Recovery Building a mentally healthy workplace Action planning for using MHFA
What are the aims of this course? Define mental health Identify and explain mental health facts and fiction Understand key legislation relating to mental health Explain how mental health care has evolved over time Identify common signs and symptoms Understand common mental health disorders Recognise common attitudes towards mental ill-health and the impacts these can have Explain the concept of parity of esteem Know how to support people and offer advice
This course is designed to suit a broad range of Care Sector staff. This training ensures that learners are equipped with a sufficient knowledge of mental health disorders so that they are able to manage and provide a high standard of support to affected service users. Learners will also know how to identify the symptoms of different mental disorders, adding real value to any organisation to which they provide services to.
This awareness course is suitable for everyone. It provides learners with the knowledge to recognise a suspected mental health condition, the skills to start a conversation, and be able to signpost a person towards professional help.
This course is suitable for everybody although it has been specifically designed to help employers to provide a positive mental health culture within their organisation. Learners will gain a comprehensive knowledge of a range of the most common mental health conditions and the skills of how to act.
This course includes all the content of the 1 day First Aid for Mental Health, and in addition provides insight into a wider range of mental health conditions. It explores the range of therapies and professional support an individual may be offered. The course is suitable for all within a workplace although is aimed at those who hold a supervisory/managerial level position and/or are responsible for implementing a positive mental health culture for First Aid for Mental Health within an organisation.
The half-day First Aid for Mental Health Awareness course provides a concise yet impactful overview of essential mental health concepts. Participants gain a foundational understanding of common mental health conditions, learn to recognize signs and symptoms, and explore effective communication strategies.