Couples therapy assessment calls Introspection of each partners viewpoint Communication and understanding analysis Mediation on pain points Conflict management strategies Addressing core issues The teaching of basic relationship principles M.D.D couples therapy training Dating advice and relationship advice Couples Therapy Exercises and homework Couples therapy near me Face to face or video call Couples therapy is available in three modes phone, zoom or face to face
This course provides learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to care for the adult patient requiring High Flow Nasal Oxygen (HFNO).
Full Moon Kirtan & Cacao meditation circle
A one-day programme of study designed for Registered Nurses, Doctors, and Allied Health Professionals working in a variety of care settings, whose role may include supporting and advising patients who are end of life.
This workshop is designed to give those who have to give bad news and broach difficult conversations increased confidence. Participants will leave the workshop with the tools and techniques to prepare for a difficult conversation and ensure that they are supporting patients and relatives through a stressful time in their lives.
Why do young people increasingly turn to self harm as a way of dealing with stress? And what can caring adults do to respond to this mystifying behaviour? This workshop will explore the many variables which lead to self harm while exploring methods of healing distress through curiosity and compassionate understanding Hosted by Dr Leslie Lund Leslie is an Adolescent Psychotherapist and Family Therapist with nearly 30 years of experience. As a senior therapist, she supervises other private practice therapists, school counsellors and administrators within schools, as well as other psychological professionals within the wider community. She has a special interest in the mental health of young people within educational environments and supports the development of Wellbeing programmes in schools.
An opportunity to develop essential knowledge and skills that are necessary for the safe care and management of a patient requiring an Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump (IABP)
The course will cover the essential underpinning knowledge to effectively manage the patient throughout the life cycle of the implantable device.
This course enables participants to develop essential patient management skills that are necessary for identifying and managing the safe care of a patient requiring cardiac catheterisation.
An opportunity to learn about various heart rhythm disturbances, their aetiology, management and treatment strategies.