Intense Pulsed Light or Laser Hair Removal. Hugely popular in the UK, this treatment leads the way in permanent hair removal. Salons around the UK command very good profits from a course of IPL or laser. In the 2000's, women have the opportunity to be hair free and this has led to an increase in the demand for hair free bodies. Certain cultures dictate that women be as hair free as possible and IPL allows for this. There are certain IPL machines in the market that are virtually pain free, making it possible for a woman to have a 'brazilian' or a 'hollywood' treatment. Please enquire if you wish to know more. How Does IPL Work The treatment involves the application of a focused, broad-spectrumlight (xenon), which is applied to the surface of the skin using a hand-held application head. Selective photo-thermolysis involves the process of the light, which travels across and within the range until it reaches the hair shafts or the root of the hair (the bulb). The bulb is usually where the highest concentration of melanin is located. The melanin is what determines our hair/skin colour and once this melanin has been destroyed there can be no growth. The IPL light is changes into heat. This will literally 'blow up' the root of the hair. If a hair has nowhere to grow with no hair bed, it cannot grow! This intense heat also destroys the papilla. IPL treatments will permanently reduce the total number of body hairs but will not result in a permanent removal of all hair and many factors can trigger re-growth such as hormones, menopause, pregnancy and medication. With an IPL treatment, the hair growth cycle has to be in Anagen (the active stage). The hair growth cycle differs on different areas of the body which is why we need to recommend a course! A- Anagen (active stage) C- Catagen (transitionary stage) T- Telagen (resting phase) As the hair growth cycle process can take between 4-6 weeks, this is why we recommend a client to return for their course every 4 weeks. It has the best track record. IPL & Laser has the best overall results (on large areas), versus any other method, in getting rid of hair for longer periods of time if not permanently. All skin types and hair colours can be identified. IPL (intense pulsed light) it does target pigmentation (this determines hair and skin colour), but an ND Yag Laser is not determined by the Fitzpatrick Scale. What is the difference between Laser and IPL Laser and IPL are identified by their wavelength which is usually shown in nanometres (nm). IPL systems are different to a Laser machine as they have a range of emissions. With the AATT Freeze 1 machine the range for hair removal is 640-1200nm (this is a ruby wavelength). For photo-rejuvenation the range is 540-1100nm (this is a green wavelength). The Poly lightbulb emits a range of wavelengths to appear as a flash of white light The Wavelengths are incoherent and travel in all directions with no order between them The High beam spreads out more rapidly than a laser beam The Focus is on a large area which reduces the risk of eye damage compared with coherent sources such as a laser beam. IPL is the abbreviation of Intense Pulsed Light. The machines have been widespread in use since the beginning of the 1990's. The flash lamp is commonly a xenon (huge uses across industry, photographic and medical) What Does The Course Include? When choosing a course ensure that it includes both theory and a wide variety of practical content. Every course should include: Anatomy and Physiology Types & structure of the hair Health & Safety Management Salon Management Client Care Laser & IPL Hair Removal Application Laser and IPL for Photo-rejuvenation Skin, blood and lymphatic circulation Reproductive and endocrine system Theory of Electric Currents Consultations & Record Cards Contra-indications & contra-actions Aftercare advice Accurate techniques Legislation, Hygiene and Sterilisation What is expected of the student to complete a fast track course? Full attendance of the lesson dates A full commitment to work hard Health & Safety Management Salon Management Client Care Successful Laser & IPL Hair Removal Application Successful Laser and IPL for Photo-rejuvenation Completion of a Portfolio Performing Competent Assessments Producing a Written Assignment Home Study and Practice Please see below our list of upcoming courses. Click on the course for further information, request a call or email regarding the course or book now! Course Days Dates Cost VTCT Level 4 IPL & Laser 2 6/04/2024 7/04/2024 £999 VTCT Level 4 IPL & Laser 2 23/05/2024 24/05/2024 £999 VTCT Level 4 IPL & Laser 2 21/06/2024 22/06/2024 £999 VTCT Level 4 IPL & Laser 2 24/07/2024 25/07/2024 £999
To explore the factors which affect and influence feacal continence when supporting individuals in order to effectively manage bowel incontinence.
Our Bowel Care training will enable learners to deliver effective and thorough support to individuals who have difficulty managing their bowel habits due to immobility or illness. Bowel Care training is aimed at support workers with no experience of bowel care and can also be attended by nurses who may like to update their knowledge.
Dementia affects around 820,000 people in the UK. This figure is likely to rise to one million by 2025 and two million by 2051. It is one of the main causes of disability in later life and with research being desperately underfunded, it costs the UK over £26 billion a year. Understanding dementia and the person-centred care that is required is fundamental to high quality care.
Help with chronic pain – learn the powerful psychological and behavioural techniques that alleviate persistent pain and accelerate healing with pain specialist Dr Grahame Brown Accredited CPD Certificate: 6 hours Length: 1 day (9.30am - 4.00pm GMT) Fantastic to have the opportunity to train with this specialist. Thoroughly enjoyed this online course – the best I have attended...CLINCIAL HYPNOTHERAPIST Live online training – Join Dr Grahame Brown on Wednesday 24th April 2024 for this practical live online training event via Zoom, you will have plenty of opportunities to ask questions. Simply book your place and we will email you the Zoom link the day before the event. BONUS RECORDING – the training is recorded, in case anyone experiences technical difficulties on the day, so you will also get a recording for a limited time afterwards to maximise your learning. Can’t make this date? Register your interest and we’ll let you know when there’s another. Why you should attend Pain is endemic in our society and whatever the cause – back pain, migraine, arthritic pain, dental pain, irritable bowel (IBS), labour/menstrual pain, cancer pain, psychogenic pain, psychosomatic pain – it can be incapacitating. Chronic pain is any pain which lasts for more than three months and it is estimated that between 25–40% of our population suffer from persistent or chronic pain. The sociological and economic costs of this are enormous but it is in the personal human suffering involved – mental as well as physical – that the real costs should be measured. Many are desperate for effective help to relieve their pain and the associated effects, such as insomnia and depression. This online workshop – with leading pain and musculoskeletal medicine consultant Dr Grahame Brown – gives you important new information about how we experience pain – derived from the latest neuroscience – and a powerful range of psychological techniques for managing pain naturally, preventing it from escalating and speeding up healing. You will discover how people can be helped out of the vicious cycle of chronic pain and how, by working holistically through the bio-psycho-social model, suffering can be dramatically reduced. You don’t need to have any prior medical knowledge to learn from and enjoy the day – you will leave with a much clearer understanding of what is going on in the mind/body system, what you can do to reduce suffering when pain persists and ways to prevent chronic ongoing pain from developing. It is a key event if you work with people suffering from pain at any stage (from recent onset, recurrent to persistent) or if you would like to find out how to successfully manage pain without medication. You will learn a wide variety of pain management techniques, which can easily be integrated into your work, to help relieve pain and promote recovery – often in just one session. Dr Grahame Brown has a real gift for helping people heal themselves – I know: I’m one of them!CHRISTOPHER BUCKLEY, PROFESSOR OF RHEUMATOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM What will you learn An increased understanding of how we perceive pain (from the latest neuroscientific research) and what is happening in the mind/body system A road map for helping people out of the vicious cycle of chronic pain, or to stop it developing in the first place The confidence and skills to help patients suffering from persistent pain of whatever cause – no need to feel ‘heart-sink’ with some patients anymore An understanding of what is going on when pain persists – and what you can do about it How to reduce the risk of chronic pain developing – prevention is better than cure – and identify the factors that make it likely A range of psychological chronic pain management techniques to use with your patients or yourself The importance of the bio-psycho-social model in reducing pain and accelerating healing How to produce significant pain relief by changing the way people think about their pain – in minutes An understanding of the value of pain displacement and how to use the brain’s ‘reality simulator’ What the latest neuroscience tell us about the experience of pain How to use guided imagery, relaxation and distraction to promote chronic pain relief How to deal with constant pain and promote healing How healthcare professionals can make their consultations more therapeutic How to avoid labelling patients’ pain as ‘purely psychological’ The many myths about pain – and why some well-intentioned pain management techniques don’t work and more… No prior medical knowledge is needed for you to benefit from the day. Course Programme The ‘Effective Pain Management’ live online course starts at 9.15am and runs until 4.00pm. (GMT). 9.15am Join the Zoom meeting 9.30am Understanding pain 11.00am Comfort break and discussion 11.30am Assessing a person with persistent pain 1.00pm Lunch break 1.45pm Psychological & Behavioural treatment interventions 2.45pm Comfort break and discussion 3.00pm Practical demonstration of interventions 4.00pm Day ends Who is this course suitable for? This course is designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of health care professionals of any discipline who work on a regular or occasional basis with people in pain to improve outcomes, including: • doctors • surgeons • nurses • dentists • neurologists • osteopaths • chiropractors • palliative care workers • psychiatrists • midwives • physiotherapists • occupational therapists • psychologists • health visitors • support/care workers • psychotherapists • counsellors – it is perfect CPD If you personally experience persistent pain then you will gain much from the workshop but please be aware the programme is not designed to be a treatment day and the tutor will be unable to give opinions to individuals with pain problems unless (with consent) their problem can be discussed for the benefit of all participants Anyone who would like to understand more about their own experience of pain, or that of someone they care for, and what can be done to manage ongoing pain and alleviate suffering This course has been independently assessed by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 6 hours of CPD training. On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.
This 1 day update course is designed for all non-medical prescribers to develop and maintain safe and effective prescribing practice.
The course will increase participants knowledge relating to how drugs work, potential risks and hazards associated with medicines, and provide an overview of the legal and professional aspects of medicines management.
These topics are available as individual sessions or we can deliver all three as a full day’s training for Registered Practitioners. Facilitated by registered clinicians with extensive experience.
Gain the knowledge and skills to identify acute illness in patients with our "Recognising and Responding to Acutely Unwell Individuals" course. Improve patient outcomes and prevent deterioration in various healthcare settings. Enroll now.