This is an essential programme for members of staff whose role exposes them to aggressive or violent behaviour. 1 What's happening? Issues around us Risks in context Personal experiences 2 Safety fundamentals Following internal policy and procedure Personal safety and lone working Use of technology 3 Nipping issues in the bud Recognising early warning signs Avoiding causing problems for ourselves 4 Calming - Reaching - Controlling Tips and techniques for potentially calming a situation Reaching and building rapport Accelerants - tips on avoiding accelerating a situation Assertiveness techniques Non-verbal behaviour Active listening and the use of questions and distractions Exploring ways forward and identifying win/wins Avoiding the secondary argument Fogging The 'drama triangle' If all else fails... 5 Harassment, stalking and on-line bulling What constitutes harassment and definition of stalking On-line bullying Steps to take 6 Reporting principles Importance of incidence reporting Taking care of us What next?
Support culture change by giving line managers the skills to look at practices within their areas, role model appropriately and address unacceptable behaviours. Our dynamic, assertive trainer for EDI has a very practical approach, with plenty of real-life examples to help participants view the subject from a new angle
This is an opportunity to benchmark your current and future safety and health vision and priorities in line with global models of safety, and to benefit from good practice gathered from leading organisations from around the world. Through lively discussion, debate and exercises, including benchmarking, gap analysis and case studies, leaders attending this programme deepen their understanding of how to use their skills to drive their organisation to the next level in its safety and health performance. The programme is designed to help leaders:
All employees should be aware of and knowledgeable about health and safety in the workplace. This course is ideal for all staff and employees at all levels, providing them with the underpinning health and safety knowledge that they will require to work safely and efficiently on a daily basis.
Foundation Year, Bachelors degree, Masters, no IELTS needed, Student finance support
A fire, or similar emergency can happen at any time in your workplace. Fire safety awareness refers to the knowledge and understanding of the precautions and measures that individuals can take to prevent fires from occurring and to minimize the damage caused by fires. This course will ensure that your staff and their managers all know what to do to maximize safety in the event of a fire or a gas leak.
Are you an EDI Officer, HR Specialist, Leader or Manager? Or the nominated EDI champion for your team? Maybe you've been given the EDI portfolio on behalf of your Board or department? Or if you're aiming to make a difference via your diverse staff network or union, all change-makers are welcome!
The duty of care is a legal requirement and comes with the job role for any Care worker. It is part of the code of conduct for healthcare support workers and adult social care workers in England and applies as soon as someone receives treatment or care. Employees also have a duty of care to other workers.
This one-day workshop is designed to give you an awareness of the fundamentals of Microsoft Excel and, in particular, to give you the confidence needed to efficiently create, edit and manage spreadsheets. This course will help participants: Create tables Use functions Manage rows and columns Write formulas Manage sheets Use content formats Handle larger tables Create reports and charts 1 Creating a table Creating an Excel table from scratch Wrapping text in cells Speeding up data entry using AutoFill Sorting columns 2 Inserting function Inserting function calculators Using AutoSum to sum numbers Statistical calculations AVERAGE, MAX and MIN 3 Table rows and columns Inserting and deleting rows and columns Adjusting multiple column widths and row heights Hiding and unhiding rows and columns 4 Formula writing The basics of formula writing Understanding mathematical symbols Using multiple mathematical symbols in a formula When to use brackets Troubleshooting calculation errors 5 Managing sheets Inserting, renaming, moving and deleting sheets Copying a worksheet to another file Copying a table to another sheet 6 Managing content formats Applying data formats Managing number formats Controlling formats with the Format Painter 7 Managing larger tables Applying freeze panes to lock tables when scrolling Sorting on multiple columns Using filters to extract table information 8 Creating and modifying charts Creating a pie chart Creating a column chart Inserting chart titles and data labels Controlling chart formatting Changing chart types 9 Printing Previewing and printing tables and charts Modifying page orientation Adjusting print margins Printing a selection 10 Calculating with absolute reference The difference between a relative and absolute formula Changing a relative formula to an absolute Using $ signs to lock cells when copying formulas 11 Pivot tables Create a pivot table report Insert a pivot chart into a report
Most people only use a fraction of Excel's capabilities. This workshop shows what you've been missing! This course will help participants: Nest formulas Get the most from pivot tables Use conditional formatting Write array formulas Explore the lookup functions Calculate by criteria Use 'goal seek' and 'scenario manager' for what-if analysis Record macros 1 Nesting formulas Principles of nesting formulas together Using IF with AND or OR to answer questions Nesting an AND function in an IF Nesting an OR function in an IF 2 Advanced pivot table reports Grouping dates, numerical and text items Running percentage analyse Running analyses to compare data Inserting Field calculations Finishing off with a user-friendly dashboard 3 Advanced conditional formatting Colour table rows based on criteria in it Applying colour to approaching dates Exploring the different rule types 4 Lookup functions Going beyond the VLOOKUP function Lookups that retrieve data from left or right The versatile INDEX and MATCH functions Retrieving data from columns with duplicates 5 Calculate by criteria Using SUMIFS to sum by criteria Finding an average by criteria with AVERAGEIFS Use SUMPRODUCT to multiply then add different values 6 What-if analysis Use Goal Seek to meet targets Forecast reports with the Scenario Manager 7 Recording Macros Macro security Understanding a Relative References macro Recording, running and editing macros Saving files as Macro Enabled Workbooks Introduction to VBA code Making macros available across workbooks Add a macro button to the Quick Access toolbar