‘Collage is a metaphor for any discovering, gathering ad reweaving of energy bits already formed and present in the universe. A new and personal creation can be made from the ever-present divine chaos of images all around us. Just choose, assemble, name and then inhabit your SoulCollage® cards’ -Seena Frost. Originator/birther of SoulCollage® When we come together to make SoulCollage® in community, amazing things happen. There is a magic in the paradoxes built into this journey that only requires you coming along with your curiosity and imagination. No artistic genius recquired whatsoever. Just your presence! Images have things to say to us. They can call us through our hearts, our instinctual knowing, and our open intuitive minds. In this sense, images offer us potals and openings to a deep wisdom stream. All you need to do is be open to the images that are asking for your attention. Then you make a collage, then you listen to what it wants you to know. It is simple, and prodound. Because SoulCollage® is a transformational experience, it is hard to convery this in writing. Here are some things people have said about a SoulCollage® session at The Soul Shed: "Loved this workshop, from start to finish it made my heart sing. It was a feast for the soul with words and images that were crafted into something rich and deep for me" -J.E "What stood out for me was how it just happened ....one thing alchemised into another thing” - L.B "I'd describe it as a good way to reconnect with your creative side, relax and maybe gain insight into what is happening inside you" - D.F. This is an in place event in a creative studio in the delightful village of Hartley Wintney. You might like to linger after we close and take a look at the local crafts and antique shops, or take a stroll around the village green just outside of where we will be for the day. It is really quite unique. Getting there: Full directions by car to the venue will come in the follow up to your booking. There is free weekend parking. The nearest train station is Winchfield.
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Introduction to watercolour Artist-taught watercolour course that will get you inspired and confident to practise with this wonderful medium!
During this live interactive online cooking class, I’ll teach you how to prepare from scratch delicious, very popular in Poland CROQUETTES or KROKIETY.
MURGH CHICKEN MAKHANI CURRY. I’ll show you how to make your own stunning curry paste from scratch and how to marinate chicken tights.
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From start to finish, you'll discover how simple it is to make this classic Italian dish from scratch. You’ll learn how to create the ultimate Italian soul food
Introduction to the bold, aromatic and authentic saffron – scented SPANISH CHICKEN AND PRAWN PAELLA and traditional chickpea-based stew from Madrid
Third Degree Usui Reiki Course To be a Reiki Master is not to be a master of Reiki; rather, it is to allow Reiki to become a master of you. You will learn how to Attune others to the various Reiki degrees. This course is comprehensive and detailed. You will have all the tools you need to start teaching Reiki to others.
Korma Curry – unique Mughlai dish. It has been developed during the Medieval period. Korma was for shahs and other members of royal family.