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In this masterclass we'll unravel the complexities of the online world, shedding light on the most pressing current and emerging risks and opportunities faced by children and young people, from the perspective of the DSL, as Online Safety Lead.
Gain insights into how to master the dynamics of the opposite colour energies and see the dynamics within your team shift towards healthy relationships. Watch as your bottom line improves as suddenly more is getting done in a smarter way.
Communication is the essence of Leadership. This programme is the premiere of our leadership courses focusing on creating a culture of positive interaction, clear and respectful exchanges, all the while keeping high-performance productivity, ownership, and innovation in the forefront. Before the start of the learning session, delegates complete the TruTalent™ Learning & Productivity (TTL & P), a 20-minute online survey of an individual’s productivity preferences and learning styles. The assessment identifies the individual’s work and learning preferences for 4 styles and 12 environmental and mindset preferences. These elements affect, positively or negatively, how each individual achieves and performs in work-based learning environments. They also affect the way in which individuals concentrate, make decisions, solve problems, process information, approach and complete tasks, retain new and complex information, develop new skills, and interact with others. DELEGATES WILL BE ABLE TO: Use the TruTalent™ Learning & Productivity assessment to increase productivity and maximise performance; Set meaningful professional goals and celebrate success for incremental progress toward achievement; Inspire innovation with teams to increase ownership and accountability; Empower employees and increase engagement with effective, positive feedback; Focus on positivity, setting an example for others that we are an organisation of “yes” and solutions; and Improve spoken and written communications, creating an authoritative image of expertise. Online Format—Leadership & Management Development is a 4-hour interactive virtual class. Register for this class and you will be sent ONLINE login instructions prior to the class date. After a two-day seminar, our attendees remained in their seats wanting more from Dr Atkins. His direct, yet challenging approach to presenting topics seemed to mesmerize the participants. Many very lively discussions were part of our workshop’s context. Personally, I am very interested in re-booking this type of experience every year for new leaders to undergo! Michael J. Whitlock, Director of Fay Corey Union & Conferences | SUNY Cortland
CRRUK equips professionals with the concepts, skills and tools to build conscious, intentional relationships, and to coach relationship systems of any size.
Are you doing sanction checks in your law firm? In the intricate landscape of legal practice, understanding and adhering to the UK's sanctions regime is not just a recommendation; it is mandatory and it is imperative. This course aims to set clear expectations and offer practical support to firms, guiding them away from the pitfalls of breaching the UK's sanctions regime. This course will cover: What are sanctions What do you need to know about the sanctions for your firm How is it different to the AML regime? What controls to put in place? If the firm offers services to sanction areas – what controls? My client has been sanctioned – what do I do? Reporting obligations Using screening tools Licensing How does this impact Legal Professional Privilege? Sanction Risk Assessment Red flags factors Enforcement actions Target Audience This 90 minute course is for all legal firms, irrespective of the services provided. Whether you are navigating the sanctions regime independently or operating under a license from the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI), this course is for you. Resources Comprehensive and up to date course notes will be provided to all delegates which may be useful for ongoing reference or cascade training. Please note a recording of the course will not be made available. Speaker Helen Torresi, Consultant, DG Legal Helen is a qualified solicitor with a diverse professional background spanning leadership roles in both the legal and tech/corporate sectors. Throughout her career, she has held key positions such as COLP, HOLP, MLCO, MLRO and DPO for law firms and various regulated businesses and services. Helen’s specialised areas encompass AML, complaint and firm negligence handling, DPA compliance, file review and auditing, law management, and operational effectiveness in law firms, particularly in conveyancing (CQS).
Four half-day Leadership modules with mini work placed projects to bring the learning into action in the workplace.
Five half-day Leadership modules with mini work placed projects to bring the learning into action in the workplace.
Five half-day Leadership modules with mini work placed projects to bring the learning into action in the workplace.